Chapter 31 - Episode 4.8 Compatibility

Shen Yuan had trouble sleeping that night. 

The thought of what happened haunts him every time he closes his eyes—absolutely not the kiss but what happened that led to the sudden surge of emotions.

He keeps questioning himself where those intense feelings of attachment with Yanyan are coming from, and he could only assume one answer for that. It came from the remaining emotions left from the original Shen Yuan. The two of them are so compatible that the original's emotions are resonating with him.

Their ideals, behavior, and thought processes are almost identical, providing a bridge for emotions to connect with the celestial fox spirit.

It is not an uncommon occurrence. The previous body that he dwelled in made him see snippets of his memories.

But so far, Shen Yuan is the only one who could influence him deeply in his emotions.

It scares him, and at the same time, it intrigues him.

Concentrating on debunking the intricate connection between Suki and the original Shen Yuan made him sleepy without him knowing.

He just found himself waking hours later with his mind refreshed than ever and soft, small arms wrapped around his belly.

It was Yanyan, hugging him like a baby koala.

Shen Yuan smiled at the cute little face of his new son. If the child is this cute and well-behaved, he doesn't mind the attachment.

He gently stroked Yanyan's cute fleshy cheeks and kissed its delicate skin softly.

"Gosh, such smooth cheeks make me want to bite on it like dumplings. What kind of breakfast should I have?" Shen Yuan stood up and stretched his well-rested body.

"Wait, where the hell is Bai Tingfeng?" Shen Yuan asked himself upon seeing that the alpha's side of the bed was well-made.

He closed his eyes and let his mana roam around but ultimately gave up because he realized their house was not simple. It is a freaking mansion!

Well, who would use such a crisp and beautifully dyed Egyptian blue duvet and glistening silver bedroom side table if it weren't for someone who could afford a mansion?

He bets that no salary man could afford a crystal chandelier dangling in their bedroom.

Shen Yuan was a salty salaryman.

Not wanting to further bring himself down and realizing that five in the morning is too early for a child to wake up, Shen Yuan decided to use his sharp sense of smell to locate the source of the lavender scent.

He quietly exited the room and let himself be guided by his unparalleled fox nose. However, what stood out the most was not Bai Tingfeng's smell but the smell of burning meat. Is it the chef? Bai Tingfeng is, without a doubt, loaded with money, so it wouldn't come as a surprise if there were a stay-in family chef who would prepare their breakfast.

But what kind of chef would burn meat to prepare a dish?

Intrigued, Shen Yuan threaded the path down to the first floor, and doing so made him realize that the house was indeed a huge ass house. He bets they would spend months not seeing their shadows if he and Bai Tingfeng mutually avoid each other in this house.

Reaching the kitchen, Shen Yuan barged in with a big smile on his lips. "Hi! Good morning, Chef! Do you need an extra hand to prepare the breakfast?"

However, his amicable smile did not last long because what welcomed him was the broad back of an alpha.

The black body-fit T-shirt perfectly hugs the back muscles of the man. The black fabric emphasized Every cut dramatically, and heaven knows how much self-restraint he used to stop himself from running his fingers over them.

"Holy shit, this is what I call a true alpha!" Shen Yuan internally screamed, his eyes shining with adulterous admiration. His greedy eyes trailed downwards, and he couldn't help but bite his lips when he saw the firm and well-rounded butt of the man. "Jackpot! Who would have thought that there is someone who could stand on equal footing with Bai Tingfeng in having the best manly ass in this world?"

And a realization struck him like truck-kun.

"Bai Tingfeng?" Shen Yuan asked with a tight-faced smile.

The man turned to face him, revealing the true face of the hunk that he was salivating seconds ago, and the smile on his face vanished like bubbles.

"You are quite early, Shen Yuan. You should head to the dining hall and wait for the breakfast to be served," Bai Tingfeng said casually and turned to focus on the stove. Coincidentally, the pan spits out tall red flames. Fortunately, the alpha was agile enough to dodge the fire.

"What in heaven's abomination are you cooking?" Instead, Shen Yuan marched to the man's place and saw a string of black matter that he assumed was formerly a bacon strip lying pathetically in the scorched pan.

"This is breakfast?" Shen Yuan looked at Bai Tingfeng with his mouth wide open.

Ashamed, Bai Tingfeng avoided the omega's stare. His cheeks were partially flushed. 

"Not yet. I am just warming up."

Warm up, but all the dishes are burnt into charcoal?!

Shen Yuan villainously laughs in the face of the big alpha man before him. Now, he could understand Bai Tingfeng more. "You really suck at coming up with false excuses, Bai Tingfeng. You need to brush up on that aspect because once you cheat on me— believe me, you will be caught just by uttering a single letter."

"What do you mean by that? I will nev—"

Shen Yuan silenced him with a single index finger placed directly on his lips. The omega turned off the stove and swiftly threw the poor pan in the sink.

"You are just messing with the kitchen, Bai Tingfeng. Scoot over there, and I will cook the breakfast myself," Shen Yuan said without looking back at the alpha.

"Where are the chef or even the housekeepers? Why are you the one doing these things?"

"They will clock in by seven o'clock. I don't like other people walking around the house when I am resting at night. So everyone is regularly going home by five p.m."

"That is odd, considering that you know nothing about cooking. Why the setup? Did anyone try to climb your bed?"

Bai Tingfeng only responded with silence.

"Oh," Shen Yuan could only say in awkwardness. No matter if it's a playboy or whatever type of man, asking this personal question should not be asked so casually, especially between strangers and, in their case, estranged spouses on paper.

In order to brush away the unpleasant silence, Shen Yuan just focused on the task at hand.

"I don't know where the stuff is placed around this kitchen, so kindly bring out eggs, some meat like chicken and lean pork, carrots, peas, and rice— virtually everything needed for making omelet rice. I will show you what being a strong and independent omega means."

"I don't think cooking an omelet has anything to do with being independent.' Bai Tingfeng rebutted. But despite that, he didn't stall for time and immediately took out everything needed for the dish. Even the spices and condiments are pulled out of their designated place.

"Oh, believe me. Knowing how to cook speaks millions survival-wise, Bai Tingfeng. And surviving on your own, that is the very meaning of independence." Shen Yuan didn't forget to answer while watching the man do his thing. He then remembered something that they discussed in between their slapping incident.

"What time will we go to the therapist?"

Bai TIngfeng froze, obviously tensed. 

"For Yanyan." Shen Yuan immediately added. He decided not to force Bai Tingfeng to face his fears since doing so proved counterproductive. Besides, with their long spanking session last night, Shen Yuan successfully made his point that Bai Tingfeng could no longer be a soft persimmon.

"We both agreed to bring our son to a child psychiatrist to make sure that he is internally alright after what happened."

Bai Tingfeng's shoulders visibly slacken. "Yanyan typically wakes up by eight. Give time for preparation, and we will probably arrive at the hospital by ten o'clock."

"Eight O'Clock?" Shen Yuan internally asked himself. Isn't five a.m. too early to prepare breakfast for Yanyan?

He suspiciously looked at the previously prepared ingredients by Bai Tingfeng. There are bacon, messily whisked scrambled eggs, scorched and indistinguishably scorched french toasts, and uncooked hashbrowns. If all these are whipped up properly, it will create a standard breakfast menu from Country A.