Chapter 32 - Life As An Adventurer

After two days of journey, they arrived near the forest.

The distant destination, far from the Sardania Empire, brought back memories of their initial arrival in this world, reminding Ewaan and Maya of how much had changed since then.

As they walked past the forest, Ewaan couldn't help but speak up suddenly, "The plains where we first met..."

– And where we originally appeared in this world…

"Already nostalgic, huh? It's only been a few days since we've met now that I think about it," Ayami remarked, her voice carrying a hint of reflection.

"Even so, we're already a team ready to face danger together!" Ayaka exclaimed, her joy evident as she hugged Maya tightly from behind.

"You were lucky that day we arrived just in time to save you. Many have lost their lives for various reasons in these Nightmare Plains!" Ayami remarked playfully.

"Nightmare's… Plains?" Maya asked, a mix of curiosity and shock lingered in her voice.

Ayaka explained, "Not only that, the forest behind us is also has the same name. It has a long history and is one of the most dangerous areas in the empire, a place where numerous demons have appeared before..."

With a pause, she continues, "Rumors has it that a subordinate of the Demon King lives here, ruling over the monsters in the area. With the plains falling under his jurisdiction, they're deemed as one Nightmare's Domain."

Ayaka's tone was serious, with a hint of concern and solemn expression, showing the gravity of the situation that this world is in now.

"Why don't the humans and other races do something about this subordinate of the Demon King?" Ewaan asked, straightforwardly.

Ayaka replied, "It's because… it became so powerful over the centuries and reached a level that only someone who were bestowed the title Hero from the gods could finish him off now!"

Her tone was tinged with concern for the world, as she explained the daunting challenge posed by the Demon King's subordinate.

"Over... the centuries...?" Maya uttered, shockingly.

"Huh? Shouldn't it be a Demon Lord instead of a Demon King?" Ewaan asked, his tone reflecting both curiosity and strategic contemplation.

Trying to understand the nuance of the situation. His internal deliberation reflects the strategic mindset, seeking to gather information without raising suspicion about his true identity.

"I don't know much, but... What I've heard is just rumors. It is said that this Demon King has been alive since the descent of the previous Hero, and gradually evolved from a Demon Lord to his current status," Ayaka explained.

Despite her calm demeanor, the mention of the Demon King still struck fear in her heart, as she's only an ordinary adventurer after all, for now at least.

– An evolved Demon Lord? Are you kidding me? The previous Hero failed to slay the Demon Lord, and now we're left to clean up their mess? It's utterly ridiculous!

With mounting frustration boiling within him, Ewaan's mind raced with incredulity and irritation.

Sensing the grim atmosphere of their surroundings as Ayami interjected, "Anyway... enough about that, let's complete the quest and return soon. It gives me the creeps just to set foot in this place! You never know when a monster might pop right up behind you..."

The group nodded unanimously in agreement with Ayami's words, hastening to leave the place as soon as possible.

– If what Ayaka said turns out to be true, then I need to become even stronger to protect this world and my family.

Ewaan sneakily glanced at Maya without her noticing, pondering their situation as he mused with swirling determination.

They soon found themselves in a poor-looking Riviera town situated near a murky river that formed a long, meandering curve.

The atmosphere was grim, and thick fog enveloped the area, adding to the eerie ambiance.

Seeing the desolate scene, Maya and Ayami shivered, with Maya commenting, "It's as if life has abandoned this place completely."

In response, Ewaan suggests, "Let's head inside to see if anyone's around and investigate the situation."

Despite their agreement, their expressions still betrayed a hint of fear as they observed the eerie and unsettling atmosphere around them, sending shivers down their spines.

As they ventured further into the town, they were greeted by a scene of destruction. Houses lay in ruins, debris scattered haphazardly, and an air of desolation hung heavy in the air.

As they proceeded cautiously through the desolate town, they noticed a few intact houses ahead. Light emanated from within, suggesting signs of life amidst the eerie surroundings.

