Chereads / Master Of Horrors / Chapter 3 - Metam

Chapter 3 - Metam


A sequence of knocking and calling out in Building 4 might be interpreted as that individual attempting to find someone nearby.

Either they were indifferent to his presence, completely determined to ignore him, or they weren't individuals at all.

Of course, that someone was me. 

I navigated to my floor, hoping to encounter someone who might assist me or accompany me for the time being.

Who knows if they possess abilities that could aid in this situation?

And I have failed to achieve the goal.

'Are they not concerned that a sudden blackout happened on 'my' very first day or they just don't care!?'

There could be a threat from the Horrors, or, worse yet, someone might have perished due to its assault without our awareness...

That could be a scenario that requires immediate attention. If that's the case, then we're in a problematic crisis. 

In the end, no one responded to my call, but I'm quite certain that some of the rooms I passed had people inside them. I refrained from delving any deeper to avoid encroaching on their privacy.

I went back right in front of my room and patiently waited for at least an hour, but then as if my prayers were answered, the room beside me opened, revealing a peculiar-looking woman who appeared to be around my age.

Well, at first, if not for that blemished skin that might cause someone to think otherwise.

"It was damn hot in my room! Is this what that joke is all about!? There might be an earthquake happening all around the place or your house is burning down, but the only time you will wake up is when your fan is turned freaking, flipping off!"

Yep, definitely a strange woman.

"Why is there no fan!"

And that strange woman gazed at me.

"Do you agree with me!? We should file a petition about it!"

"Yeah? Sure…"

Very abrupt, very sudden.

With that decision made, both of us exited the building and chose to follow the signs toward the main base, with only the moon as our source of light.

"Ydapely Fane?"

"It's Watery Lane."

"That's what I said."

Staring at her with a bewildered expression, clearly hearing her incorrectly which could be a result due to the limited use of light, I calmly expressed.

"This must mean we're near the main base. If I remember correctly, we just have to cross two more streets."


The peculiar lady, who had an obsession with ceiling fans, regarded me with a strange look as if I were stating the obvious.

Then, she walked in the right direction without needing my instructions, seemingly confident that she didn't require any guidance, and I followed suit.

While strolling along the serene road, the peculiar lady initiated a conversation with me for some reason.

"Which squad did you belong to?"

A squad?

"I just came here."

The lady took a brief moment of pause before continuing.

"A newbie? Then, which division and rank?"

Looks like I'm being interviewed… I should consider this peculiar lady as a senior officer of this place rather than a newcomer like myself.

"Sixteenth division. Rank 1203."

"Hoh, pretty high for a newbie."

"You are exaggerating ma'am."

The peculiar lady, dressed in nothing but a short skirt that exposed her bare, smooth legs, and a t-shirt revealing her cleavage, laughed heartily before responding.

"Respectable, at least. Seeing that's the case, you must belong to a low status, not in a line those at the top. Your tone, though, has confidence in them as if you're very familiar with this kind of thing." The strange lady paused, "Now I understand why they sent you here."

Wait… you understand why they sent me here? 


"What do you mean by sending me here—"


Suddenly, my voice trailed off as we noticed movement up ahead, causing both of us to shift our attention toward it. Gradually, my indifferent expression faded as I saw something approaching in that direction.


In the dark expanse of a warehouse's shadow, a silhouette emerged.

The creature was half taller than a man and stood upright on two legs. Its horrific frame was broken and distorted. Its body appeared to be covered in a foul-smelling liquid. It had two long arms that had too many joints. Its back was covered in fin-like spikes. Its face was corpse-like and clung together with loose skin. Its mouth gaped open with rows of saw-like teeth and a long black tongue. Its eyes were four gunk-encrusted violet beads.

'What even is that creature?'

No, I can instantly recognize what that 'thing' is.

There's no need for another explanation. That thing is a Horror. It was breathtakingly perilous and disgustingly fierce.

"Is that one yours?" 

The peculiar lady inquired with a mischievous smile gracing her lips, a question to which I promptly declined.

If it was mine, there would be honestly no way I can control it!

Letting out a short breath, I suggested, "Do we have to run? That thing seems to be strong."

Come on now, if we have to run, we can do it now and might stumble someone who can help! 

"Run? Do I look like I'm unreliable?"



Seeming somewhat disheartened by my swift and brusque response, the peculiar woman glanced at the Horror with an unfazed expression before proceeding to form hand seals.

