Chereads / G-ystery / Chapter 39 - Another wound

Chapter 39 - Another wound

An underground laboratory built under the ghostly looking two storey building.

Cynthia had imagined this much and it appeared that it was the main base with only the trusted people.

The interior layout was pretty vast and the conditions were good. White high-quality marble all around the wall and ceilings made it look slippery whereas the furniture was also of high quality.

No doubt about the equipment used for experiments… they all looked expensive and quality product.

There was a room filled with different kinds of insect's species and some of the scientists were doing test experiment on them.

They gave her a tour to the big laboratory with different department and finally they stopped in the warehouse.

It contained many books and other antique equipment which were placed properly.

There were also records of the previous experiments they did before and also about some other experiments that didn't involve them.

All in one, Cynthia was searching for this kind of place if she ever tried to experiment and help the victims.

As she thought about it, another thought appeared in her mind – would she be able to experiment on a human being?

Until now, she has only made useful equipment but never messed with living beings and she utterly felt disgusted toward experimenting on natural beings.

But right now, since she has decided to do experiments, she was not going to step back until there would be nothing that she could do.

She looked around the book selves but didn't pick any book and said, "Where is the child? Is he here?".

She asked about the kid, she has saved earlier together with Ed and his friends.

Ed was quite disheartened. All she was thinking and doing was not related to him and moreover, he didn't even get the chance to feel her warmth again.

Just a touch…

That was enough but at least for now, he won't irritate her by asking for it.

With a dull face he replied, "He is at home… my home. If you want to meet him then you are free to come and look for him in my house".


Just a 'oh' and nothing more?

She was so busy at staring at those books and antique equipment that she didn't even care about giving a glance at him.

Wayne sighed. His friend face was more obvious and readable then an open book. He decided to walk out giving them some space alone and dragged the big mouth Eric together.

"Then are you going to visit him?" Ed asked since that was the only thing, he could talk with her in that irritating silence without making her feel that he was dying to speak with her.

Cynthia gave it a serious thought and nodded, "Yes, I will".

Finally, a chance to bring her to his house… HIS HOUSE!

He smirked in silence while looking down. From his sly expressions, something wicked was going inside his head.

They both finally relaxed in the break room where Wayne and Eric were already present.

Cynthia drank the water from the glass kept on the table in front of her while relaxing her back on the comfortable couch and sneaked a peak at Ed.

There was something she was dying to know and finally her lips were not able to hold it in.

"How come you become a victim of those evil researchers?" she asked from him since she was curious about it from way earlier.

The twins who were busy buried in their laptop dropped their gaze at that question. It was a sensitive one for Ed.

Because of that sensitive question, his cold demeaner faced her.

It wasn't because he was the victim but that sensitive question reminded him of his sick mother.

The twins swallowed since suddenly the room become suffocating. It was hard to figure out what will Ed do next but what he did was really implausible.

He told her the truth!

"The scientist that once was famous for her creative skills in the field of physics become acquainted with my mother".

"My mother invested in her skills since she liked her products and she often used to come to our house with her friend that nursed my mother privately during her pregnancy," he paused for a few seconds and sat pressing his hands together while looking down and terrible.

But Cynthia was in a more miserable condition then him.

She knew who was that famous scientist that he was talking about.



Her head slowly turned down and she swallowed while sweating hard and as he continued, she unintentionally held her breath.