Chereads / Coincidental Bond / Chapter 6 - Starvation

Chapter 6 - Starvation

The door had already been locked.

'What the hell…!' 

'Does this really mean I'll have to go with the starvation method of killing myself? Who knows when one of them would come back to check on me now. No! I can't possibly starve to death, it would be too cruelsome.'

'Why would he even locked the door anyways? Does he really intend to keep me locked up in here like a prisoner. I literally can't live like this, not a chance I wouldn't let that happen.'

Flower attempted the doorknob again. Still yet, it didn't open. She did this once again, but then it was still the same result that showcased.

Thus, in spleen resentment. 


Flower kicked the door with ire and force. Causing her feet to bleed, however this didn't really bother her one bit. Flower was strong, she wasn't a damsel in distress. But then it's just that the different between a woman and a man would always tell no matter what, and would always make a man victorious in some specific battle against a woman.

Flower was a great fencer back then in highschool, she had won multiple fencing tournaments from fencing, plus multiple medals from it too. It was either she gain second position or first position. Third position wasn't an exception to her.

She also used to rehearse karate with her friends after school. This was done incase she had to come across some insane thugs who might intend and attempt to take advantage of her and for self defense against any situation. All the hard kick and punches she had been able to embodied was due to the excessive karate lessons she used to receive long ago. She also knew martial arts techniques too, Flower wasn't just a weak lady who can't defend herself.

Moving backwards, Flower withdraw herself away from annoying door which was causing her deep bile. Her kick had done null damages against the door.

"Darn it!"

She mumbled.

Using her hands to adjust her black hair backwards roughly. 

Her stomach grunted again. She ignored it and sat back on the bed. Presently, there wasn't much that was left to do. The only she could do was to exhibit patient, fortunately someone might come in soon, hopefully.

'I'll just have to endure the starvation. I can't die before I ensure that Julius and Amanda are both buried properly. I need to survive for the time being."

She thought all this and then layed down upon the bed horizontally with her barefeets still caressing the floor. Flower was ultimately thinking that perhaps if she could manage to sleep off, then her food cravings would lessen. Hence, it didn't seem as though she was going to be sleeping anytime soon.

She had already closed her eyelids now. All that was left was for her to go into deep slumber.

However it didn't seem as though she was going to sleep as she kept substituting her position simultaneously on the bed every now and then. For some reasons it felt substantially hard to sleep whilst hungry.

'I'm so hungry. I don't really think that I can sleep on an empty. It's overly impossible. I have never done so in my entire days of living.'

Flower remained stagnant on the bed. Still trying to think of any move which could lead her into falling sleeping. She sang herself a lullaby, she played her favorite song for herself in her head. She even stroked her hairs by herself like a mother petting her little child to sleep. Notwithstanding, all her tactics didn't have any reciprocation at all.

Flower then decided to just stay still and stare wholeheartedly at the ceiling as minutes passed by like seconds. Until hours began to pass by too.

At long last, Flower began to feel drowsy. Soon enough, she doze off into deep slumber and snored away. Looking cute and vulnerable at the same time. Indeed Anthony was right to deem Flower as beautiful. Not only external beauty, but also internal beauty.

Flower was strong, she was intelligent, she could fight and she was agile and elegant. This were all the reasons one could take interest in her, perhaps this was what Anthony felt too.

In the evening.

Flower woke up groggily. Her eyes were swollen from crying so much, her face was initially overwhelmed with paleness. Her hunger grew.

She opened her eyes in a slothful manner. Thankfully, this time, they didn't meet with anyone cascading themselves above her. It's a good start.

Flower yawned wiltingly. Obstructing her widely opened mouth with her palm. She stared at the ceiling for a while, then she got up and claimed a sitting position.

Flower stretched her body, segmenting her hands in different ways. After she was satisfied with the stretch. She adjusted her hairs and glanced around the room.

"Good evening, Young Lady!" Regina greeted. "How was your rest?"

Flower yawned again, then she replied, "It was good," she said this tersely. Then she remembered again that she had starved to sleep with a grunting stomach. Her rest wasn't good in anyways, it was a cruelsome one. But it didn't matter, she had already replied Regina anyways.

"Mrs Regina, I was hoping that…" Flower attempted to speak, but Regina interrupted her sentence before it could land.

As though Regina knew what Flower was about to ask. With a worried facial expression and in a pitiful tone, Regina spoke;

"Young Lady, you must be hungry, you haven't had anything to eat all day. I was hoping that when you wake up then I could get you something to eat."

Flower's happiness knew no bond after hearing this. Although this particular thing was what she wanted to ask all along. However, she didn't know how to put it. It was as though Regina could read her mind with no hindrance. Of course she was viciously hungry, she wasn't going to refuse.

"I would really appreciate it if you could do so for me," Flower stated.

Regina smiled, "Of course I would Young Lady. Be patient for me and wait here, I'll be right back," she guaranteed.

