Chereads / Bride To His Darkness / Chapter 27 - Marriage Proposal

Chapter 27 - Marriage Proposal

There was a silent message in his tone that made the hairs at the back of her neck stand, but Samantha dared not ask.

Did he see her go in? But if he did, why did he save her when her actions clearly warranted some type of punishment? The idea of it only made her feel more troubled than at ease with herself.

She only bowed appreciatively, and her footsteps quickened as she tried to get away from the chained one. Samantha couldn't deny he was right, she could only pray the Accolade celebration reaches so she can leave this mad Palace and everything surrounding it.

Three days slowly went by, and during those days, Samantha obediently kept a low profile. She barely moved around, except when Lucy needed her help with a thing or two. She avoided taking corners in the corridor, and she hid away when she spotted anyone of royal pass by, most especially, the man named Abdiel and that Princess.

Madame Cerise once called her a rat, but now, she was starting to feel like one.

As much as she kept a low-key, Samantha didn't want to waste her opportunity and decided to have a look at the garden Lucy told her about. The walls in the garden were without a doubt, the lowest, but Samantha put it in mind to steal a few sheets she could use to climb her way out.

What the secret room had shown her still bothered her till this day, as evident as it turned out to be, Samantha's heart failed to accept it as the truth.

When Ivan returned, one barely knew, he was like a shadow creeper that appeared out of nowhere, and Samantha barely saw much of him even in his return as he got busy the next day. The preparations for the accolade celebration was smoothly carried out, and Samantha hardly found time to speak with Lucy during the days till the main day of the accolade celebration finally arrived.

Ivan was already dressed, and he stayed in the study room with Alistair. While a celebration went on downstairs, the two Vampire Lords played chess in the study. From their expression, one wouldn't dare interrupt them considering how focused and stoic their expression was.

Alistair moved his piece first after much calculation, and when Ivan moved second, he captured Alistair's white rook, replacing it with his, but there was not a hint of smile on his lips, his reaction to the game was just unfathomable.

Alistair murmured something underneath his tone before lifting his intruding gaze to look at Ivan. He wriggled his wrist, using the sound of his chains to gain the young Vampire's attention. "Hey, I think it was unfair to leave your little servant unguarded in this mad Palace, your sister nearly gouged her eyes out two days ago."

"She's encountered Claire, interesting." The Vampire's eyes sparkled with mirth, but it didn't look away from the game. Ivan, who was amicably dressed in his black royal outfit, sat on one of the armchairs with a red drink in his grasp, the only difference this time was, he wasn't drinking wine but actual blood.

"What does that even mean?" Alistair questioned him, moving another piece that captured Ivan's dark pawn.

"It means I am under no obligation to make sense to you. Just like a board piece, a pawn has to recognize the enemy without help, and I wanted her to experience something relating to that." He simply retorted, but Alistair knew his words held two different meanings. Was he already expecting to hear some news on his servant?

"My advice, she'll be better off as a Gambit, that is the only value you can make of her. Anyway, change of topic, I thought you had no intention of getting married, are you really going to pick a bride tonight? Or should I expect…. I don't know, maybe malice?"

At his question, Ivan's mood visibly dropped. The idea of having a spouse was a topic he never liked, and his fingers twitched, urging him to squeeze the glass in his hand and break it into unrepairable pieces, but then he'd have to waste such a good drink too.

"I don't need a spouse." He said to Alistair, and then the corner of his mouth lifted. "But I do need someone to fake it, what is a king without its Queen?" Something sinister danced in his red orbs, to Alistair's notice, and when he smiled, Alistair couldn't comprehend in a good way what it meant.

As if timed, Ivan captured Alistair's white Queen, replacing it with his.

An hour passed by, Ivan stood at the top of the stairs with Alistair by his side. They both stood at the railings, watching the scene from below with glinting red eyes that expressed their boredom. Members of the royal court were also present, and Ivan was tempted to go lock himself in a room and sleep.

