Allison's POV:

As I stood there, gazing at the fierce lion before me, I found myself incapable of taking a single step forward to enter the room. How does one willingly step into a lion's den alone? How can someone knowingly venture into a place where certain peril awaits? How could anyone possess such audacity? I had mustered the confidence and courage to travel to Kinton town in pursuit of information about Jacob Hayes, and my impulsiveness had stifled my ability to think rationally. I never imagined that my dedication and ambition to advance in my career would lead me into such a nightmarish situation. I naively believed that hard work in the office, tackling tasks confidently, and fulfilling every request from my boss would pave the way to success. This misguided belief had led me to commit the gravest mistake of my life.

"Go inside," the bald man tersely instructed, while I gazed up at him with pleading eyes.

"I don't want to die just yet, please," I cried out, my voice trembling. He reached down toward his belt, suggesting he was reaching for his gun, causing my heart to skip a beat. "Okay, okay…" I quickly added, interrupting him mid-motion. "I'll go in." I reluctantly agreed, my voice quivering, my chest heaving in fear.

Summoning all my courage, I took a deep breath and inched forward toward the door. Just as I was about to enter, a deep, velvety, and captivating voice echoed once more, freezing me in my tracks. "Listen to me," the man's voice resonated. I recognized it as Jacob's voice, the same voice that had spoken to me over the phone the previous day.

His voice carried clearly through the door as he continued, "We have no other choice. Do you understand?" He sounded harsh and irate about something. I had no idea who he was addressing, but I could picture someone conversing with him, either on the phone or standing before him in his office.

I turned to the bald man, my fear evident. "Should I go in now?" I asked, my voice quivering. As he glanced at me, I added hesitantly, "I mean, he's..."

"We must kill her. That's it." Jacob's voice declared from inside the room, and my heart stopped right then and there. I couldn't blink, move, or utter another word. I kept my gaze fixed on the bald man, who in turn exchanged a look with the curly-haired one. I couldn't fathom the gravity of those words that had just emanated from Jacob's room, loud and unmistakable. The shock of hearing that he would kill a person simply for eavesdropping on their conversation and hiding in their building was overwhelming. Damn, I didn't even hear anything in the first place! I thought to myself, feeling my body trembling like a leaf.

"Come on, go inside." The bald man ordered once more, and I snapped back to reality, trembling.

"No..." I cried out loudly, finally comprehending the grim fate that awaited me. I couldn't wait there. I needed to run, run as fast as I could, run as far as I could, run for my life! My head shook in sheer terror, and I turned away, taking a few determined strides, only to find myself surrounded by an array of guns and rifles, halting me in my tracks. Tears welled up in my eyes as my hands involuntarily rose in surrender, trembling at the sight of those menacing weapons.

"Do not move!" The bald man barked from behind. I'm not moving, dumbass! I'm already paralyzed with fear! I replied to him in my mind. Regret washed over me, regret for ignoring my colleagues' warnings to stay out of harm's way, for dismissing Amanda's caution about the dangers strong men could pose, for not heeding Josiah's plea to avoid foolish actions. I regretted every decision that had brought me to this point.

"Turn around, or I'll shoot." The curly-haired man warned from behind, and I swallowed hard.

"I don't want to die," I cried, tears streaming down my face as I looked at them, my hands still raised, my body stuck in a half-squat stance. "Your boss in there is planning to kill me. He's going to shoot me the moment I step inside." I exclaimed, my voice quivering.

"You know everything, huh?" a voice came from behind, deep, velvety, and captivating. My eyes widened as I realized that Jacob Hayes was standing right behind me, addressing me. Me? Oh my God! I thought, my heart pounding. I gulped nervously.

"Turn around." He ordered once again in a sharp tone.

"They—they're going to shoot." I stammered, looking at the armed men surrounding me.

"Lower your weapons." He commanded his men, and all the guns were lowered, allowing me to take a breath and slowly lower my trembling hands.

"Turn around, now." He ordered again, and I gulped before obeying, finally facing the drop-dead gorgeous man standing before me. It was hard to believe my eyes. I had seen him on TV and glimpsed him from behind the bricks in that under-construction building, but now I had an unobstructed view. Jacob Hayes stood tall, approximately 5 feet and 11 inches in height, clad in a perfectly tailored jet-black suit that showcased his muscular and impeccably sculpted physique, a testament to intense workouts. I couldn't help but admire his face, moving from his chiseled jawline to his piercing steel-blue eyes that sparkled in the daylight. His pale, flawless skin radiated as the sunlight caressed his features. When he lowered his face slightly, obstructing my view, I noticed his caramel brown silky hair. How could someone be this perfect? This gorgeous? Is he even real? I wondered, completely captivated. However, when he gently rubbed the side of his forehead with his index and middle fingers, I shivered and realized I had been gawking. He must have noticed. Damn it, Allison, stop gawking! I scolded myself and swallowed hard as he met my gaze once more.

"Come into my room." He ordered, then turned to make his way back to his room. However, I remained rooted to the spot, unable to move. He halted his steps and paused for a moment.

As he turned back around to face me, my heart quickened its pace. He casually slid his left hand into the pocket of his pants, and I couldn't help but notice how the fabric of his pants draped perfectly over his hips. His physique was flawless, and it was almost too much to believe.

"Are you going to stay there?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow, while I began fidgeting with my fingers. "Or should I ask my men to bring you in?" he added, prompting me to widen my eyes in shock as I observed two of his men approaching me.

"No, wait..." I stammered anxiously, then turned my attention back to Jacob. "Are you—Are you really going to..." I paused, swallowing hard and blinking back tears. "To kill me?" I added, my heart heavy with dread, and he looked at me. As I anxiously awaited his response, he lowered his head slightly and slipped his other hand into his remaining pocket, letting out a sigh.

"Get her inside." he instructed his men, then proceeded to return to his room. My jaw dropped in fear. I couldn't believe he hadn't answered my question. No response mean he is accepting what I had said. Oh no! I thought, frozen in place, as the bald man immediately advanced toward me and seized my arm. I glanced down at my side, and my eyes welled up. Someone else grabbed my other arm, and I turned to look at them.

"Please, no," I sobbed as they began to drag me toward the roaring-lion room. It felt like my fate was sealed. I was about to die now.

The bald man turned the doorknob and guided me inside. I couldn't help but notice the immense size of Jacob's room. It boasted beautiful architecture and top-notch interior design. I couldn't help but admire the walls, self-textured in elegant grey, with a massive white marble office desk at the center of the room. Two couches were situated to the right, positioned beneath captivating paintings, with a small marble coffee table in between. To the left, there was a sleek white marble console table with a coffee machine and a mug. I marveled at the opulence of the room, especially in contrast to the exterior of the building.

"It's nice, I know," Jacob's voice broke through my thoughts, and I trembled, realizing he was seated right in front of me behind the massive marble table. His men had already left the room, leaving me alone with him.

"Now, it's time to get to work." He stated, leaning forward and clasping his hands on the table.

"Wo – work? What kind of work?" I inquired, wondering if he considered taking the lives of innocent people as part of his work.

"The reason I have you here," he replied, gazing directly at me, while I swallowed hard.

"Look, I don't want to die here," I began, my heart growing heavier.

He took a deep breath and smirked, looking down. My heart raced even faster as I interpreted that smirk as an ominous grin.

"Well, that will depend on how obedient you are." He added, raising an eyebrow, causing my heart to skip a beat.