Chereads / REBORN TO REVENGE. / Chapter 9 - Watch your tongue twin bro

Chapter 9 - Watch your tongue twin bro

"You should be careful with your reaction, Ae-Cha. Trust me, Chae-yeong is just a piece of cake that we can get rid of in no time. Let her enjoy the little princess treatment until tomorrow, her doom day starting." Dal-Rae said talking to her daughter in a low voice in the room.

"I understand mom. But I hate it when they treat her that way. It was supposed to be me to get all the treatment because she's not worth being treated like I'm supposed to be treated." Age-Cha said with tears to her mom.

"Where is my strong, brave daughter, I don't have a weak daughter like you," Dal-are said to her daughter and frowned.

Ae Cha wiped her tears and smiled. "I know mom, I just hate the fact that she's been treated like a princess by Grandma and Grandpa. She was just a countryside girl, why should she be treated that way." Ae-Cha said and frowned.

"That's why you have to act well and don't lose to her because I don't have a loser as my daughter. You know what to do, right? play two roles in this battle and use one stone to kill everything you want. It's possible if you are not going to watch those little pieces of cake win this battle." Dal-Rae said and smiled devilishly.

"I understand mom. I'll play a good heart and innocent role to win everyone's heart and play the role to make Song Chae-yeong taste hell and bring her down along with her brother." Ae Cha said in between her teeth, clenching her fist, looking so angry.

" Good. But you must make sure you make her lose face in front of her loved ones. Make her the bad girl everyone will talk about and hate her to the core."

" Let her know what it's like to be hated by the people she loves and doted for and by everyone. Then you can leave the rest to your mom. I'll make her die a painful death like her mother." Dal-rae said wickedly.

"Yes, Mom, I believe I can do it and I will get back all that is mine," Ae-Cha said, nodding her head looking so angry, like a female monster that could kill anytime.

" Good. That's my lovely daughter. Remember, Song Tae-hyun is not your biological father, so he may not want to leave anything of the family property to you when he finds out. But he can when his twins die to look as the biological child he has." Dal-rae said wickedly.

"I hate to hear that, Mom, he is my dad and no one can stop him from loving me and accepting me as his daughter. Song Chae-yeong must die along with her stupid twin brother." Ae-Cha said angrily to her mom.

"Good. Now sleep and let's prepare for tomorrow." Dal-Rae said and stood up from her daughter's bed and pecked her hair.

"Good night honey," Dal-rae said pecking Ae-Cha.

"Good night Mom," Ae-Cha said and closed her eyes.

Dal-rae switched off the light and switched on the dim light lamp in the room before leaving her daughter's room to her room.


A knock could be heard in Song Chae-yeong's room.

The door was opened and revealed Chae-yeong's sleepy and pretty face.

"Good morning, young miss. Old Madam Song told me to wake you up and come down to have breakfast with the family." The head maid, who had spent 20 years serving the Song's family, said softly and turned to leave after she finished saying whatever she was sent to say.

Song Chae-yeong closed the door gently and turned back inside.

She quickly sat on her study room table and opened her laptop that was placed on the table.

She typed the laptop for some minutes, smiling, satisfied with what she had worked so far on the laptop.

Song Chae-yeong has been fond of playing games since when she was a kid. The laptop was bought by her mother when she was three years old with her twin brother. They played games together, and Chae-yeong has been into games since then until now. Even when she was in puja, she played games and was also into hacking networks and the internet or any other stuff that could be hacked in this world, which she was good at doing and no one knew about it. Even Hwang Yu-jin whom she was dating then doesn't know about it.

She hid all her talents from everyone and even pretended to be dull in school and never concentrated in class. That made everyone think she was not serious and had a dull brain, but deep down in her heart, she was beyond intelligent. When she gets back from school then, she will study at night, and learn more about computing, games, and hacking.

Even in her past life, she was a top highly ranked assassin, gamer, and a top high-ranked hacker worldwide.

She smiled after she was done with whatever she was doing.

"With this, I can make massive money." She thought and finished a task she applied for last night, and she received an alert of $300,000 immediately.

