Chapter 35 - The Match - 2!

A chant of the name "Golden Star" echoed throughout the arena as the audience showed their support for him.

Previously, many were backing Winter Nightfallen, but after witnessing Macho Husband's wife's tears, they shifted their support to Golden Star.

Winter Nightfallen had become a villain in everyone's eyes who needed to be punished, and Golden Star was chosen as the hero to do it.

"See, this is the nature of humans. You can easily change their minds with just a few words.

They don't think on their own about what's right or wrong; they just believe whatever is shown to them," Demios transmitted his voice into Adrian's head.

A helpless smile appeared on Adrian's face as he replied, "Well, that's just how it is with the majority, but there are some who are not like that, right?"

A confused expression appeared on Demios' face as he asked, "What do you mean?"

Adrian pointed towards a few people who had a contemplative expression, as if they were deep in thought.

They were not supporting Golden Star but instead saw the situation as a whole.

These individuals liked to think from both perspectives.

They knew Golden Star liked to act as a hero, but they wondered why Adrian helped him become a hero himself.

They had this question in their minds, curious about Adrian's motives.

Demios also realized what Adrian meant: "Oh, you mean them? Well, aren't they just a small number. There are always exceptions when it comes to human nature."

Adrian just shrugged at his answer: "Whatever. Now, let me focus on the match."

After finishing his response, a serious expression replaced his previous smile, but that didn't make a difference on the outside due to the mask on his face.

Adrian got into his fighting stance, ready for the fight.

Golden Star had a tense expression on his face; his legs were literally shaking from fear.

He had witnessed Adrian's power firsthand and didn't need anyone to tell him that he didn't stand a chance at winning this match.

Everyone showing their support for him just made it worse. Because if a hero loses and fails to live up to the expectations of people, then there is only one end for him - he is discarded.

That support will turn into hatred. The humiliation he will suffer will be several times more than before.

People will forget about Macho Husband and just make him their new target for entertainment.

Moreover, they will justify it like 'At least Macho Husband fought to protect the honor of his wife, but Golden Star was just a showoff who wanted to impress women.'

That jealousy that men have for him will just make it worse.

Although men hated him for being a showoff, at least before, they didn't have anything to insult him, but after this match, he will be humiliated at every turn.

The tense expression on Golden Star's face worsened as he thought about all the things that would happen once he lost.

Then, his gaze fell on a woman's tears. Macho Husband's wife had an imploring look on her face. She appeared so helpless.

After witnessing her pleading gaze, Golden Star discarded all the thoughts about losing as he shook his head. A valiant expression replaced his previous tense face.

"Go die, you bastard!" Golden Star shouted and charged towards Adrian with his sword covered in aura.

All this time, Adrian patiently waited at his spot. He wanted Golden Star to give it his all.

He wanted to get his hopes up before crushing them with his mocking smile.

Today, he wanted to humiliate him in front of this large audience.

This was the first time Adrian enjoyed acting like an asshole.

"Come and—" Adrian murmured before swiftly dodging Golden Star's attack. It appeared as if Adrian was fighting with a kid.

Afterwards, Adrian kicked Golden Star's legs: "Fall!"

"Arrrrr" Due to the kick impact, Golden Star lost his balance as he fell face first. In everyone's eyes, it looked too easy on Adrian's part, and it actually was.

With Golden Star fighting with his left hand, which he had no practice with, he fought like an amateur who just attacked in a straight line.

Although Golden Star's vigor had returned after noticing Macho Husband's wife's pleading gaze, he had forgotten about his own condition.

He was in a fight with a monster who loved humiliating others. He just attacked that monster in the heat of the moment.

"Hey, get up, Hero of justice. I am waiting for the punishment I deserve, you know, hehehe." Adrian gave a mocking laugh as he kicked Golden Star lightly as if waking him up.

Golden Star came to his senses after hearing Adrian's words.

A thought crossed his mind compelling him to think of only one thing: "I can't win against this monster; I should just forfeit. At least, I won't be humiliated any more."

