Chereads / The Emperor's Omega Is An Extra / Chapter 4 - Suppressed and Control (2)

Chapter 4 - Suppressed and Control (2)

"Your Majesty," someone called out, one of his two bodyguards accompanying him. They were also dressed in casual suits. The two were taken aback when they saw the Emperor carrying an omega, and not just any omega, but an omega in heat. They almost wrinkled their noses to avoid being affected by the invading sweet scent.

That was the one they didn't manage to stop when he got into His Majesty's car. The Emperor was now carrying him in a bride-like manner. It was shocking. It was well known that the Emperor avoided any omega who was in heat and had ulterior motives.

It wasn't that the Emperor had no desires; he simply didn't want any omegas or betas presented to him as commodities. He absolutely despises this type of behavior. Their knowledge, however, was challenged today.

The two couldn't see the omega's face clearly because the Emperor's back was blocking their view, but they could smell him. They were betas, so the effects weren't as strong, but it did elicit some faint desires in them. This alarmed them because as betas, omegas in heat, and even Alphas in rut had no effect on them, and they could easily neutralize these pheromones. However, the pheromones emitted by the omega had a minor effect on both of them.

They exchanged glances and came to the same conclusion. The omega in His Majesty's embrace was a dominant omega.

A rare dominant omega, they were the type of gender that was the counterpart of the dominant alphas. It was said that if a dominant omega was paired with a superior alpha, their child would undoubtedly be a dominant omega or a superior alpha due to the highest compatibility rate on the spectrum.

Spade lifted his head, forcing himself to look away from the enticing omega and toward the one who had called him; his eyes were heavy and dark. It was kind of threatening, the bodyguard who called him sweated on the spot. Beads of sweat began forming on his forehead.

The bodyguard noticed how dangerous the Emperor appeared tonight, and he couldn't help but notice the omega in the Emperor's arms. He couldn't see the face as the omega was clinging to the emperor's neck, but he could tell from the angle and silhouette that the omega must be very beautiful.

"Your Majesty, we are in a hospital, and it was inconvenient for you to be seen in public tonight, especially..." he did not finish his sentence.

He meant to say that if the emperor was seen in public carrying an omega, not to mention that said omega was in heat, he could already imagine the uproar and headlines that would follow the next morning.

Spade was taken aback for a moment, he glanced at the person in his arms, then back at his subordinate. He was correct. While he was unconcerned about the press, it was just that... The omega had no idea how much his life would change as a result of his involvement with him.

For a brief moment, he pursed his lips and pondered. After a while, he said in a low commanding voice, "Make sure no news gets out tomorrow," his order was absolute. If he said no news, it meant there was no news about what happened, the omega would not be exposed to the public, and any witnesses would be required to remain silent.

The two bodyguards nodded and bowed heavily as they heard the conviction in his tone. Fortunately, there were few people in the hospital at the time, so it was simple to conceal. Only the nurse and doctor would meet them to inject the omega with suppressant shots, but it was only slightly inconvenient.

The two bodyguards remained silent as the Emperor carried the omega into the hospital. They just stared at each other and didn't say anything for a while.

Similar thoughts crossed their minds: perhaps the Empire would finally have its future Empress soon.

The two quickly shrugged and moved on. It was forbidden to discuss the royal family's private affairs, particularly those of the Emperor. They only have to do their jobs. They needed to ensure that no information about what happened tonight was leaked to the public, particularly to certain individuals, the next day.

As they considered this, the two followed behind the two while observing their surroundings.

As the two bodyguards had predicted, there were very few people in the hospital's surroundings because it was already late at night, and they weren't perceptive enough to notice the Spade carrying Arren in his arms. He strode peacefully and unhindered, while the bodyguards following him looked for anyone who might recognize the Emperor along the way.

Aside from the occasional nurse doing night rounds, the hospital hallway was quiet, and there were few patients still out or new ones being admitted. Spade carried Arren to the ward indicating for omegas, he didn't know the exact location of it but reading the directional signs was enough to guess.

Spade noticed the sign of the omega ward after walking for a while. The sliding door was shut and there was a sign outside saying that no one could enter without permission, so Spade couldn't just walk in because an alarm would be triggered.

The omega wards were specially designed for them, and it was especially sensitive because of how the omegas were protected by society. Because omegas were most vulnerable during their heat, the hospital required a secure and safe environment for them. Alphas were not permitted to enter, and even alpha doctors were not permitted.

Spade had no choice but to look at his bodyguards behind him and signal for them to inquire. The temperature of the omega in his arms was rising. While he appeared to be sleeping peacefully in his arms, the pheromones emitted by the omega became extremely tempting and aggressive.

Spade was going insane internally from the delicious scent. It couldn't be helped that the omega would utter some low moans and cling to him tightly. It was nothing but torture. His control over himself was wearing thin.

The bodyguards understood him and went to inquire and get a doctor immediately. They did not enter the ward, however, but instead proceeded to ask a nurse on duty. The nurse was very efficient, as she probably knew it was an emergency, and quickly called for a doctor in charge of the omega ward.

