Chapter 2 - The Boss

Mei Qingyang walked towards the building, still exuding her heartless demeanor. She had not liked how that guard had behaved her just now.

She also knew the outcome of her meeting with Yu Rong beforehand. So she decided to not worry and be confident about it.

Five minutes late for that boss of hers did mean grounds for being expelled. But Yu Rong knew her background, so there were high chanced that her boss would want to keep her here longer. There was no way she would be expelled so soon.

But Qingyang could not fathom what was in store for her today. She had already been scolded by the guard from the get-go anyway, so she wasn't expecting this to be a good meeting either. So many thoughts ran through her mind in the five-minute walk from the gate to the building that it seemed like an eternity.

"Aaaah, why did there need to be so much traffic today?" she ruffled her hair in frustration.

As soon as she entered the building, she was greeted by a welcome sight, a very handsome and charming receptionist, Wang Hao. Of course, this is Yu Rong we are talking about. There is no way she wouldn't have given preference to the looks of the receptionist she had hired. Was he also a poor student back in his day, who came here to make a fortune?

Wang Hao was as visibly upset with her entrance as was the guard just now. He frowned at her and called his master right away.

"She is really busy and the time she had set aside for you just got over. You will have to wait for half an hour now to meet her." After talking to Yu Rong, he put down the phone and gave her a look which seemed to say serves you right.

"But I was just five minutes late because of…"

"See lady, my master is a busy person and perhaps, she only had a few instructions. That's why she took aside only five minutes for you. You have come from Ministry of Education, we would assume you are an intelligent person. Or do we need to provide you instructions from beginning to the end?", Wang Hao was now in the lecturing mode.

A glib tongue. If you want to say I am not important enough for her ten minutes even, just say so. Why beat around the bush?

But Wang Hao didn't seem to want to stop, "She had another appointment right after your meeting and now you will be eating up time from her resting time of the day. Her giving you that much importance that she is giving you another meeting slot should show you that you are in the position of responsibility here and should uphold your promises."

Okay, I take back my earlier conclusion. This guy is too straightforward.

"Okay, I will wait here then.", Mei Qingyang resigned to her fate. She decided to observe Wang Hao in the meantime, since her first target for any of the information on Yu Rong should be this guy. He seemed to be a meticulous personality, borderline OCD perhaps. In the half hour, he had received multiple documents from outside as well as from Yu Rong's office. He was processing them quite efficiently too. There were no visitors to Yu Rong's office though, it seemed like she was stalling her on purpose.

Ringing of telephone on Wang Hao's desk snapped Mei Qingyang from her thoughts. The moment of truth was near. As expected, it was a call for her.

"Ma'am wants to see you. I will take you to her office.", Wang Hao rushed her to Yu Rong's office. The whole building looked like a maze and it took passing through three different corridors, a small pond with kois in it, and a well-maintained bonsai garden before they reached her office.

Okay, this building did not look that big from the outside. I wonder what else is in here. But no matter what, Yu Rong's taste seems good.

They entered the office. The yellow lighting in her office was low on purpose. The lady's back was facing Mei Qingyang as she was looking outside her window. The aura around her was powerful, as a person who deals with biggest names on earth, but it was also very bone chilling. Mei Qingyang still could not tell how Yu Rong was going to react to her presence.

There was silence for first few seconds. When Qingyang saw that no one was initiating any conversation, she decided to introduce herself first. "Hi mam, my name is Mei Qingyang, your new superintendent. I am so sorry I was late, but the traffic was…."

Crash!! A flower vase flew just past Mei Qingyang's left ear before she completed her sentence and crashed into the wall behind her. Mei Qingyang did not flinch or react on this as she had heard about this lady's temper before. Her heart chilled to the core. Any respect she had for this lady evaporated in an instant.

It was a no-brainer that Yu Rong had acute acumen for running businesses. She was given charge of this school at the tender age of thirteen by her father as her older brother was mourning loss of his wife. From what Qingyang had heard, Yu Ming had drowned himself in alcohol after his wife of one year died after a mysterious illness that no doctor could understand. It took that guy full two years to recover from the loss.

On the other hand, Yu Rong took over half of the Yu business in those two years, that too, very adeptly. To have won such a faith from their father, despite being so young and a girl on the top of that, Yu Rong was a role model to many girls in the country as well as abroad. Qingyang never saw any of these top businessmen and women in good light but she still had immense respect for this particular lady, till now that is. Her eyes became frosty.

"You b*tch, just shut up. My head is already aching that some poor lass has come here to disrupt the peace we have had till now. On the first day itself you are tardy. What was that old man thinking? Just because he won the favor of our country's President , does he think he can do anything now, that he is invincible? He did not need to target our school first. Was he not satisfied with our performance for the past three years without any outsider to take this role?" She yelled at her in one breath without stopping while slowly turning her chair towards Mei Qingyang. The look in Qingyang's eyes sent down shiver Yu Rong's spine. She instantly lowered her gaze with thousands of thoughts in her mind.