Chereads / Wolfdale: Blood of The Moon / Chapter 25 - The Charm of Fenrir Moonfire

Chapter 25 - The Charm of Fenrir Moonfire

It was an ironic dichotomy, one that Fenrir relished. He embraced the contradiction between his public image and his own perception of self.

In fact, Fenrir rather enjoyed showcasing himself as a near-perfect figure. His charisma and presence were undeniable, and he was acutely aware of the power he held over his admirers.

He used every opportunity to present an image of himself as flawless and beyond ordinary mortal limitations.

During interviews, he skillfully maneuvered discussions to convey that he wasn't as extraordinary as they believed.

He shared tales of hardships, emphasizing that even he had experienced heartbreak—his wife had left him, a fabricated tale that garnered sympathy and intrigue.

This melancholic narrative only seemed to heighten his allure, making women pursue him like ants drawn to sweet food.

The irony wasn't lost on Fenrir. He understood the paradox of his constructed persona—the veneer of perfection that attracted others like moths to a flame.



Gabriel clenched his jaw, a frustrated sound escaping his lips as he turned off the television broadcasting his father's interview.

He had grown tired of watching his father's pretentious display of humility, especially coupled with his cleverly crafted responses to questions that probed into his private life.

The spectacle of Fenrir Moonfire's public appearances had lost its appeal for Gabriel. The carefully constructed facade of modesty grated on his nerves, especially when combined with the transparency of his evasive answers regarding his personal matters.

The so-called "hot daddy" persona that Fenrir projected in public was a stark contrast to the man Gabriel knew behind closed doors.

As the son of Fenrir Moonfire, he knew the real depth of his father's convictions, as well as his propensity for manipulation and control.

Watching the interviews, where Fenrir artfully downplayed his own significance and depicted himself as an ordinary figure, was nothing short of infuriating for Gabriel.

The man portrayed on television was not the same man Gabriel had grown up with, and the dissonance between the two personas was a constant source of frustration.

With a sigh, Gabriel tossed the remote control onto the couch and leaned back, his thoughts swirling with a mix of resentment, exasperation, and a sense of duty he couldn't quite escape.

The strained dynamics between Fenrir and Gabriel were a reflection of the larger complexities within their pack and the world they inhabited.

Gabriel couldn't shake off the irony that the women fawning over his father might not truly realize that the evilest of individuals could wear the mask of an angel. Fenrir's continuous stream of sweet charm and widespread allure was his strategy to win polls and favor.

With a weary exhale, Gabriel slumped back in his chair, his gaze lazily drifting over the pile of documents strewn across his desk.

He found himself in his father's office, currently serving as the acting mayor of Wolfdale. There were several matters that needed his attention, so he decided to tackle them today.

As he flipped through the papers, his mind kept returning to the stark contrast between his father's public persona and the ruthless ambition that Gabriel had grown up witnessing.

Fenrir's ability to manipulate others and orchestrate power plays behind the scenes was impressive, yet it was also deeply unsettling.

Watching him effortlessly charm his way through interviews and gatherings only added to Gabriel's unease.

Gabriel's relationship with his father had always been complex. He respected the strength and leadership that Fenrir exhibited, but he was acutely aware of the darker aspects of his father's character.

Fenrir's ability to switch between charismatic charm and cold calculation was a skill that both fascinated and disturbed Gabriel.

Leaning back in his chair, Gabriel let out a sigh. The responsibility of managing the city's affairs was a weight he felt keenly.

As acting mayor, he had to navigate the intricacies of political dealings while also managing the internal dynamics of the pack.

It was a delicate balance between upholding his father's reputation and pursuing his own vision for the future of Wolfdale.

"Are you just going to sit there without getting any work done, pal?" Tristan's voice snapped Gabriel out of his reverie. He glared at the man, annoyed, then let out another sigh. His mood this afternoon was inexplicably sour.

"Maybe later," he mumbled, shrugging his shoulders with a sense of listlessness.

Tristan approached with a sympathetic shake of his head. As an assistant and a close friend of Gabriel's, he knew all too well how Gabriel behaved when he was feeling down.

Tristan leaned against the edge of Gabriel's desk, crossing his arms casually. "Come on, Gabe. You can't let whatever's bothering you put you in a funk. You've got important things to take care of."

Gabriel's eyes briefly met Tristan's, and he couldn't help but crack a faint smile. Despite his own turbulent emotions, he appreciated Tristan's straightforwardness and support.

"Yeah, I know," Gabriel admitted, finally sitting up straight and running a hand through his hair. "It's just... you know how it is."

Tristan chuckled. "Yeah, I do. But remember, you're not alone in this. You've got your friends, your pack, and even your moody assistant here to help you out."

Gabriel rolled his eyes playfully. "You're not exactly the most cheerful assistant, you know."

Tristan grinned. "I've got my moments."

Gabriel's smile grew warmer, genuine this time. He knew he could count on Tristan's friendship to lift his spirits, even in the midst of his own internal struggles.

Tristan chuckled before leaning forward in his chair. "Hey, I actually wanted to ask you something," he said, settling across from Gabriel.

"What?" Gabriel raised an eyebrow, curious about the mischievous grin that had appeared on Tristan's lips.

"You know, those maids in your castle, they're quite something. Sexy and innocent all at once. So, can I have a taste too? You know, like what you do?"

Tristan's laughter filled the room, but Gabriel remained completely unfazed by his friend's antics.

After a few moments, Gabriel let out a sigh, his expression unchanged. "Do whatever you want," he replied flatly.