Chereads / The Hero Who Lost His Sword / Chapter 20 - Introductions with a Demon

Chapter 20 - Introductions with a Demon

   "So this is the forest." Said the King. "I have only heard rumors, but I have never been here before." The King said as he turned to Sabrina.

   "Yes, this is home." Sabrina said smiling. From the forest emerged Lucell and Mia followed closely by Morain. "There's the Queen now." Said Sabrina.

   With that the king knelt down before the demon Queen. "It is an honor to meet you, your majesty." He said. "I appreciate you sending Sabrina to come and fetch me at such a perilous time. May I ask how you knew of the situation within my Kingdom?"

   The Queen smiled before she responded, "Raise your head young human King." She said. "I have the gift of sight. I can see all that is, at all times. All I have to do is focus my gaze upon it. When I learned of the elements, of creation and destruction, and that the element of destruction was ruling mankind, I knew that something like this would happen. So I sent Sabrina to fetch you so that you could serve as a teacher to young Mia here." The Queen said pointing to Mia.

   "What would you like me to teach her?" The King asked.

   "I want you to teach her how to rule humanity. I have watched you for quite some time and you seem like a just soul. You just lack the proper influence. I suppose I should also tell you who Mia is." The Queen said. "Miss Mia here was once what you called your hero. When she made her way and met with the one you called the Demon Lord she was transformed into this young girl you see here. There are other things you should know as well. The Demon Lord that you sent your people to kill is actually the Goddess."

   "What the Demon Lord is the Goddess?!" The king asked. "I knew the voice the Grand Pope was listening to could not have been the Goddess. This all makes so much sense now. So who was the voice the Pope was listening to?"

   "There are many elements in this world." The Queen explained. "The element of creation, which is the Goddess. The elements of wind, fire, water, earth, and finally the element that your Pope has been listening to, the element of destruction."

   The King listened intently as Morain explained the history of the world and how all the worlds, before this one, had been destroyed. How the Goddess would create life, and the element of destruction, would destroy it. How she would just move on, from planet to planet, and how this world wanted a different fate than destruction.

   At first the King did not know what to say, but then he decided he would help them. "I will do everything in my power to ensure that Miss Mia is a just and fair ruler as I wish I myself could have been." He said. The King then turned to Mia and addressed her. "Miss Mia, I am glad that you have survived. You shall be the hope of humanity when the people learn of the coming of the hero. They will follow you and you will have the influence I never had. When they learn the Goddess is on your side and she has created you in her perfect image. They will surely begin to understand that they have been wrong in their treatment of women. Please allow me to teach you all that I know in statecraft so that you may be the ruler that I never could."

   "You flatter me, your majesty." Mia said. "I am honored that you would be my teacher. Please instruct me to the best of your ability."

   "Right so, now that's all out of the way." Morain spoke up. "Let's figure out where the King's going to stay, because he can't very well live out in the woods can he?"

   Just then Sabrina spoke up. "I would like him to live with me please." 

   "Whoa, what's this? Is Sabrina in love with the King?" Morain asked.

   Sabrina blushed before she answered her Queen. "He's just nice and I want to make sure that he is well taken care of, OK! There's nothing else going on."

   "Right." Morain giggled. "Very well the King may stay at your house, but you're responsible for his safety."

   With that Sabrina jumped for joy and hugged the King, before putting him down, and addressing the Queen. "I mean thank you, your majesty!" With that Sabrina took the King and went off into the village.

   "My Queen." Lucell said. "Do you truly believe it wise to let the human king stay with Sabrina?"

   "What? She does seem so excited! I couldn't say no." Morain explained. "Besides I don't think that she would hurt that King. She seems to really like him."

   "That's what worries me, your majesty." Lucell said. "Come on Mia. Let us go and observe what they are doing. I want to ensure that the King is safe."

   "Oh Lucy, you just wanna eavesdrop." The Queen teased.

   "No, I just want to ensure that Miss Mia's new instructor is able to instruct her." He said. With that Lucell and Mia left to follow after Sabrina and the king at a distance.

   It did not take long for Sabrina to notice that she was being followed and by whom. So she decided that she would put on a little show. She grabbed the King's arm and placed it next to her bosom. "Please feel free to stay close to me while we explore the village." She said.

   The King blushed because his arm was next to her breast and he could feel how soft it was. The king was a man in his thirties and due to his status he had never really had a relationship. So everything he was experiencing with Sabrina was new to him and exciting. He was a very good looking man, the only reason he had not been with a woman before was because the church forbade it. 

   The Grand Pope thought that the King would be easier to control if he did not have a Queen by his side so he ensured that the King never got to have a Queen. "Miss Sabrina." He said. "Are you sure it's okay to walk around like this."

   "Of course it is silly." She smiled as she pushed his arm tighter against her breast.

Behind them Lucell blushed and turned to Mia. "Come with me and let us not watch them any further. We should just go home." He said while hurrying Mia back to the house.

   When Sabrina felt that she was no longer being followed she smiled at her victory. "What's causing you to smile, Miss Sabrina?" Asked the King.

   "Oh nothing, just a couple annoying flies that left." She replied. With their exploration of the village complete they finally arrived at Sabrina's house. "Well here it is. Home, sweet, home." She said. "Oh, you know what we should do? Take a bath before we go in. We just had a long journey and I've still got blood in places that...We need a bath." Sabrina said as she dragged the King away from her house, to the bathhouse.

   "So this is where you bathe." The King said.

   "Yup, now let's go inside." Sabrina replied.

   "I only see one entrance." The King observed.

   "That would be correct! The Goddess decided that everyone would bathe together." Sabrina answered. "You're not shy, are you Kingy?"

   "N‒no, it's not that! I‒it's just, never mind! L‒let's do it." The King replied, entering the bathhouse with Sabrina.

   "Okay, take those clothes off and put them in the basket." Sabrina instructed as she did the same. The King was struck by Sabrina's beauty. He had never seen a naked woman before and just stared at her magnificent form. 

   "You're so cute when you're flustered." Teased Sabrina. When the King had finally stripped Sabrina noticed the King had a slight difficulty and blushed at the sight. She then handed him a towel. "Here you're gonna wanna wrap this around yourself before you go in." She instructed as she wrapped a towel around herself as well. Later after the bath they returned to Sabrina's house where she showed him around and they encountered a new problem.

   "Miss Sabrina you only have one bed. Where will I sleep?" Asked the King.

   Sabrina smiled, "In the bed of course silly."

   "Then where will you sleep?" The King asked.

   "In the bed as well, silly. "She responded. "Though I hope it doesn't bother you. I sleep in the buff." She said as she stripped her clothes off. "You have a busy day tomorrow teaching Mia. Let's go to bed."