Chereads / Abyssal Chronicles / Chapter 589 - Chapter 590: Council

Chapter 589 - Chapter 590: Council

Ancient records state that approximately three thousand years ago, a Demon God descended upon the Ancita Continent.

The exact origin of the Demon God remains an unsolved mystery to this day.

Undoubtedly, the appearance of this being brought catastrophic disaster to all living creatures on the continent.

Terrifying power ravaged the land and sky. The Demon God's endless minions began attacking all living beings on the continent. These minions are what we now know as the Abyssal Demons.

Facing the invasion of the Abyssal Demons, imbued with the Demon God's power, humans were utterly powerless against this sudden disaster. Both human armies and renowned human warriors were defeated without exception under the onslaught of these Abyssal Demons.

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