With a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, they approached the houses, remaining on guard for any potential danger.

As they neared the houses, Ewaan and Maya simultaneously exclaimed, "Something's approaching!" Instantly, the group adopted defensive stances, poised to confront whatever danger lurked ahead.

Immediately, a group of individuals emerged from the thick fog, surrounding them with frenzied yells.

They brandished makeshift weapons, ranging from farming tools to kitchen wares, and lunged at the group, intent on attacking them.

Maya, noticing that the attackers might be town folks, began to utter, "Wait, we're adventurers—"

However, Ewaan acted swiftly, using his reflexes to immobilize each of them with precise chops to the back of their necks, leaving them incapacitated and half-conscious, unable to move or retaliate.

"Stand down, we're here to help!" Ewaan spoke firmly, his tone commanding yet reassuring.

With a sheepish expression, Ayami pointed out, "They're already down from your actions..."

One of the incapacitated men struggling to move, yelled while still on the ground, "Get out of our town, you villains!"

Soon, an elderly woman, supported by a cane, emerged from the largest shed, addressing the group, "Are you the adventurers came in response to our request at the Adventurers Guild?"

"If it's about dealing with a bunch of Reptide Lizards, then yes, we're the ones who took the job," Ewaan replied.

"What happened here? Could you provide us with a brief explanation?" Ayaka asked with a humble tone as she approached the old woman.

The old woman began explaining, her voice trembling with emotion, "A few days ago, the river near our town suddenly became murky, and many became sick after drinking the water. To make matters worse, a horde of reptiles swarmed in, slaughtering our people and dragging away their dead bodies..." She couldn't hold back her tears, with other town folks joined her in sorrow.

Continuing through her tears, the old woman recounted, "My husband and son, the Baron of this small town were among those who tried to fend off those monsters and lost their lives in the process..."

With her voice quivering with grief, she added, "And if that weren't enough, bandits came a few days ago, before your arrival, and abducted our young girls, leaving us with nothing but despair..."

Moved by the old woman's plight, the girls approached her with compassion, offering words of reassurance and support,

"We promise to avenge everyone and bring justice to those responsible for these atrocities," With determination, Maya said.

As Ayami and Ayaka nodded in agreement, their determination to save Riviera Town from the impending danger grew stronger.

Reassuring the townsfolks, they inquired more about the whereabouts of the Reptide Lizard hordes and the bandits.

One of the townsfolk, a teenager who had previously posted the commission to the guild stepped forward.

He provided information about the Reptide Lizards, stating they were located at the outskirts near the river flow, where they nested near a cave.

However, he could only provide bits of information about the bandits, only mentioning that they had headed in the southwest direction, and nothing more.

Ewaan found it odd about those Reptide Lizards nesting near a cave, as Great Sage had previously mentioned that they usually reside within swamps.

As the group stood outside the town, pondering on their next course of action, Ayaka's concern about the captured girls weighed heavily on her mind. "We should find those bandits first, Gods knows what they might do to those poor girls..."

Ayami, however, raised a valid point. "But if we don't handle those lizards," she interjected, her tone tinged with urgency, "we could risk leaving the town vulnerable to another attack while we're preoccupied with those bandits."

Maya, considering both perspectives, voiced her opinion. "Ayaka's right, let's prioritize dealing with the bandits and rescuing those girls before confronting those monsters."

Ayami interjected again, pointing out a valid concern, "We don't even have a clear location of those bandits, How are we supposed to quickly find them? We have a clear whereabouts of the Reptide Lizards, so we should handle them first!"

Ayaka offers a potential solution mentioning the bandits with determination reigning on her eyes, "I can find their location using my skill, Long Sense,"

As the group still pondering over the decision, Ewaan suddenly interjected with his own suggestion, proposing to split up. "You three go after the bandits, and I'll handle those lizards myself."

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