With her right hand forming a flicking position and her left positioned underneath her other arm as if providing support, she continued her gestures.


The Horror expressed its hostility while letting out a frivolous shriek that almost blinded my ears.

It disappeared from its original location, halving the distance to our position, yet it still felt distant, especially as the person in front of me appeared to have completed her setup.

She flicked her finger, accompanied by a muttered incantation, "Metam."

I got to witness something magnificent right after.

The monstrosity that tried to lunge at us halted in its place.

On its back, as if the thin fabric of reality had been slightly opened, a ghost-like specter towering almost as tall as the large warehouse earlier emerged. It cleaved the scythe upward before striking the Horror directly in its distorted body.

The Horror didn't even get to move.

It struck on its chest and was then pulled back to where the giant specter originated, leaving the area silent once more.

This just all happened in a few seconds!


Feeling as if she was cool there, the peculiar lady smugly turned around and introduced herself,

"My name is Ariana Lentel, Vice Captain of the Commander's Battalion. They knew me as the Ghost. As for your name… you didn't even inform me about it."

Waking up from my reverie, I subtly responded.

"Gin Vence… The name's Gin Vence."

Ariana smiled softly, "Then, welcome to Dreaded Swamps, Gin Vence. Anyway. We still have to go there. That Horror earlier probably broke out from the prison so why not follow me?"

Given the limited choices on my part and the clear advantage to my survival by sticking with her, I followed suit.

However, my mind can't help but linger and admit at the fact how cool she did her powers there. 

'Just how irresponsible is this place…'

During a power outage, typically, the area would have a secondary or reserve power source for such situations. I couldn't observe any such preparations here. However, that appears to be the only issue with this place because everything after that is of top-notch quality.

Nevertheless, they shouldn't become too complacent! Having a backup power source is essential for times when it's needed such as now!

And yes, we're inside the Headquarters, the brain, and the centermost part of the base, It's an eight-story establishment – three underground and five above ground – where various specific rooms are present. There are facilities like a gym, entertainment area, library, and more.

"There's even a bar underground."

As for how I ended up acquiring this seemingly useless information instead of focusing on more immediate concerns... well, you get the idea.

"The lights. How do we fix them?"

Putting an end to her seemingly irrelevant conversation, seizing control of the situation, I interjected into the ongoing discussion.

"The source of the blackout must've transpired at the second area. Our utility pole intersected this with the power supply there. That should be the reason." Ariana replied while clicking her tongue.

"But it's not like this is something huge. Acting on your own will be bad. For starters, always inform everything to the Commander. This is what you should remember unless you really need to do things yourself."

Coming to a sudden stop in her steps, she turned her gaze in my direction. "This room will be open every second, minute, day and night. The commander's desk. If you have any inquiries that involve these swamps, knock on this door and say it. Understand, newbie?"

Facing the door, which lacked windows and was situated at the far back end of the headquarters, Ariana entered. Any suspicions I had intended to voice after this were quelled as the person inside was revealed.

Wearing a plain t-shirt and shorts, with eyeglasses perched atop his head, a person in a pair of crocs waved indifferently as he walked towards us. He then addressed Ariana in a friendly tone.

"Sup, how are we holding?"

"We're holding just fine. In fact, we're in perfect shape."

The Commander shifted his gaze past Ariana in my direction and inquired, "A newbie? Did he cause any trouble for you, or is it 'that' case?"

"The latter," Ariana answered, "I can't figure this guy out. I was hoping you can figure it out."

The Commander's indifferent expression turned into a frown, and he directed his attention towards me, shouting, "Hey!"

Straightening my back and putting my hands on it, I responded.

"Yes, sir!"

The Commander walked towards my front.

"Cadet Gin, do you know who I am?"

"Sir, no sir!"

"I'm Commander Oliver Grey. You'll be calling me Commander from now on, understood!?"

"Sir, yes sir!"

Oliver walked in front and specified, "I just told you what to call me, right?"

"Yes, commander!"

Oliver nodded before moving closer to my face, almost touching my nose to his, as he added, "Answer me truthfully, Cadet Gin. Do you have any Horrors with you?!"

'Huh, with this question again—'

It was also at that moment that everything started clicking together. At first, I was so confused but even though I answered the receptionist lady from earlier, they still wouldn't believe it.

But it became crystal clear now.

'Maybe they've encountered some cases before. I see, I see.'

No wonder they were very perceptive about this.

Straightening my back once more, I replied, "No, commander!"

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