Chapter 5 - The Matriarch

"What are you doing here?"

A stunning woman, with long lush green hair greeted Ana.

At first sight only, Ana was impressed with her looks. The woman, whose face resembles his ex, was wearing a sleeveless white shirt and a black skirt, with an alluring cut on the side of her thigh, that graciously outlined her curvaceous bust. Merely looking at her reminded Ana about how much he was missing the touch of a beautiful woman.

One might think that Ana's mood shifts very quickly but he would definitely defend himself by saying that he's just a man, pursuing things naturally attractive to men.

"Are you a student?" The woman asked him again since Ana was too busy admiring her instead of replying.

Ana was very well aware that he was wearing a school dress so he didn't plan to start the lying game since he wanted to get her number.

"Oh yes, I'm just looking around." But regardless of the situation, Ana was in the end, a master in chatting up women.

"You look like you're new here. Didn't you listen to the Academy rules in the opening ceremony? You're not allowed up here." The woman's lips moved to chide Ana but he was too busy staring at them for a different reason.

"Ah, I just arrived today, so I missed it." Ana deepened his voice and sprinkled a hint of flirtatious intonations in his sentence. "Could you please tell me what the rule is and how I need to follow it?"

If he couldn't die, then at least he was going to find himself a girlfriend again. Afterall, he was done chasing a girl who didn't reciprocate his posthumous feelings, ableit he didn't know whether she really didn't.

"Wait, are you the new transfer student?" The woman walked upto Ana and checked the ID tag attached on the top of Ana's breast pocket.

Ana, in turn, unwittingly gazed upon the woman's supple skin and the necklace she was wearing that led down to her deep cleavage as she bent her body a little to get a closer look at Ana's tag.

"Hmm. Ana Krauser, right?" The woman's strict demeanor softened a little. "Yes, I've been informed that you'd be coming today."

Looks like Ana's enrollment in the academy was already taken care of.

"But you're not allowed up here, so come down with me." She spoke like a respectable teacher.

"Yes, ma'am." Ana was loving every second of his conversation with her.

[To Manage System: Use Watch]

A screen opened up in front of Ana's eyes like before as he started to walk down the staircase with the green haired woman.

Only after seeing the message did Ana realize that he was wearing a digital watch on his left hand.

Ana fiddled with it a little and the content on his screen changed.

[Ana Krauser: Rank F/SSS

Current Body in Use: Male (F)

Male Body (F):

No skills learned

Female Body (SSS):

Active skills: Lightning Blitz, Ability Apprehension (locked)

Passive skill: Skill Sharing ]

Being a rather methodical person, Ana quickly put together the meaning of the content that he saw in his head and summarized that this was the status screen which outlined his current state.

There were a few more tabs below his status screen that came with the option to switch his body in any direction he pleased and Ana explored them as he trod through the corridors, following the woman infront of him.

Along with the tab for his current main task explaining his job of taking over the protagonist of this game, there was also an inventory tab and a messaging tab.


•Redeemer's Gun]

In his inventory, he found only one thing. It was the gun that he had used to shoot Behrman, and in the process of it, somehow successfully managed to become a killer and a femboy at the same time.

[Redeemer's Gun:

Strength of Fire is directly proportional to the mana provided.

Uses Mana to recharge.

Has an inbuilt auto aim function so every time the gun is fired, a target is bound to get hit.]

After checking the description of the gun, Ana understood why the bullet he fired, which had missed Behrman, killed someone else instead.

"Come inside here." The teacher stopped infront of a place called 'Testing Room'.

Ana wondered why they were here and what she was going to test so he asked her.

"What will we be doing here, ma'am?"

"Here your mana aptitude will be tested and it'll give you a temporary rank till you're certified by an official guild." She answered.

"A rank?" Ana wondered whether there was some kind of hierarchy system in this academy but at the next moment, he immediately realized what the ranking system meant.

"It looks like you haven't been studying your lessons well, which is odd, since most students display keen interest in the ranks of hunters."