Spade heard hurried footsteps behind him as he stood at the entrance to the omega ward; he knew it was the doctor because of how quickly his subordinates acted.

The bodyguards returned, accompanied by a female nurse and a beta female doctor. They came to a halt directly behind him, and the doctor immediately inquired about them. The bodyguards exchanged glances and stood guard just behind them.

When Spade looked over, his amber eyes were dark, and his body exuded pheromones dangerously as if some beast was desperate to break free from within. The others immediately broke out in a cold sweat and turned pale. He tried everything he could to keep his emotions under control, but it was futile.

"You're the doctor?" his voice was hoarse and came out as a growl in their ears instead. It was very deep and dangerous to listen to.

The female doctor nodded and was about to respond when her face stiffened and her voice became stuck in her throat as she recognized the dangerous alpha in front of her.

She, like the female nurse, was taken aback. Their eyes widened and their jaws dropped in surprise as they saw their monarch up close for the first time.

"Yo-Your M-Majesty..." the female nurse stuttered as she called out the title, her mind still processing the incident and he had forgotten why she had been summoned in the first place.

Spade's eyes narrowed and his lips tightened in annoyance. His face darkens even more as his patience and sanity were eroding by the second.

"He needed suppressants shot," Spade said, his voice dark and threatening as he motioned to the omega in his arms.

Only after he reminded the doctor did she notice that he was carrying someone in his arms. The omega was obviously in heat as aside from the pheromones from him she can also observe that he was already shaking and the blush on his cheeks and neck.

As a professional doctor, she immediately returned to herself, dismissed any questions in her mind, and completed the task at hand. She was about to call out for assistance to carry the omega into the ward when Spade interrupted her.

"What are you doing, still not entering the ward?" he growled, clearly dissatisfied with the doctor's actions.

The doctor was taken aback and attempted to explain, "Your Majesty, I was just—" She couldn't finish her sentence as Spade glared at her.

The pheromones from a dominant alpha could even affect a beta like her. As a result of his uncontrolled pheromones, Arren, who was unconscious in his arms, clung to Spade even tighter, and his hot breaths drove Spade insane as soft moans of the omega tickled him in his ears. His pupils contracted, and the shade became darker than it had ever been.

Spade was so frustrated he howled, "I don't fucking care about what you would do or any policies, you would enter the ward with us, or else I will be fucking open that door, myself." His voice was so deep and frightening.

Even the bodyguards who were guarding against anyone who might cross where they were, began to shiver, and their backs were quickly covered in sweat. They knew that the Emperor's emotions were in disarray at this moment.

Spade stared straight with a dangerous expression at the doctor.

"You choose." It was only two words, but the weight of them was terrifying.

The doctor's face turned pale as if she had lost her blood. She scanned her identification card so quickly with shaking hands that a bodyguard was required to assist her. Her lips trembled as she forced herself to calm down, even though they were aware that the doctor was just following the policy, but what were the policies in front of the Emperor?

It was already fortunate that Spade did not rush in and summon a doctor. But it was enough, and his tolerance had completely worn off by this point. It was already a miracle that he didn't pounce and fuck the omega as his mind told him to.

They all entered the ward after the identification card was approved, but the scanner detected an Alpha and flashed a red light. While no alarm was sounded, the personnel and individuals responsible were notified right away.

Spade and the others, on the other hand, were unconcerned about any of this and proceeded to the nearest available empty room. The ward was spacious, as was the corridor, but the door rooms were sealed shut and scent blockers were installed to prevent any scent from leaking. The hallway was empty and quiet, but the entire place was bright with all the lights turned on, as if they were afraid of missing a corner.

When the doctor opened the door to the empty room, Spade placed the omega in his arms on the bed. His heart and mind were both reluctant, but he needed to do it. The omega let out unconsciously gave a vexed cry, clearly didn't want to stay away from him.

After that, the doctor immediately gave him the suppressant shot. Spade just stood there watching everything, his gaze fixed on the omega. The suppressants immediately took effect on the omega after a few seconds. While his breathing remained ragged, it had relaxed somewhat. His face was still flushed, and his brows were furrowed; Spade couldn't take it any longer and gently smoothed them.

With a touch, Arren purred like a kitten, and Spade pulled back his hand almost immediately as if electrocuted. His expression was still dark, and his rationality hadn't fully returned, but he managed to look away. He looked at his two subordinates, who both nodded in agreement.

Tonight, the two still had the task of sealing the information. The Emperor didn't even have to show his face. And the two didn't need to bribe anyone to keep all the witnesses involved; just mentioning the ruler and signing a confidentiality agreement was enough to keep them all quiet.

In the Empire, where hierarchy and the status of the Emperor were the highest, no one was bold enough to become disobedient unless they didn't want their jobs anymore.

Spade walked away slowly, trying not to look back. He needs to seriously calm himself. And staying with the omega sure as hell was not the solution.