With that said, Regina got up from the sofa and advanced forth the doorway. Then out of the door she went. Flower could clearly discern the sounds of some clanking bunch of keys. Meaning that Regina didn't forget to lock the door before leaving.

'Humph!' Flower hissed with an eye roll. 'They probably think that I would try to escape. Well they're right in assuming so, I would definitely try to run away if they don't stop treating me like shit. As long as I can find Julius and Amanda's graves, I would bid my farewell to them and die with them.'

Flower was hoping that, if she managed to find Julius and Amanda's graves, then she would commit suicide afterwards if there's no way of escaping from this hellish zone. However, if she managed to clutch an escaping tactics then she would escape back to any nearby city around. But, if it still turns out that Anthony was still adamant, and wants to keep her locked up in the room forever then she would definitely commit suicide.

It either Anthony let's her go and she wouldn't switch to suicide. Or he shouldn't let her go and then she would commit suicide. As simple as that. If an escaping opportunity show up then she would grab it without a second thought, but if it doesn't, suicide follows.

Moments later, Flower began to hear some clanking of keys once again. Regina was attempting to open the door. As soon as that was done, Regina came in with a tray of pie and sandwiches on a plate, beside the pie and sandwiches was a cup of orange juice.

Regina walked towards Flower. She hung the key beside her dress and extended the tray towards Flower.

Flower's eyes couldn't help but stare at the bunch of keys. It consist of so many keys, capable of opening various part of the house doors. 

'If I could manage to get my hands on those keys. I would be free. I think my next mission should be to get my hands on those keys. It would make things easier for me to know which key is capable of opening my room and the entrance door too. I don't even know what this mansion looks like. I'll have to explore to know more," Flower thought.

'But first I'll have to eat first.'

Flower accepted the tray from the housekeeper. Placing it on her laps. "Thank you," she said.

She glanced down at the delicious epitome of food. She loved eating pie, especially her favorite apple pie which her mother usually made back in Florida. Coincidentally, this pie too happened to be an apple pie. Flower also loved sandwiches, especially when they were sliced diagonally and infiltrated with pork meat.

'Was this a coincidence or a well planned meal? This are what I love to eat the most. How did she know this? Wow! Could she be a witch?'

Flower lifted her face towards Regina. "How did you know this is what I love to eat?" She asked curiously. Clearly bewildered.

Regina chuckled. "I didn't know this. Earlier today, Young Master gave me a list of what and what not to be prepared for you. That is the reason I made this," she stated.

Flower was critically shocked. She didn't know that Young Master was crazy about her to the extent of being able to make a perfect guess and list of what she loved to eat. It's simply unwonted.

'How could this be? I haven't seen this man's face ever in my life. How come he knows me so perfectly? Something seems bizarre about this young man. Well of course he is a werewolf, perhaps they had a way of telling such just by looking at someone.'

Regina noticed that Flower wasn't eating the food. "What's wrong Young Lady? Don't you like the food? I can change them for you if you like," Regina uttered with concern.

Flower hastily snapped out of her daze after hearing Regina's words. "No need for that. I like the food, it's my favorite," Flower replied.

"Then why aren't you eating it? Is something bothering you?" Regina asked.

Of course so many things was bothering Flower. The people, the mansion, their behavior and so on. But it wouldn't matter if she told Regina anyways, she would still always want to obey Anthony.

Flower cleared her dried throat. "It's nothing. I'll eat now," she said.

Mr Regina stood up from the sofa and towards the door. She wanted to leave Flower alone, in that way the girl wouldn't feel like she's being watched whilst eating. She thought that perhaps this was the reason why Flower wasn't eating yet.

"Wait!" Flower stopped Regina at the door.

Regina turned back to look at Flower, wanting to know and hear exactly what she needed from her.

"Yes," Regina replied.

Flower placed the tray of food aside. "I wanted to ask you if you know where Anthony buried my colleagues. Is there a nearby graveyard outside this fortress and do you know where?" She asked. "I would really appreciate if you could tell me."

"Young Lady, I don't know where. He might have buried them somewhere in the wilderness. You should ask him whenever you see him?" Regina proposed.

Flower contemplated for a while. "Alright. Thank you for your time. You may leave," she said.

"Sure," Regina bowed slightly, then after fondling the keys against the keyhole, she opened it and left. Not forgetting to close it from behind.

Flower sighed. "Darn it!" She exclaimed furiously. 'Does this mean I'll have to ask him? Gosh!'

She cursed inwardly. Until her stomach grunted. Then she remembered that she had to eat immediately. With that, Flower gathered her thoughts aside and carried the tray of food back to her laps.

Then she began to feast on them. She could clearly admit that Regina was a very skillful cook from what she was tasting. The pie tasted esculent, likewise the sandwiches. The orange juice tasted normal, just like a typical orange juice should taste.

Flower hasted the food into her mouth like a beast.