Ana was new to this world, so he didn't quite know what she was saying but he was somewhat able to follow.

"But I'll explain it so that you understand." The teacher entered the room and Ana followed her in.

The room was empty and only the two of them were present here unlike how the corridors at least had a few students here and there.

"All Hunters are given a rank from F to S, F being the weakest and the other end being the strongest." She gestured towards a chair.

Ana obeyed her unspoken instructions and sat down as he closely enjoyed her beauty.

"The temporary rank system is provided inside the academy so that the Mock Battles can be held more fairly and it also provides ease for both the candidate matriarchs and the hunters to simplify their selection and contractual process."

After explaining the minute details, the teacher then introduced herself.

"My name is Eva Poli, Matriarch of the Upper East District and instructor of the matriarch candidates." She laid out a small crystal ball on the table beside the chair where Ana was sitting. "And I'm also the Head incharge of categorizing the hunters."

Listening to her, Ana concluded that Eva was quite a stern and upright person. From her introduction, it was apparent that she held some sort of political power in this world along with being an important teacher in this place.

But as much as he was enjoying the company of such a wonderful woman, a small worry started to brew in the back of Ana's mind.

"Ma'am, is there no rank above S class?" Ana asked her.

A bad taste seemed to linger in his throat, as he looked at his own rank.

[Ana Krauser: Rank F/SSS]

"The S rank hunters are the strongest warriors that are sent to conquer the most difficult dungeons. The power levels beyond S class are currently unmeasurable with our technology, but even with the limited number of S classes currently registered in the Hunter Bureau, there aren't many hunters with such power to justify creating a rank beyond S class." Eva replied and solidified Ana's worries.

"Can a person have two ranks at the same time?" Ana started to devise plans to cover up his anomalous rank while he asked Eva about his condition.

"You really have been skipping on your studies." The matriarch sighed. "No, they cannot. It is physically impossible, unless somehow someone managed to join two bodies together into one."

"Yeah, I'm sorry that was a stupid question." Ana cursed Behrman in his head again for turning him into such a ridiculous exception. "But how does this machine work?"

Ana looked at the crystal ball and examined it with his eyes. It wasn't glowing but a faint hue emitted out of it.

"You just need to put your hand on it and release your mana. The ball will automatically pick up your aptitude and display your rank on it."

"I see…" Ana set his newly hatched plan to save his twisted cover in motion. "Wait, look! A flying cockroach!"

"Whaat! Where is it!?!" Eva jumped up and frantically began to shake while looking at the direction that Ana pointed to.

Perfectly seizing the opportunity Ana created for himself, he placed his hand on the crystal ball and tried to release his mana, by trial and error, in the best way he could while Eva was distracted.

The ball steadily became white and began to softly glow.

"Where?! Where is the cockroach!"

Ana learned that Eva was really scared of cockroaches.

"There! It's flying there!"

"Eeeek!!" Eva foolishly kept looking for the cockroach while Ana continued his ranking venture.

The crystal ball eventually turned up the letter F on its surface.

Resting his long standing worries and feeling relieved that a normal letter had come up, Ana decided to let go of the crystal ball but just as he was about to, Eva turned around and grabbed it.

"Eeeeek!!!" She then threw it straight at the wall and the crystal ball shattered into pieces.

"Ma'am, are you-" Ana stood up to calm her.

"Eeeeek! I hate cockroaches!!" She jumped into Ana's embrace and buried her face into his chest.

The softness of her body, especially the mellowness of her majestic upper breasts squished Ana's body and made him reminisce about his childhood fantasy of having an intense sex life with a busty woman.

A stream of synapses got relayed in his nerves, as slowly but sturdily, Ana's member rose up to greet the beauty's crotch, poking into her creased black skirt.

"I think the cockroach is dead now." Ana smiled at Eva.

Eva pushed herself away from him and turned her face away from Ana as she coughed by putting her hand on her mouth before saying, "Ahem. That was very unprofessional of me."