Chereads / Marvel's Earth 200,000 / Chapter 134 - Chapter 134

Chapter 134 - Chapter 134

Seated at the helm of her ship, Lydia kept her eyes closed, immersing herself in the cosmic currents that surged through the universe, that connected her to her home planet. Through the threads of energy that connected all living beings, Lydia could see everything happening on Earth as clearly as if she were there herself.

She could feel the energy of every living being, every clash of strength between the forces of Earth and the invading army. She saw the heroes, each one struggling against the overpowering might of Thanos' forces, their every effort a testament to their unwavering will to protect their home.

Yet, as much as the cosmic forces allowed her to witness, Lydia wasn't just a mere observer. With just a flick of her finger, Lydia manipulated the battlefield from her ship. Every flick, every minor adjustment of her fingers, seemed insignificant in the grandiose setting of her ship. But on Earth, it translated to a shift in the tide of battle, a life saved, a catastrophe averted.

One flick, and a wave of energy intercepted a blow that was about to strike down a hero. Another flick, and a group of civilians were transported away from the heart of the battlefield. Even in the darkest corners, where death seemed inevitable, Lydia's cosmic touch intervened, altering the trajectory of a lethal blow, or reinforcing a protective shield just in time.

With the same detached focus a grandmaster would have while playing chess, Lydia was a puppeteer pulling strings of cosmic energy, a maestro conducting a symphony of life and death. Her every move, every thought, was focused on preserving the delicate balance of life amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

Though miles away in the grandeur of her spaceship, Lydia was present in every corner of the battle. Her energy swirled around every being, her presence was felt in every close call, every narrow escape, every life saved. As the battle raged on, Lydia remained the unseen force, the silent guardian watching over her home.

As Reed and Sue returned, arms laden with a vast array of lab equipment, Lydia's lips quirked into a faint smile. There was an almost childlike eagerness in Reed's eyes, mirrored in Sue's slightly bemused expression. Lydia's gaze lingered on the instruments for a moment, appreciating the familiar hum of scientific curiosity that sang in their forms.

"Alright, hang on tight," Lydia said, a note of amusement lacing her tone.

Suddenly, their surroundings seemed to warp, twist, and dissolve around them. One moment they were standing in the calm confines of a sophisticated spaceship, the next they were standing in the midst of an overwhelming maelstrom of chaos and destruction.

The battlefield sprawled before them, an expansive tableau of Earth's mightiest heroes clashing against the marauding hordes of Thanos' army. Energy blasts illuminated the surrounding darkness, casting stark shadows over the furrowed faces of the heroes. The whizzing of projectiles, the tremor of the ground under stomping feet, the echoes of roars and cries, all invaded their senses, threatening to overwhelm them.

But amidst the tumultuous war-zone, Lydia remained unfazed. Her figure exuded an aura of calm, a serene island amidst a stormy sea. A flick of her wrist and a transparent, shimmering dome sprang into existence around them, encasing them within its protective boundary. It was a barrier of cosmic energy, oscillating with a gentle hum, seeming almost ethereal against the chaos that raged outside.

"Stay within the field," Lydia instructed, her voice cutting through the noise of battle, "You'll be safe here."

The sudden transition from the tranquil spaceship to the heart of a battlefield was disorienting, but as Reed and Sue took in the scene before them, they could not help but marvel at the sight. Within the safety of Lydia's cosmic dome, they stood as silent spectators amidst the frenzy of the greatest battle their home planet had ever seen.

Sue watched in amazement as the cosmic energy dome effortlessly repelled an onslaught of energy blasts, flames, and flying debris, their impacts scattering across the surface of the barrier, only to dissipate in sparks of harmless energy. It was a fascinating spectacle, watching how the field manipulated energy, bending it, absorbing it, and redirecting it harmlessly into the ether. Sue, despite the battlefield around her, was a scientist at heart, and the properties of Lydia's cosmic field piqued her interest.

Meanwhile, Reed was engrossed in his work. His long fingers danced across the equipment, quickly calibrating instruments and setting up sensors to capture the flood of data swirling around them. A chaotic orchestra of beeps, hums, and whirs filled the dome as the equipment sprung to life, eager to document the astonishing display of cosmic power.

