Chereads / The National Sweetheart Livestreamer Is A Pro! / Chapter 22 - 'World'sBestJungler'

Chapter 22 - 'World'sBestJungler'

Ji Zhiyao read through his little disciple's information for a little while, failing to analyze much from it. He went straight to launch Heroes, created a room, and invited little disciple in for a match against computer bots.

Little disciple's game username was also 'World'sBestJungler.' Just by looking at it, Ji Zhiyao felt sorry for him.

[HasMelonRindBeenGayToday: Little disciple, the first step of listening to master: first change your username. If you don't have the name change card, master will give it to you.]

[World'sBestJungler: Isn't this username very intimidating?]

[HasMelonRindBeenGayToday: … This is not a matter of whether it's intimidating or not.]

[HasMelonRindBeenGayToday: Beautiful aspirations should be deeply imprinted in your mind. If you write it out so openly, if someone fulfills your dreams before you, who will you cry to?]

[World'sBestJungler: That seems to make sense. I'll make a change then.]

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: