Chereads / The Vinx System / Chapter 24 - Gloomy Letter

Chapter 24 - Gloomy Letter

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Of course, the Pentagon only didn't give too many details, because it was already waking up from its sleep, and I was in a dream... and not in a place where I sought to go.

But at least that cheered you up a bit... it proves even more that the theories were already right when the Pentagon showed that there are many other beings besides the Vinxurians.

The books said that it was a myth to look for many more than the Vinxurians here on earth... and they listed the names of those who were rare to find on earth, the: Rivorians (Rivors), Axorians (Azons), Ederians (Êders), Nevoxians (Nevoxs) and the main being familiar with everything and everyone... the Vinxurians (Vinxs).

For Shin, it was exciting to know that one day he could both study them more calmly... and simultaneously fight against them, because he knows that this is what his purpose is, to discover the mysteries of the government, the beings that inhabit so much of the earth and the universe and the secrets of the heroes.

He would do anything to get to the bottom of confidential government information that even his parents wouldn't trust him with.

After a lot of thought while looking out of his window, he notices that it's starting to drizzle outside.

And somehow this affects Shin's mind a little more, giving him a feeling of drowsiness... since rain calms you down a lot when you think too much.

He watched the drops of water hitting the window and this also gave him a feeling of tranquillity... it was as if the water hit his body and it immediately refreshed him.

A minute later, Shin felt his eyelids getting heavy... the sparkle in his blue eyes ceased.

At that very moment, he was starting to feel very sleepy... he realized that sleep was a good option, surrendering completely to it would prevent him from looking too much at the clock to see exactly when he would arrive in Kyoto.

And once he had adjusted his armchair to lie down, he quickly fell asleep without feeling anything else.

The noise of the train begins to echo over Shin's head, something that shouldn't happen in reality, because in the carriage you can't hear the outside noise of the train.

Perhaps Mooni is sharpening Shin's hearing to an extreme level so that the sound of the rain, which was already light, together with the sound of the tracks, tries to weigh down his sleep even more.

Since the sound of the tracks and the moving train were not loud... they were in perfect balance with the rain outside the carriage.

She managed to do this with an ease that weighed down Shin's sleep even more... possibly for some purpose.

After a few minutes of that sound echoing through his mind, the sonority ends and he begins to hear the sound of a door being slammed.

He opens his eyes and finds himself back in the same space he was in when he found the Pentagon.

Shin gets excited right away and starts looking around for any sign of the Pentagon, as he didn't expect to return to the same place as before in his dream.

So he starts running forward and looks for it.

"Pentagon! Where are you? I need more fucking answers now!" Shin exclaims, running forward in search of the Polygon that had woken him up that day.

Shin realized that there was no point in running... nothing was changing around him, and he gave up looking.

With no clear answers, he ponders why he is in that same place if no Polygon is present.

The boy then began to observe his surroundings even more and suddenly saw something lying on the ground in front of him.

It was a kind of card that was sealed with a red seal.

He went forward and carefully picked up the letter and began to look at it.

Shin read the writing on the outside of the letter.

"Read it carefully." Shin said in a low voice what was written at the bottom of the letter above the red seal.

He slowly opened the letter and took out the paper inside to read.

Reading that letter, he couldn't muster any reaction after seeing it... and then his right hand, which had been holding the letter, dropped it.

And the scene shows what Shin had read in that letter, and it was written:

"The eyes are roaming over you." It described what Shin had read in the letter and remained silent.

Shin kept walking forward in search of an answer or even a way out of that place... he couldn't stand to see that never-ending darkness any longer.

His steps became heavy, his mind seemed to want to feel hatred and anxiety... he just wanted to be able to sleep and dream of better things than being in control of his dream and ending up in that place without a purpose.

The more he walked, the more his anxiety grew... trying to understand what would happen there.

And when he least expected it, something appeared in front of Shin.

He tried to see what he had found from a distance, and he noticed a white light appearing a little away from him.

Then Shin made his way to where that glow was and after two minutes of walking... there it was.

Right next to that glow which had started to develop a little further in front of him.

The light was in a hole in the black wall of the place as if it were a light bulb on a ceiling.

Shin began to think about it.


Hey, thanks for reading The Vinx System. I'm your host and your friendly neighborhood, Niiyeng!


For those of you reading this, if you want more content from this book... I'm going to set a target here so that you, as a reader, can help me and, if you want to introduce this to another reader to get to know this work, I'd be happy to <3

For every 100 collections, there will be 2 extra chapters.

I'm counting on you.

Thank you to everyone who reads, it means a lot to me.

"Every day, a new chapter, a new story." (Niiyeng)