Chereads / His Beautiful Addiction / Chapter 18 - She's lovely

Chapter 18 - She's lovely

Tiana breathed rapidly as they stepped into the massive living room, she could hear some people chattering in the room but as soon as the guard by the doors pushed it open, their eyes turned to the door.

Nicklaus carried an eerily quiet air around him, such that when he entered the room with his hands around Tiana, everywhere became quiet. They watched them as though they were some alien.

What made them quieter was the fact that Nicklaus had come with a woman! Nicklaus has never been seen with a woman before, so the sight was shocking to them. It took about thirty seconds for them to leave the slight daze they were in, but the shock could not leave their faces.

He barely came for the dinners and whenever he did, he was always quiet and alone; he was so quiet that no-one even noticed him, but today was different, they suddenly couldn't keep their gazes off him, or more like off the woman that he came with.

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