The ballroom was decorated in pearl white draped and dark velvet curtains, while the sparkling chandelier illuminated the hall. All the guests were stylishly dressed in their fanciest attires, and what Ivan hated was the sight of rainbow colors. Unfortunately, he has to keep his preference in check and try to get along with everyone.

The orchestra played classical music as couples swayed across the dance floor, creating a serene atmosphere.

"I see you boys are up here." Abdiel, who was equally dressed, came to stand with Ivan and his son. Together, they both looked at what was happening downstairs, and how the Queen Mother and the rest royals of the family mingled with the guests.

"I haven't seen Tobias, where is he?" Abdiel asked both of them, but Alistair shook his head and snapped his fingers. "I don't know, I haven't seen him all day myself, but I can swear he's around somewhere."

Tobias was his older brother, but sometimes he forgot he had a brother due to Tobias' unnoticeable disappearances. This minute he's here, the next minute he's poof! And you won't see him till maybe a week, month, but he was in the palace. To put it nicely, it was just difficult to spot him around.

"Find him, I have something to discuss with him," he said to Alistair who rolled his eyes, and then he turned his attention to the other Vampire prince. "Ivan, come with me, there are guest's waiting to offer their greetings, and you know your Grandmother, best not to aggravate her when she's in a good mood."

While Alistair went to search for his brother, Ivan followed Abdiel down the stairs, and immediately all attention shifted to the two of them. The guests politely made way for Ivan and his uncle, and they only stopped after reaching the Queen Mother who was conversing with King Aberforth and his wife.


"Grandmother." As usual, he offered her a kiss to the cheek before letting his eyes fall on King Aberforth who stretched his hand forward for a handshake.

"Lord Ivan, my pleasure to make another acquaintance with you." He said formally, but the respect in his tone didn't quiver, and Ivan received his hand, acknowledging him with a nod.

King Aberforth was a powerful mage from the Tredour Kingdom, and he ruled some part of the North. Although they barely see eye to eye, both Kingdoms were ready to offer help to the other when they needed it, and this relationship had been long built by his Father.

"I was wondering why my Father sounded so polite, but I should have guessed." A feminine voice suddenly joined in, and a beautiful brunette-haired woman dressed in a black gown with pearl earrings and necklace made her way towards them.

When her brown eyes clashed with that of Ivan, she lowered her head and stylishly curtsied for the prince. "Greetings, Lord Ivan, please allow an ordinary princess like myself to also congratulate you on your success."

"Why so formal, princess?" Ivan's sudden change of tone had thrown everyone off guard, especially when he received the hand of princess Ivy and kissed her knuckles.

"Why so informal, My Lord?" Princess Ivy questioned back with her brows arched, her eyes holding a question only Ivan could read, and he let go of her hand.

"I see you're in black." He commented, taking note of her pretty dress.

"I only wear what pleases His Highness."

"I see the two of you have a lot to catch up on." The Queen Mother, who looked ecstatic with their interaction, decided to give the both of them some space, and King Aberforth, who was taken aback by the chemistry from both of them was also eager to leave his daughter in the hands of Prince Ivan, and just like before, the two young individuals wandered away from the crowd, taking a walk through the lonely path of the Palace.

There was a moment of silence shared between the two of them, as all they did was enjoy the quietness of the Palace and being away from the murmuring crowds.

"I heard from Queen Mother you will be picking a bride from the princess's showing up today." Ivy began the conversation, "don't you think it is unfair to spend your time with me when there are other princesses waiting for this opportunity to be with you, My Lord?"

"How thoughtful of you, Lady V," his tone held sarcasm. "But you should be more aware that I only decide to spend my time with you cause you are not like the rest of those princesses." Lord Ivan stated as a matter of fact, "you do not love me, and that is the type of Princess I want."

He stopped walking and turned to look at Ivy, his crimson eyes creating butterflies at the pit of her stomach, and he said. "I want you to be my bride. We are both aware of what our families are trying to do, so why not agree to it? Marry me, and I promise you will only be my wife in name, I won't touch you, and you will be free to do as you wish, but I must warn, you will be dragged into the dangerous game of the Palace, so are you in?"