Chapter 11 - Initiating System...

Ewaan's curiosity surged, overriding any lingering apprehension about the soothing and melodious voice that resonated directly in his mind.

It was a beautiful, girlish tone that imbued a sense of serenity, gradually stirring excitement about the voice within him.

Ting~ [Responding to the user, Great Sage cannot utilize the ability ‹Telepathy›, as Great Sage is just a System.]

Surprised, he uttered, "System??" Glancing at the still-sleeping girls, he stealthily rose from his bed, grabbing his glasses on the way out of the room.

Downstairs, he settled into a corner table, murmuring softly, "Hang on, System? As in System, System?? The System that main characters always get in those fantasy settings?"

His excitement was palpable, but he retained his stoic expression, keeping his cool demeanor intact.

Ting~ [Answering the user's curiosity, Great Sage is a System known as ‹Great Sage›. Great Sage's sole purpose is to assist the user in various ways.]

"Hmm… then could you assist me in viewing my stats?" He inquired, curious about his own capabilities, addressing the ‹System›.

[Affirmative, Great Sage can indeed assist the user in viewing his stats.]

Upon the resonating sound of the ‹System›, a holographic pop-up window materialized in front of him, displaying his status.

Though he somewhat expected, It slightly startled him nonetheless.



〘17 Years〙


〘Gender: Male〙〘Species: Human〙

〘Class: None〙〘Attribute: Aether, ???〙


〘Strength: 45〙

〘Constitution: 37〙

〘Dexterity: 48〙

〘Intelligence: 22〙

〘Wisdom: 9〙

〘Charisma: 23〙


〘Magic Points: 300〙〘System Points: 10〙


"This… is my stats?" Ewaan's eyes widened as the holographic window materialization displaying his status. "It's all good but… what's wrong with my Wisdom?" He scrunched up his face in a mixture of surprise and disappointment.

– And what's with that Attribute slate...?

He pondered, noticing the question mark surrounding his attribute.

As he was absorbed in scrutinizing his stats with furrowed brows, Ewaan was jolted from his concentration by the sudden sound of Great Sage.

[Notice: Under special circumstances, the skill ‹Stature› has been created. Upon invoking this skill, the user can now view his stats.]

[Notice: Upon the creation of a skill for the first time, the user has been rewarded with the God-tier sword ‹Aetherblade Katana›, along with an additional 100 gold coins and 10,000 Exp value. The rewards will be placed inside Inventory momentarily.]

[Notice: The skill ‹Stature› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Stature› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Stature› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Stature› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Stature› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Stature› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Stature› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Stature› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Stature› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Stature› has reached it's maximum level.]

"Wow! Huh? I got rewarded? And a God-tier item at that!" Although he carried a surprised tone, his stoic expression remained unchanged. "But most importantly, I now have money!"

A glimmer of relief sparkled through his eyes, revealing the depth of his newfound happiness.

Despite receiving powerful weapons and skills, it was the prospect of having money that thrilled the once ordinary boy the most.

"Hmm? Did it mention something about an ‹Inventory›?"

His Stats window was still open, with four options hovering above it.


He noticed the inventory option and attempted to select it manually, his fingers hovering over the holographic interface, but frustration crept in as each attempt ended in failure.

Ting~ [The user can effortlessly access their ‹Inventory› and explore additional options with a simple mental command.]

Upon the resonating sound of the ‹System›, he mentally invoked ‹Inventory›, causing the holographic status window to seamlessly transition from ‹Stats› to ‹Inventory›, like a curtain being drawn open to reveal a hidden treasure trove.


〘Holy Glove ‹Divine Embrace›〙|〘God-tier Sword ‹Aetherblade Katana›〙|〘×2 Pouch Of 100 Gold Coins〙|〘STARTER PACK OF MAGIC〙|〘INTERMEDIATE PACK OF MAGIC〙|〘×2 Lucky Chest〙

The inventory displayed various items, neatly organized into sections.

Among them, only the starter and intermediate packs glowing red, indicating their magical nature. Clicking on them would reveal the pack's contents in a separate inventory, filled with intriguing items.