"Wow that's so a huge amount of money, if I had known, I could make much, I'd be stinky rich by now, but Hwang Yu-jin always kept saying I shouldn't work or study because he was going to love me, take good care of me and work hard for me to take care of me when we get married, but it's all lies and fake. Thanks to God, that showed me everything and showed me what they had done to me in my past life." Chae-yeong thought sadly. Her eyes looked so cold and dark from anger.

"You all are going to regret it, everyone with ill intentions towards me or my brother and who so ever that have hand in my mom's death." Song Chae-yeong said in between her teeth.

A message popped up from the system that jolted her from her thoughts.

It was a message from her new follower that said; "wow I thought I was the god hacker, but I met my boss today. Can I work with you and learn from your boss." The message said with a funny pouting sticker. Song Chae-yeong smiled and replied.

"Well, it depends on how good and smart you are because I only work with smart people, and it depends on how loyal and honest you will be to me, so I can trust you're not an enemy in the future." Song Chae-yeong quickly typed and clicked send.

The person replied immediately. "I'm ready to pass through all your tests. This is my number and social media handle." The sender replied.

"Later then." Song Chae-yeong replied and shut the system.

Song Chae-yeong walked to the bathroom and came out with water dripping from her hair.

After some minutes…she was done dressing.

She is dressed in crazy jeans pants, a white crop top that shows part of her flat white stomach, and a put-on leather jacket on top.

She combed her long gold hair down to her waist, not applying any makeup - up just her naturally pretty face was so much better than some girls even after their heavy makeup.

Furthermore, she walked out of her room after putting on her boots, which matched her outfits, looking like a foreign female star but not girlish enough.

Likewise, she walked through the long stairs to the large living room.

Everyone already sitting in the dining waiting for her.

She walked to them and walked to Grandma's seat, pecking her cheeks, and then she did the same thing to Grandpa. "Good morning everyone." She said calmly and walked to her seat.

"What have you been doing after so many minutes, you were sent to come have breakfast with the family." Song Chae-yeong's father said with a dissatisfying look.

"She must have been preparing to dress up like this, looking like a military lady going to beat up some gangsters." Song Joo-won, her twin brother said annoyingly, looking so cold. This was the first time he spoke to Chae-Yeong's ear, but he wasn't nice and hated her.

Song Ae-Cha chuckled lightly, feeling so happy the way her father and her step-brother scolded Song Chae-yeong.

Song Chae-yeong's expression was calm and cold and took a side-eyed glance at Ae-Cha who chucked happily. Song Chae-yeong sneered and rolled her eyes annoyingly.

"First, Father, I was arranging my room, which I didn't have the chance to do so yesterday because I was tired before getting dressed up. Second, twin bro should be charming when speaking to your blood twin sister, or I might not be nice to you next time you speak like that to me. After all, I'm still older than you with some minutes before you came out from mom's womb. So I'm your elder and try to be respectful. For the first time, you'll speak to me." Song Chae-yeong said calmly, not looking at anyone's face but the food on the table.

Song Joo-won sneered and rolled his eyes annoyingly. "You're not any year older, so why act like you're older than I? Dream on, I'm still a man, do you think I'd respect you," Joo-won said coldly, raising his brow arrogantly at Song Chae-Yeong?

"I can see you're raised stupid and spoiled. Watch your tongue twin, bro, or I won't be nice." Song Chae-yeong said coldly and glared at Joo-won looking so cold that made him and everyone present shivered in fear. He composed himself and snorted loudly. "I'm eager to see your worst side, little twin sis," Joo-won said coldly and chuckled lightly.

"Be nice to her, she's your blood sister, not an outsider, Joo-won." Old Master Song said with a commanding tone.

"Sorry Grandpa," Joo-won said and picked up his spoon.

"Sorry Grandpa," Chae-yeong said softly too when Grandpa gave her a look to stop.

"Everyone should eat quietly." Old Madam Song said and touched Song Chae-yeong's hair softly.

They all started eating quietly.