Chereads / SILVER-HEART / Chapter 23 - A Fairy's Worth

Chapter 23 - A Fairy's Worth

I let my legs relax on the floor and allowed the book to settle on my lap, I arched my back against the shelf behind and my eyes scanned the contents, it was easy to read, good.

But the first thing that caught my attention was the drawing of something beautiful with wings like that of a butterfly, it was so beautiful even if it wasn't fully detailed, I could tell it was a woman too.

The drawing consists of a winged woman and her clothes that I knew if they had colors would be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, it truly was wondrous, and a smile fixed on my lips as I further studied the picture.

She sat on something that looked like a tree, it looked magical, Beneath the drawing I saw writing.

'Fae'. That word again but there was more. 'Picture of a Fae also widely known in the magical world as a sprite'

I flipped the page and read further.

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