Chereads / Reincarnated as a cursed goddess / Chapter 19 - Her mystery

Chapter 19 - Her mystery

"Why?" she asked.

'Huh? what's wrong?" he asked as tears came to her eyes and he gasped.

'Why are you bring so nice to me even though you don't really know me?" she asked and he smiled.

"So that's what's really bothering you, I see it's understandable but I will only tell you anything when you are fully honest with me" he responded then winked at her and she pouted.

"You are cute and I like having you around, things are more interesting that way," he said.

'So you have me here because I make things interesting?" she asked and he leaned in closer.

"Not only that you make things interesting, but you are also interesting" he responded and she gasped as her eyes sparkled.

"Your eyes are pretty," he said as he looked out at the night sky then she smiled.

"Thank you" she replied.

"Who betrayed you Julia?" he asked.

"How did you know that?" she asked.

"You talked in your sleep, it's like you were scared" he responded and her eyes trembled.

"I see, I opened up to you well he was my fiancee," she said then he looked at her sharply.

"You were going to get married?" he asked and she frowned.

"It was not my choice but yes I was" she responded then he patted her on the head.

"You are still not ready to tell me what really happened but it's fine I am still a stranger but I hope you can soon, you will be staying in my room with me tonight, don't try and argue with me too because you will lose," he said and she smiled.

"Maybe you are not so bad after all, I might as well try to get to know you," she said to herself.

"If that's what you wish then I will" she replied and he smiled widely.

"It's dinner time think you can join us for dinner?" he asked.

"I didn't realize it was night already but sure" she responded.

"We were talking and you were out for a while so the time went by, time waits for no man," she said and she smiled then got up and nearly fell but he held onto her,

"Think you can make it?" he asked.

'I don't know what's wrong with me all of a sudden but whatever it is Rose was right I need to get it under control, i will start from tonight" she said to herself.

'I will join you guys" she responded and he lifted her up in his arms.

"Hey" she shouted and he laughed then she frowned as he took her out of the room.

"This really is inappropriate," she said.

"Do I look like I care?" he asked.

"Nope, that is why I have the feeling that I might regret knowing you" she responded and he laughed.

"I promise you won't regret knowing me," he said.

"You don't have to promise me a thing" she replied with a pout as he smiled wickedly and took her to the dining hall.

When Daisy saw the girl in his arm she flung up from her chair and everyone left staring at them, the prince's mother smiled when she saw that for she was starting to get attached to the girl.

"Here," the prince said then placed her to sit.

'Thank you" she said.

"You look like you want to kill me and not thank me," the prince said to himself as he smiled nervously.

"You are welcome' he replied then sat down.

"Why are you lifting her up?" Daisy asked.

"Uh.. because she needed the help" he responded.

"You are a prince that is not your duty," Daisy said and the prince sighed.

"Daisy I get you are worried and you care about me but please try to beat little nice, I would have done the same for anyone including you" he replied and the princess smiled then sat down quietly.

"Yikes I think she likes the prince, man.. my situation here will get worse," Julia said to herself then they all began eating.

While Julia was eating Roose was looking at her from the window but no one saw her, she was a complete mystery that was attached to Julia for some unknown reason.

"So Julia you didn't say where you are from," Daisy said then the girl stopped eating and looked at her sharply.

"She can't remember where she is from, probably because she hit her head," the prince said and Julia left staring at him then he smiled and Julia folded her cuffs in anger.

"Great now he is lying for me, what is he up to?" Julia asked herself as she toom a bit of the chicken.

"What's wrong?" the prince whispered to her and she trembled then smiled nervously.

"Nothing" she responded then swallowed deeply and upon seeing that Rose smiled.

"She is not like me, quite different, her story is different and I am sure she will be better at using those powers than I was, I will make sure she masters using them but before that, she needs to accept the prince, he is the key to a lot of things," Rose said to herself then disappeared.

"I am done, thanks," Julia said as she got up and the prince held onto her hand then she moved it off of her and smiled.

'I am fine, I will go take a walk, I need it" she said.

'Okay be careful" he replied and she frowned then walked away.

"It's a nice night," she said as she walked out of the castle.

"Julia" someone called out then she stopped walking and looked around but saw no one.

"Who is there?" she asked.

"You need to go home" the person responded.

"Who are you?" she asked.

'Just someone sent to carry you back" the person responded.

"I don't have the orb," she said.

"You do have the orb, you were the last person seen with it, it's your duty to protect it not be selfish and keep it for yourself" the person replied.