Golden Star got up and raised his hand in surrender, and as if predicting what he was about to say, another begging voice chimed in, "Sir Golden Star, please punish that demon. I believe in you."

It was Macho Husband's wife who was begging on the outside but had a smirk inwardly as she snorted, "Hmph! Want to forfeit the match? In your dreams! I will not let it happen."

Watching her beg, everyone in the arena once again began to shout Golden Star's name as they cheered for him. Golden Star was once again stuck in the same situation as before.

Observing this, Golden Star sighed with a helpless tone, "Looks like, today, luck is not on my side."

Golden Star got ready for what was to come next as he once again charged at Adrian.

He attacked randomly in a hurry, wanting to be defeated with less pain and humiliation. However, Adrian had other plans; he kept on dodging without attacking even once.

He just kept mocking him with his words while dodging:

"Is this the best that the Great Hero of Justice has to offer? Huhuhu."

"Even a child is better at fighting than you, kekeke."

"I think the woman whose honor you are fighting for may be a better fighter than you! Why not just let her fight instead? Hehehe." Adrian giggled, dodging as he had been doing, but this time there was a change.

For the first time, Golden Star had a furious look on his face instead of a tired and tense one.

"How dare you insult that poor woman once again?" Golden Star roared, increasing the power and speed behind his attacks.

Adrian dodged, questioning in a mocking tone, "Is there a nut loose in your head?"

Afterwards, Adrian retreated, creating distance between the two of them before pointing at Golden Star and speaking, "That insult was aimed at you, you fool!"

"What?" Golden Star was taken aback for a second before he continued, "It doesn't matter who it was aimed at. You shouldn't have used her name in your insult."

Shouting that, Golden Star released a flurry of attacks aimed at Adrian. Adrian kept dodging for a while before muttering, "Enough!"

Adrian kicked, aiming at the grip of Golden Star's left hand. The new sword that he was holding flew out of his hand, landing a few meters away.

Next, Adrian quickly slashed at Golden Star's legs.


Golden Star let out a pained cry and fell down on his knees the next moment.

He raised his only working hand to surrender, but just as he opened his mouth to admit his defeat, but in that instant, Adrian grabbed his mouth before inserting the knife into it.

Upon noticing the knife in his mouth, Golden Star's eyes widened in shock and fear.

He attempted to take the knife out of his mouth with his remaining hand, but Adrian swiftly grabbed his hand before twisting it.


Golden Star let out a suffocated roar of pain as his hand was broken by Adrian.

Right now, Golden Star was in a miserable state where he could not even forfeit the match.

At this moment, Adrian appeared as a fierce, bloodthirsty monster in his eyes.

Next, Adrian broke all of Golden Star's fingers and bones in his legs.


He kept screaming for a long time, but his scream was dimmed down by the knife in his mouth.

He was in so much pain that he began to beg Adrian with a pleading look.

Tears fell down from his face, and snot covered his nose.

Everyone across the arena felt sympathy and pity for Golden Star except one woman.

She was actually thankful that her husband suffered less at that demon's hands.

After suffering from this horrific pain, Golden Star's eyes rolled back into his head as he passed out. Because he was unable to fight anymore, the match ended.


The host and the healers came rushing, but they stopped in their tracks when they saw Adrian showing them their palm, telling them to stop.

Adrian crouched near Golden Star's unconscious body before beginning to strip him.

Yes, Strip!

He removed his armor before removing all his clothes, leaving him lying in his underwear. The women present covered their eyes while the men smiled and made fun of this scene.

Afterwards, Adrian signaled the host and others to come. They reached the ring before the announcement regarding Adrian's victory was made.

Adrian simply left the ring afterward, disappearing from everyone's sight, but he didn't dissipate from their minds.

This match had been etched into their brains, reminding them not to ask Winter Nightfallen to humiliate anyone. He just takes things to a different level.

It took some time for the environment to cool down before another match could be started.


(A/N- Thanks for reading. ^..^)

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