Lydia, however, had different matters to attend to. Her form gently lifted off the ground, soaring above the battlefield like an ethereal beacon. As she ascended, tendrils of her cosmic energy spiraled out, coiling around Thanos' soldiers. Their screams of defiance turned to gasps of shock as they disintegrated into dust, their very molecules unmade under Lydia's unfettered authority. The battlefield was quickly clearing, the ratio of heroes to invaders improving with each passing moment.

As Lydia hovered in the air, her gaze swept across the scene below, her expression firm and resolute. Her eyes fell upon the Black Order - Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Ebony Maw, and Cull Obsidian. They were desperately trying to seize Vision, the android's synthetic body housing the object of their search - the Mind Stone.

Lydia looked resplendent in her regal attire, a testament to her celestial authority. Her cape, woven from threads of cosmic energy, fluttered in the nonexistent wind, an ethereal spectacle that seemed to gleam with starlight. The intricate fabric of her dress, decorated with constellations, moved and changed as if hosting galaxies within its folds. Her crown, a silver circlet adorned with precious gemstones, shone with a light that seemed otherworldly, a beacon in the midst of the raging battle.

Below, the Black Order scrambled in their vain pursuit of Vision, completely oblivious to the ruse. The 'Mind Stone' they coveted was but a meticulously crafted replica. The real Mind Stone resided in the heart of New Genosha, shielded by impenetrable barriers and cloaked in layers of illusion. Lydia reveled in the irony of the situation, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips as she watched the chaotic scramble unfold beneath her.

Her effortless command of the battlefield had not gone unnoticed. Earth's heroes, in the midst of their struggles against Thanos' horde, found their attention drawn towards Lydia. The tide of battle had changed abruptly, the scales tipped overwhelmingly in their favor. They paused, their eyes wide with astonishment, their hearts filled with awe. The carnage they had been mired in was being decimated by Lydia's whims.

Their fights halted, their weapons lowered, and their gazes transfixed on the ethereal figure hovering above them. There was a silent understanding among them – they were in the presence of an extraordinary power. One they could barely comprehend but were eternally grateful for. Lydia's celestial might was the beacon of hope they needed amidst the storm, an Empress who stood between Earth and the ravenous hordes of Thanos.

A ripple ran through the battlefield as a new presence descended, immediately pulling Lydia's attention. Thanos, ensconced in his hovering throne, called out Lydia's name, his voice resonating with a grim assurance that prickled against the skin like static. His massive figure was clad in formidable armor, a malignant display of raw power and brutal determination.

The Mad Titan brandished his infamous gauntlet, the faux Power Stone nestled among the gleaming knuckles. It glowed with a deceiving energy, pulsing and shifting in imitation of the real thing. The sight was an obscene parody, a testament to Thanos' delusions of grandeur and his relentless pursuit of power.

All around them, Earth's heroes watched the confrontation unfold. The battlefield fell into a tense silence, the clash of metal and roars of the alien horde fading into a mere echo. Lydia, the celestial Empress in all her regal majesty, and Thanos, the Mad Titan, stood as the opposing forces of a cosmic chessboard.

"I don't like this, Cap," Iron Man muttered, his voice muffled behind his helmet, "Lydia's got this weird...chill about her. Something's not right."

"Keep it together, Stark," Captain America retorted, gripping his shield tighter. "We've got to trust Lydia, she's got a plan."

"Plan or not, that's the guy who's after Vision," Black Widow commented, her gaze sharp and scrutinizing. "We can't afford to underestimate him."

"Hush, child," Storm admonished gently, her eyes never leaving the stand-off. "We are in the presence of beings beyond our understanding. Let us place our faith in the Empress."

And so, the whispers of conjecture and speculation filled the air, the heroes of Earth trying to make sense of a confrontation that was so much larger than anything they had ever faced. The stage was set for a cosmic showdown, and they could only wait, watch, and hope.

