Chereads / Mister Night / Chapter 104 - Family day

Chapter 104 - Family day

"Mommy, are we still going to the fair?" asked Adriel as I was giving her and Adrian a bath.

"A fair? Yay fair! Fair!" yelled Adrian, splashing the water and giggling out of excitement.

"Umm I don't know. Mommy has to work" I said as I unplugged the drain letting the water loose as I wrapped them in their robes.

"But mommy you promised" whined Adriel and I sighed not feeling like dealing with this right now.

"Look Adriel mommy has a lot of things to think about right now okay?"

She pouted as she sat on the bed as I prepared their outfits for the day, "okay, but will daddy come today?"

I froze at the mentioning of him for I didn't expect for her to actually want to see him, "uhh I don't know. Daddy has to work as well okay sweetie?"

"But can he come?" she asked still insisting.

"No he cant." I said as I held up two dresses for her to choose her favorite and so she did not dropping the subject.

"Why not? Can you call him?"

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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