Chapter 32 - Putting the Rune

Before Alex could answer, red smoke came out from his body, then gathered atop Emily.

It then started condensing and transformed into Vesa. 

Vesa then flew closer to Emily's forehead. Its wings then tore in half, the upper part starting to transform into human-like hands.

Vesa's sharp claws then pricked Emily's forehead a little, blood coming out, coating its nails red. 

Vesa then lifted the finger and started moving in complicated patterns, each stroke leaving a green glow in the air.

Alex could barely follow Vesa's movements; it didn't take long for Vesa to finish. 

The rune floated in the air, then pushed into Emily by Vesa's gesture. 

Light shone the moment it made contact, filling the whole room with its green hue. This made Alex close his eyes as the light was too bright.

When he opened his eyes again, Vesa had already disappeared. He then saw Emily's white hair turn back to golden, her pale face returning to its rosy hue.

A relief washed over Alex; he slumped down on the couch. 

A small chuckle escaped his lips. Then it turned into laughter. Now that the crisis was over, he remembered what he had done. 

Alex laughed because he realized how crazy he had been; usually, he always looked for the safest way to do something, but instead, he had taken so many risks. 

Alex remembered every single pain he had felt. His body was bitten, limbs torn apart.

He sighed and then looked at Emily's peaceful sleeping face. 

"I never knew they mattered so much to me."

He then wondered if he had had this power when his father disappeared and what he would have done.

"Should I look for Dad then? I need to go to a category five dungeon anyway," Alex mumbled to himself. 

He then remembered he also needed to tell Mingyue about this since his blunder would also affect her. 

"Forget it for now; I should check if I can go catch them all," he said with a chuckle, remembering a popular pun from his childhood anime.

Alex excitedly took out the storage box and then checked the interface. 

"FUCK! It's dead." 

Alex could see the sabertooth wolf's body on the ground, realizing the wolf probably died because of backlash from its abilities.

"Brother, who are you cursing at? Is it a game again?" 

Emily said as she raised her upper body, sitting on the bed. 

She touched her forehead, trying to remember what happened, her memory starting to return like a jigsaw puzzle.

Her eyes widened, and cold sweat started dripping over her forehead as panic set in.

She jumped to her feet, reaching where Alex sat, and then quickly checked over his body for any wounds. 

"You!? What happened to you!? Are you alright now? Last time..." 

Emily's words cut off as she touched her own neck. "Shouldn't I have..."

Alex took out a water bottle from his storage ring and put it on the table. 

"Drink first, Emily. I am sorry I failed you as your brother. I put your life at risk... 

Are you afraid of me now?" 

Alex asked as he looked toward the water bottle. He doesn't dare to look at her face, afraid that she will lie to him.

After awakening his ability, it became easy for Alex to detect lies from people's expressions. 

It should have been a good thing, but the first few months were really painful; he started realizing how often people around him were lying. 

This is one of the reasons he immersed himself in the virtual world, where he couldn't tell if people were lying.

Seeing her brother, Emily knew what he was thinking. It wasn't her first time seeing him like this, and it pained her. 

She walked closer and then hugged Alex tightly. 

"I am your family, you dumb brother, not those shallow people with their own agendas.

Why would I lie to you?" 

She then forcefully made Alex look at her face. 

"I am afraid, afraid you will leave me too… Like dad... 

Tell me what happened. I won't let you go until you tell me everything."

Alex froze for a moment at her words, then smirked and knocked her head. "Who are you calling dumb? You silly sister of mine."

Emily's lips puffed out; she then playfully stomped back, acting like she was angry. But the result made her stop in her steps.

CRACK! The ground cracked, which surprised Emily since she was sure she hadn't exerted much strength. 

She then closed her eyes, realizing there was another source of energy in her body now.

Her eyes opened, gazing sharply at Alex. 

She didn't say anything further; she took the water bottle to relieve her parched throat and then sat on the couch.

Feeling her gaze, Alex sighed.

He didn't know how much Emily would believe, but he knew it was better to tell her everything. 

His sister somehow always knew if he was hiding something. 

"First of all, what Is inside your body is a Rune made from lifeforce." 

Alex then started explaining about the Rune, Vesa, vampires, the Primogenitor, Mingyue's involvement, and the cultivation world, and he didn't leave anything out. 

Alex also showed her the storage cube and what he planned with it.

Throughout his story, Emily only sat there, not saying anything, not even blinking. 

All the information took her by surprise. 

"So you're saying the blood you consumed is Primogenitor blood???"

"Yes, do you know about it?"

"There's only one thing I know about it: every new hunter is told if they hear any words about the Primogenitor, they should report to the association and stay away as far as possible," Emily said, with worried eyes looking at Alex.

"There are other Primogenitors?" Alex mumbled.

[Of course, King. Every race has one, even humans.]

This made Alex frown. 

Humans exist not just on his planet; even Mingyue, a cultivator, is counted as human.

Doesn't that mean the human Primogenitor is crazy strong? 

He wanted to ask Vesa more questions, but with Emily being there, he refrained from doing so.