Chapter 12 - 10~

Yug had gone insane, after Simon disappeared he felt like his soul left his body.

He had badly injured his hand from harshly hitting it against the floor, Rune and Damian also did their best to break the floor or find some other entry or exit.

They even tried to follow what Simon had done with his blood, but nothing.

In the end, they had to sit down on the floor helplessly, Yug looked around and held his head in his hand, "It's all my fault I shouldn't have listened to him...I shouldn't have..."

Rune sighed and got up from there and left.

While Yug sat there, Damian was also quiet, not knowing what to say or do, "It was a foolish idea to come here. I am really a fool and incompetent because of me my child is in danger."

"Be quiet," Rune said as he came back with clean water and cleaned Yug's hand, he wiped the blood and applied the medicine, before tying it up with a cloth.

Damian finally spoke, "Duke... how did Lord Simon know about this passage? And how can it only be open from his blood? What's so special about his blood?"

Yug sighed, and leaned back, "I have no idea... my family history or books, none of them mention anything like this."

Rune spoke, "All we can do now is wait... if he knows a way in, then he must know a way out as well."

Yug clenched his fist, "I hope... but what is in there we don't know."

Rune said, "Maybe he knew what was in there. That's why he was so eager to go there."

Rune gently patted his shoulder, "He will be fine, duke."

Yug joined his hands together before tightly pressing them, and praying, after all, he was in the temple this is what he can do.

Rune spoke, "Weird, isn't it? This temple has been here for years and no one was able to discover that passage?"

Damian spoke, "Maybe it has to do something with blood."

Yug said nothing. He was quiet, he was lost in his own mind, with his eyes closed, and after an excruciatingly long period when he nearly gave up, whole the ground shook again.

The three immediately stood up, Rune grabbed Yug's hand and moved back, pulling Yug back with him as well, the statues made triangular-shaped, and finally, the door opened.

A little figure walked out from there, Simon smiled brightly when he saw Yug. He was holding a book, a black-covered book,

And it looked heavy because Simon was out of breathing when he reached out, "Father." He said and quickly ran over to him, the door immediately closed and the statues came back to their place, while Yug didn't care about all that he just hugged his son tightly.

Simon felt like was going to be crushed but he could feel his father's, fast heartbeat and he realized that Yug was actually worried for him, "Where were you, Simon?" Yug said as he broke the hug, his face was red and his cheeks had tears stains.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was? I felt like I died you love seeing your father like that, right? You would be very happy if I died one day."

Yug stopped when he saw Simon's eyes become wet and it was true Yug's words stabbed his heart very badly and he tightly hugged him again, "I am sorry."

Yug sighed, "It's okay... everything is okay."

Rune and Damian also sighed with relief, Damian came forwards to be checked for injury while Rune crossed his hands in front of his chest and snorted,

"If you were my son brat," he said as he looked down at Simon, who looked at him, "I would have hanged you upside down and then beat you two hell and then leave you there for two hours. And make you eat bitterest of food, but alas you have weak-willed father, you are lucky."

Yug glared at him, "That's called barbarism and not discipline."

"And what you do is call ruining him by spoiling him so much, you are seriously not going to punish him?"

"Punish him for what? for trying to find a way to heal himself?"

"For trying to act smart and running in danger without any adult and as you said who knows what might have happened over there, he could have gotten hurt, he needs to learn not to act smart...and think about the consequence of his actions."

Yug sighed, and then looked at Simon who was looking back and forth between them... Simon had to press his lips together to stop himself from smiling because these two were fighting like his parents.

Well, technically Yug is his parents and he will make sure that Rune will also be his parent.

"He is right Simon." Yug said, "You do deserve punishment."

Rune scoffed, "I am always right."

Simin pouted, "But father I am ill."

Rune looked at him again while Yug shook his head, "But then also you should be punished."

"Are you really going to punish a sick child?"

Yug looked at him, "He is my son and yes, he made a mistake when he was sick, so why should he be not given punishment when he is sick?"

Rune scoffed with disbelief, "You are really can you punish a child, and a sick child... you have no humanity?"

"Oh yeah? And who was the one saying that he will hang his son upside down and beat him to death a few moments ago... you are barbaric ...thank god you have no progeny."

"There is a difference between saying and doing, I was just saying."

Yug clenched his fist, "Yeah, you always do that, you always say and forget to do what you say, blood hypocrite."

"And you are a coward."

Simon was once again looking back and forth while Damian pinched the bridge of his nose and ribbed the back of his neck, before sighing, "Lord Simon, would you like to eat something?"

Simon looked at him and smiled, "Yeah, sure, I am starving."

Damian said and raised his hand and Simon quickly grabbed it, "Would you like me to hold that book?"

"No, I am okay." Simon said, "Are we going to catch fish?"


"Woah it will be fun."

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