Chereads / Mated to the Cursed Werepire / Chapter 1 - Don't ruin my dress

Mated to the Cursed Werepire

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Chapter 1 - Don't ruin my dress

"What is this?" Karina shrieked, looking at the thin piece of fabric that was just passed to her in dismay.

"A dress, Rina. It's a dress." Chloe, one of her roommates, answered, without turning to look at her. She was standing in front of a full-length mirror, applying makeup on her face.

Tonight, all juniors were supposed to attend a party, which was organized by the students for the purpose of celebrating their entry into senior year in a few months.

Attendance was not compulsory, and because of this, Karina was ready to stay back in the hostel, and sleep. She didn't want to attend this party, not minding if she will be laughed at or called any sort of name later.

But Chloe, and Nori — her younger sister, who happened to be her roommate and classmate — would not have it.

Nori was not one to pressure her into attending such events, but since this one was kind of a general class stuff and not a private party, she insisted Karina comes along.

"I can't wear this, Chloe." Karina decided, shaking her head and throwing the dress on the bed. She had never worn something so flimsy in her entire life, no way she was starting now.

Chloe frowned, seeing from the corner of her eyes, how Karina threw the dress like it was an abomination to even touch it. That was why she didn't like the girl. She always acts like a saint, as if she knows it all, which infuriates Chloe.

Dropping the brush she was holding, Chloe turned around and marched toward Karina. This was happening today, whether she likes it or not. She diverted toward the bed and picked up the dress.

"Yes you can, and you will. I can't believe you, Rina. Are you backing out now?" Chloe hissed, forcing the cloth into Karina's hand while giving her a disappointed look.

"I'm not backing out. I can wear my regular clothes."

"No, you can't. There's no way you are following me with those rags you call clothes." Chloe countered, disgust written all over her face.

"Why are you the one getting riled up over this? I'm not going with you. I'm going with Nori." Karina bit back, slightly annoyed. Not because of what Chloe called her clothes, she was already used to that.

What she didn't understand was why the girl was this interested in dressing her up and going with her. According to the agreement, Karina was supposed to wait for Nori, so they could leave together.

At the question, Chloe whirled around, walked toward her bunk, and snatched her phone. She returned to Karina's side, scrolling through some messages until she got to the one she was looking for.

"Read." Chloe hissed, then held the screen of her phone in front of Karina's face so she could read the content of the message.

'Please Chloe, take Rina with you while going. I'll meet you both there. Also, make sure she looks—'

"Make sure she looks what?" Karina asked as Chloe took the phone away before she could finish reading.

"Looks good and presentable," Chloe answered, completing the sentence, but her answer made Karina knit her brows.

"Nori sent that?"

"Arghh... Now you are doubting your sister too? Gosh, Rina, we are already late. I already promised Nori, if not, I would have left without you. Go dress up." After saying these, Chloe pushed Karina into the bathroom and closed the door.

"Let me know if you need help with the dress. Hurry up, Rina." Chloe said from outside the bathroom, the corner of her lips curving up slightly.

A defeated sigh slipped past Karina's lips as she began unbuttoning her grey oversized shirt, and stepping out of her blue baggy jeans.

She didn't know why Nori would send such a text to Chloe, but that text was the only reason Karina was agreeing to this. If not, she would have insisted on not wearing the dress Chloe offered, or even leaving with her.

'It's just for today, Rina. Just for today.' She assured herself severally, before moving to put on the dress.

The dress was not a complicated one, so she didn't have any problem getting into it. It was a black sequin dress, which hugged her body perfectly as if it was made just for her. Thankfully, it had long sleeves, unlike what Chloe was putting on, but the neckline was too low for Karina. The length was just above her knees, another feature she wasn't comfortable with.

There was no mirror in the bathroom for her to see what she looked like. The only mirror available was the one mounted in the room. A deep exhale escaped her lips before she courageously stepped out of the bathroom.

Chloe's jaw dropped the moment her gaze fell on Karina. Apart from the awkward way Karina was walking toward the mirror, and the frown on her face, the girl was beautiful. She had a body to die for, and Chloe just couldn't understand why she was hiding all of that in baggy clothes.

A pang of jealousy roused within Chloe at the sight. With that body, Karina could get any man she wanted, and get him wrapped around her fingers. She ground her teeth in anger, but almost immediately put on a smile after she consoled herself with the fact that none of Karina's beauty would matter after today.

"You look beautiful, Rina. Why hide all this gorgeousness from us huh?" Chloe queried, moving to stand beside Karina as the latter checked herself out in the mirror with a dominant frown on her face.

"I'm not comfortable," Karina muttered, pinching the two sides of the neckline and pulling them together to cover her exposed chest. "I'm not used to wearing things like this." Another mutter escaped her mouth.

"Nonsense!" Chloe said, slapping Karina's hand off the neckline. "Don't ruin my dress." She frowned, then picked up the powder brush.

"You look perfect. You just need a light touch of makeup, and we are good to go. Sit down." Chloe instructed, dusting some powder on Karina's face as soon as she sat down reluctantly.


Thirty minutes later, Chloe and Karina climbed out of the cab and stood in front of a two-story building. There was a glowing sign in front of the building which read: RED DAWN.

Two bulky men stood in front of the only entrance she could see. Their hands were folded across their chests and their stone face looked ahead. There were no people outside the building except for her and Chloe.

"Is this the venue? I thought—" Karina started, turning her head to look at Chloe, who was typing something on her phone.

"This is not the venue. I just want to pick something up from someone inside." Chloe said, cutting Karina off. "Come on." She pulled Karina's hand toward the entrance, then diverted to a corner just beside the door.

"Wait for me here. I'll be out soon." Chloe instructed, then walked to the entrance. She and one of the men at the door exchanged some words which Karina could not hear before she was allowed in.

Karina peeled her eyes off the entrance and looked to the empty street as her mind drifted toward Nori. She wondered what she was busy with to the point of sending such a text to Chloe.

"Hey beautiful, are you waiting for someone?" A deep voice caressed Karina's ears, snapping her back to the present. She turned her head to the side to find a strange man standing beside her. He had a meek smile on his face.

"Uhm... Yes." She kept her response short, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the way the man was looking and smiling at her.

"Is the person inside?" The man probed and she nodded.

"You should wait inside then." He suggested, pointing toward the entrance with his chin.

"No, thank you. I'll wait here." Karina insisted, shaking her head in refusal.

"I wouldn't have bothered you if this place is not dangerous. It would be a shame if a beauty such as yourself is kidnapped and sent to the slave market. It's safer inside, and you could wait by the door so you won't miss your friend." The man offered, keeping a smile on his face.

Karina bit the inside of her lower lip as she considered the man's words. It was no news to her that the town was quite unsafe, especially for unsuspecting and defenseless females.

One more time, she looked at the dark, empty street, before deciding it was better safe than sorry. She followed the man toward the entrance of the building, with the thought that it wouldn't be that bad inside. After all, Chloe was inside.

The men who stood by the door moved away without a word and Karina passed through with the strange man.

As soon as she stepped inside, her eyes widened, seeing the inside was far different from what she imagined.

But she was not the only one surprised. In the VIP section, on the first floor, a pair of silver eyes snapped open the moment she walked into the building.