Chapter 2 - Sour

“You fool!” Nadia falls to the ground after being slapped hard across her face.

“Minister Lowell, please have mercy on her. She’s just a child!” Katia pleads with the man who’s the head of their church. They function much like a typical congregation, however the god they pray to is unique. The Great Vampire Lord Saint Percival is the pinnacle of their faith.

“No mere child would attempt to forsake their souls by frolicking in the daylight and risking a certain death. While I agree we must purge her of the evil within, it should be by a holy method. I’ve been working painstakingly hard all these years to find the right path to free her soul, but it’ll all be for nothing if she goes and damns her soul by following a coward’s path.” He faces Nadia with a frown. “Explain yourself now child.”

Nadia rubs her face as she sits up, her moss green eyes staring defiantly at him. “I’ve had enough! I’m tired of living in fear each day that I’ll wake up as someone else! I’m tired of falling ill and being bedridden for no known medical cause so often that I can’t go to school or play outside like normal kids. I want to have friends! I want to see my family! I want to have crushes, fall in love, and experience heartbreak like other kids my age! I want to live without an evil god lying in wait deep inside of me, yearning for the chance to consume my soul and steal my body! I never asked for this, so why must I suffer? I just want it to end. I’m tired. So tired.”

Nadia cannot hold back her tears any longer and cries quietly on the floor of the temple. Katia rushes over to comfort her, pulling the slender girl into her arms and allowing her to sob softly against her chest. “I’m sure she didn’t make this decision lightly Josef. She’s suffered greatly.”

The minister’s pale, wrinkled face softens slightly as he walks over to the pair and crouches down beside them. “Nadia, I understand your frustrations. I’m frustrated too. When your father brought you to me all those years ago, begging me to liberate your soul, I vowed I would do so. I’m a man of my word and intend to do so without fail, but I need more time. The evil inside you is not a common demon. It’s an ancient, vengeful deity who wishes to curse our vampire brethren and make us suffer out of spite for being slain by our great lord all those centuries ago. They foretold it, the ancients, that she’d rise again and attempt to take a vessel among us. Unfortunately, she chose you. But if you have faith in him, our lord will vanquish her in time.”

“When? You’ve been saying that our lord works at his own pace, and we need to have patience, but I don’t understand why he can’t just cast her out. Isn’t he all powerful? You’re always preaching about the greatest vampire to exist, who reached sainthood, becoming the holy god that would protect our souls. So why is he taking so long? A worthy god should be able to do anything. So, if he can’t, then maybe there’s no God at all!”

She feels the sting of another slap, this time with more intensity than the last. “You dare speak such filthy blasphemy about our lord?! Have you no shame? We’re in the holy temple of the lord and you dare show such impudence? Perhaps he’s yet to save your soul because you are lacking in faith! He saves only those who trust in him! Those who truly believe in him and his sacrifice! Before you insult our great lord, reflect over your own actions and repent! That is your duty!”

He stands and turns away from them. “Katia, take our young Nadia back to her room and see that she spends the rest of the day in self-study of his word and reflection. Have her mediate in isolation until dawn approaches, then send her to bed. She’s to have no sweets tonight either.”

Katia quickly helps Nadia to her feet and rushes her away without question. The minister is usually a fair and compassionate man, but he doesn’t take kindly to even the slightest doubt in the lord’s might. He professes himself to be the vassal of the lord, and he takes the role seriously.

Seeing Nadia’s usually caramel-toned skin looking so pale and her face so sullen pains her. She’d rather she not suffer anymore today. It hurts that she felt combustion was her only way out, but only she could know the hell she’s lived and so Katia won’t judge her. All she can do is simply watch over and care for her, which is a duty she has never taken lightly and never will.