Chapter 25 - Fever (1)

She went to her room and closed the door behind her. She switched on her laptop to check Keira's itinerary details. Feng Xinying felt so happy again that she exclaimed. Although Feng Xinying was a very smart and intelligent girl, she wasn't as open Keira. Unlike Keira, Feng Xinying was reserved but she didn't tolerate nonsense. She knew how to keep people in their places. All her days in modeling had only refined her skills of keeping people at bay politely. She knew when to nip the bud.

Keira, on the other hand was a wild one. Her mother was a Chinese while her father was and American who was a manager at one of the famous retail outlets. She had started earning as Feng Xinying's agent and since then had never left her side.

Feng Xinying called the apartment manager of the building she had talked to for Keira's accommodation. She had chosen an apartment for her near Feng mansion. It was a small apartment of two rooms and a kitchen – just enough for Keira to stay for a month.

After that she read some more and then left to have lunch. When she was having lunch, she thought that Xie Yuansheng must have left and so there was no one on the table. She wanted to ask about him, but refrained. Lu Boyun served her the rice and said, "Young miss, the young master hasn't come out from the room. I am worried. Would you please check upon him?"

Feng Xinying found it very odd. She finished her lunch soon and went upstairs. She knocked on his door and waited for a reply. When no one answered, she opened the door softly not making a sound. She saw that he was lying on his bed with his hands on his forehead. She went near him and bent down to see his face. She was shocked to see that his face was flushed red. He was mumbling something irrelevant. He looked delirious.

Feng Xinying touched his cheeks. They were burning with fever. She removed his hand from his forehead and found that his eyes were shut close. She panicked and the first thing she did was to get cold water from bathroom. She soaked towel in it and put it on his forehead.

Then she ran downstairs and informed the butler to call the family physician. He was so fine in the evening, what happened overnight, she pondered. She went back to his room and removed the blanket that was covering him. He was wearing his pajamas and a shirt. She wanted to wipe his body with cold water but was too embarrassed to do that. She thought of calling his mother. So she again went out and asked the servants to inform his mother and send her there. But she was not in the house.

Feng Xinying pursed her lips, and went inside. His condition worsened. He was now moving his head back and forth. Feeling a little discomfited, she opened his shirt buttons and removed his shirt. She soaked the towel in fresh cold water and wiped his chest and stomach, as her face turned redder by the minute. His temperature wasn't subsiding. She then removed his pajamas and was relieved to find that he was wearing boxers. Again she went to get cold water from the washroom and wiped his legs with wet towel.

In his delirious state, he was mumbling, "Yini, don't look at me like that. I wont hurt you…"

"Yini, stay with me…."

Feng Xinying went near him to hear his words. She bent down on his face to hear him correctly. "Yini, don't go anywhere…" Who was Yini? As she thought that, all of a sudden her face was caught by his hands and was pressed against his chest. She was so flustered that she tried to get up from there but failed. She realized that he stopped mumbling. Slowly after some time, his hands became lose and she got out of his grasp. She got up turning her neck that was paining now, as she cursed him.

After half an hour of nursing him with cold water, he seemed to stabilize. By that time the doctor had come. As soon as the doctor saw his patient in such a state, his lips curled. Then he saw Feng Xinying who was standing by the corner of the bed with her face reddened till her neck.