Chereads / The Devil Emperor From A Bloody Nobody / Chapter 42 - Shadows and Schemes:Chapter 42 Master And Apprentice 2/3

Chapter 42 - Shadows and Schemes:Chapter 42 Master And Apprentice 2/3

Warrior Goddess pointed at the forehead of the boy, speaking patiently.

"If we classify the strength of humanity as it currently stands, it could be divided into seven levels. The first level involves humans simply enhancing their physical strength through exercise to improve their combat abilities. Even strong farmers who engage in regular exercise or average people who frequently work out can reach this stage. This level is called as 'Body Forging.' "

"The second stage builds upon the foundation of physical training, allowing for the study and mastery of combat skills. Advanced hand-to-hand combat techniques and weapon-handling skills begin to be incorporated into human combat capabilities. People at this power level can adeptly use a variety of standard fighting techniques and weapon skills. Most soldiers fall into this category, referred to as 'Technique Smithing.' "

"The third level, reached after mastering solid techniques and acquiring sufficient physical strength, requires one to understand the traits of their inner character, and their true aspirations, and integrate the most advantageous aspects of their personality into their combat style. "

"This involves a continuous search for the fighting style and fighting moves that best suit their character traits, thereby enhancing their combat abilities. This level of power is known as 'Heart Refining.' They know how to fight with their character traits, rather than simply charging in recklessly. Most empire generals and some royal knights are at this stage."

"For example, some soldiers are naturally courageous and fearless but tend to overlook details and lack caution. This can make them unsuitable for very complex and meticulous combat techniques, as they are more prone to making mistakes when employing these techniques. Their inherent fearlessness can also be hindered in these combat styles. However, suppose they fully unleash their innate courage. In that case, they become fearless of injury and pain in battle, often becoming more valiant as they accumulate scars, thus leveraging their strengths more effectively."

"Yet, at this level, individuals are still at the beginning stages of subjectively integrating their character into combat. They are not yet able to use their personality traits perfectly and clearly in battle; their understanding and application are deliberate rather than natural. Nevertheless, people at this stage can be considered experts who may take on ten opponents at once."

"The fourth stage is called 'Essence Integration.' At this level, individuals can perfectly and thoroughly utilize and control the advantages of their character traits in battle. Every action naturally reflects the fusion of their personality and combat style. Even facing a hundred enemies alone is not an exaggeration. Engaging in a duel with a formidable magical beast and emerging victory is not impossible. The number of people in the world who have reached this fourth level is as rare as one in ten thousand."

The fifth stage is known as 'Soul Martial.' After the fourth stage, whether in terms of spirit or body, one encounters a barrier of the ordinary that no amount of training can overcome. This represents the limit of human potential. To transcend the ordinary and attain sainthood, almost every action must align with one's innermost thoughts and values, achieving complete consistency between all external behaviors and one's character, spirit, and inner self. 

Accumulating such consistency daily allows the refinement of one's willpower and the fortitude of the soul. Eventually, in battle, the strength and toughness of the soul can be infused into combat moves and techniques, significantly enhancing damage. Those who reach this level are fewer than twenty in the entire world.

The sixth stage is called as 'The Other Shore.' Individuals at this level have essentially become synonymous with the strongest in the world. The physical strength and the spiritual cultivation reach their peak. Facing more than ten thousand foes is not an impossible feat for those at this level. As for the final stage, known as 'Soul Burning,' it is feared that such beings exist only in the annals of epic tales.

After briefly explaining these fundamental concepts, the young woman curled her finger, signaling Idiot to come closer. He thought for a moment, then lifted his left foot and moved forward…

Before he could touch the ground, the woman's finger had already gently touched his forehead.

"To protect yourself and the people you love from being harmed by the power of this sword, To prevent yourself from getting lost and losing humanity for the addiction, you must learn how to wield it. Fortunately, I know a sort of swordsmanship that is very suitable for you. This unnamed swordsmanship was created in the last epoch, and the first move of it I just demonstrated on your forehead is the first core technique of this swordsmanship—Eclipse Strike."

After the young woman finished speaking, Idiot realized that her finger had been at his brow before he was even aware of it. If she had been holding a dagger or a sharp knife instead of a finger…

He involuntarily stepped back, a cold sweat breaking out on his back. The Goddess smiled slightly, retracting her finger, and said, "The founder of this sword technique was a genius, and his successors were no weaklings. There were no concepts of tiers of strength back then, so this technique can't be defined by any power level framework."

"However, not being defined by a power framework can be both good and bad. I've seen this technique passed down through hundreds of generations, but apart from the founder and the first successor, no one else has been able to master the entire technique. Even this initial move, Eclipse Strike, has prevented many beginners from progressing. Needless to say the other five moves of this sword technique."

Idiot took two more steps back, breathing heavily, sweat forming on his forehead. But just as he stepped back, the woman's fingertip had, unaware of him, touched his forehead again. Her nail gently traced his brow. The boy, who could once remain calm in even the most dangerous situations, now couldn't think of any way to escape this fear of death.

"The essence of this move is speed. It's named Eclipse Strike because the technique suggests a powerful, swift, and decisive sword technique."

"It seems simple and unrefined, but the simpler the move is, the faster and more lethal it becomes. Now, I'll perform it again in slow motion, so you can see my movements and the technique clearly."

The young woman withdrew her finger and demonstrated the first move from start to finish once more. Seeing that she seemed to be earnestly teaching him, the boy looked at his arm where the devil was, silently committing to memory every movement about the sword technique.