However, Ewaan's focus remained solely on the money bags, as he simply thought of 〘×2 Pouch Of 100 Gold Coins〙 and instantly, two pouches materialized and landed on the table with a soft thud.

His doubt turned to amazement as he peeked into the pouches, revealing real, tangible gold coins. He had doubted their authenticity, fearing they might be mere tokens, but to his surprise, they were genuine.

Moreover, they were the larger denomination, more valuable than the smaller coins he had seen before. It surpassed his initial expectations, leaving him in awe of the wealth he now possessed.

He carefully selected a handful of coins for daily expenses.

Then, with a mental command, he stowed the remaining pouches back into the ‹Inventory›, where they vanished with a faint shimmer, ready to be accessed whenever needed.

With skepticism, he tried to put his glasses inside the ‹Inventory›, and to his surprise, it worked.

The status of the pouches inside the ‹Inventory› automatically updated to reflect the coins he had withdrawn.

Now, they appeared as 〘×2 Pouch Of 100 Gold Coins (185 Gold Coins Remaining)〙, indicating the amount of gold still stored within. Along with the status of his glasses, appearing as〘-3.15 Prescribed Glasses Of Ewaan Tempest〙.

"Now that the money problem is solved..." he murmured, his tone filled with a sense of relief and satisfaction, his mind already racing with plans for the future.

– Initially, I had doubts about those reoccurring dreams being something unnatural, and today's dream confirms it!

His mind whirling with thoughts as he contemplated the significance of his recent experiences while carefully stashing the gold coins into his pocket.

As Ewaan pondered the significance of the church and the upcoming Baptism mentioned by Analyst Razzak, he felt a surge of determination.

Standing up from his seat, he set off towards the reception area where the Innkeeper elf lady was stationed.

Along the way, his thoughts raced, connecting the dots between the mysterious events unfolding around him.

As he approached the reception, he politely inquired, "Do you have a bag to store money inside?"

– We do but we're not a general store, though!

She mused sheepishly but still retrieved a small sack from under the desk, handing it to Ewaan. "Here you go…"

"How much does this cost?" Ewaan inquired as he taking the bag in hand.

The elf lady replied with a gentle smile, "Oh no, you don't need to pay for the bag. Consider it on the house."

Placing a large gold coin on the reception desk, he insisted, "No, please accept this for the bag and the double room my friends and I reserved last night."

She hesitated for a moment, her surprise evident in the slight widening of her eyes, before a warm smile spread across her face.

She accepted the coin with gratitude, her hesitation quickly giving way to appreciation. "Thank you for your generosity," she said sincerely.

Ewaan inquired, "Are there any rooms available now?"

She shook her head apologetically, "Sorry, but all our rooms are still currently occupied."

Ewaan immediately added, "In that case, we'll extend our stay for one more day."

He gestured to offer more coins if needed to cover the charge. Noticing, she interrupted, "No need for that, as a matter of fact," she placed some coins on the desk, "here are your remaining changes."

She returned 2 small gold and 2 silver coins, explaining with a smile, "The room's 14 silver coins per day, but since you've extended it for another day, the total is 28 silver coins. And I still insist you take the bag on the house." With a sudden motherly aura, she exclaimed.

Her insistence won Ewaan over, and he accepted the changes with gratitude. Placing the returned coins inside his new bag, along with the large gold coins in his pocket.

As he strolled toward the inn's window, the weight of his thoughts bore down on him again, casting shadows of doubt and curiosity.

– That cloud woman infiltrating my dreams seems to have a connection to the church, reaching me even in my own world...

His mind churned with questions, each one adding to the mystery surrounding the enigmatic figure.

– That emphasizes the power of that cloud woman...

"It seems that, on the day of the 'Baptism'..." Ewaan's voice trailed off as he gazed out the window, his eyes fixed on the bustling streets in front. "I'll be able to find out the truth!"

Determination ignited within him, fueled by the anticipation of uncovering the secrets that lay shrouded in the veil of the unknown.


[Notice: Successfully perceiving obvious details about the dream, the user's Wisdom level has increased by 1.]

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