Chereads / Slave to the Demon Lord / Chapter 67 - Michael

Chapter 67 - Michael

"What do you mean by that?". The look in his eyes had turned stern.

Vanessa only turned her head away. "Why do you care so much about what I do with my eyes?". She wanted him to say those three words she'd ever so longed to hear.

"Because...", he bit his lower lip in hesitation. "Because I own you".

A hysterical laugh escaped her lips. "I thought so".

The fact that he'd used 'own' instead of 'love' was heartbreaking. Was she nothing but property to him?

Quickly shoving the negative thoughts away, the next words that escaped her lips were. "Is there any news on Natalie?".

"There isn't". The words had escaped casually.

"I thought so...", she sighed while kicking her legs about.

Dante stood to leave.

"You've been acting differently, my lord. Is anything wrong?".

He shook his head without turning. "Not really".

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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