"Lydia, your meddling has reached its end!" Thanos roared across the battlefield. His voice was as vast and deep as a chasm, brimming with potent indignation. "Years ago, your fleets disrupted my careful plans on Nidavellir, but I rose from those ashes. I persevered, and here we are."

He flexed his gauntleted hand, the faux Power Stone shimmering ominously in the midst of the other vacant slots, an affront to Lydia's strategic foresight. "This gauntlet is a testament to my resilience, a symbol of my power. You've been a thorn in my side, Lydia, but no longer."

His gaze hardened, a ruthless promise cementing in his eyes. "You are too late. Soon, you will meet your demise along with your precious empire."

Lydia, having maintained her gaze on the struggling Vision, let out a sigh. A flicker of annoyance passed over her serene features, and she turned her gaze towards Thanos. "Thanos, Thanos, Thanos," she began, her tone dripping with a maternal reprimand. "Ever the child throwing tantrums when his toys are taken away."

Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly, a glimmer of starlight twinkling within. "Your pursuit of power, your deluded quest... it's grown tiresome," she scolded, the words slicing through the air with a chill edge. "Your words are filled with promises of grandeur and destruction, but all I see is a desperate titan, clinging onto the shadows of his failures."

Her smile was thin, almost pitying. "Your resilience is admirable, I'll grant you that. But your vision... it's as flawed as the stones you seek."

"The stones are not flawed, Lydia! Their power is absolute," Thanos bellowed, the ground beneath him trembling with the intensity of his anger. With a swift motion, he hurled an energy blast from the faux Power Stone towards Lydia.

But the raw, untamed energy met an unseen barrier, fizzling out harmlessly inches away from Lydia. There was no effort, no visible indication of her involvement, and yet the energy blast was neutralized as if it was nothing more than a mere illusion.

Lydia turned her gaze back to Thanos, an exasperated sigh escaping her lips. "Thanos, you're mistaking mimicry for reality. Those stones you clutch so desperately...they're as genuine as your illusions of grandeur. You've been fooled, just like you're fooling yourself," she chided, her tone growing weary of his ignorance.

Her gaze then snapped to the Black Order, hot on Vision's trail. The chase had been dragging on for far too long, and it was time she intervened.

"The Black Order," Lydia began, her tone dipped in a solemn understanding, "A formidable group, yet bound to a madman's dreams." She cast a side glance at Thanos, her voice laced with thinly veiled disdain.

With a casual flick of her finger, a ripple in the fabric of space wrapped itself around the Black Order. In an instant, they were lifted from their relentless pursuit, their startled yells echoing across the battlefield as they were magnetically drawn towards Lydia.

"It's a tragedy really," she continued, her gaze now fixed on the bewildered members of the Black Order floating helplessly before her. "Such potential, so utterly wasted. Thanos...he promises you grandeur but feeds you scraps from his table. But then again, such is the fate of those who chose to dance with the deluded." Her words echoed with the chilling resonance of absolute authority, highlighting the stark contrast between Lydia and the mad titan.

"Do any of you regret your choices?" Lydia questioned, her gaze sweeping across the members of the Black Order. Her voice was calm but carried an undeniable intensity, like a placid sea hiding an undercurrent of relentless power.

One of the Black Order members, a burly, scarred individual, snarled back, "You'll regret--" but his defiance was cut short. Before he could finish, his form disintegrated into dust, dissolving into the ether as Lydia nonchalantly flicked her wrist.

Turning her attention back to Thanos, her eyes shimmered with a derisive glint. "Such loyalty, Thanos," she taunted, her words dripping with sarcasm. "I can see why they were so eager to follow you. Their commitment to your cause is as enduring as they are," she gestured towards the fading dust of the fallen Black Order member, the mockery in her voice impossible to miss.

Before Thanos could utter a word, Lydia waved her hand, reducing the remaining members of the Black Order to dust. They vanished in plumes of dust, their existence extinguished in the blink of an eye.

"Oh, Thanos," Lydia tutted, shaking her head at the titan's raging expression. "Anger doesn't suit you. It leaves you predictable, hasty... vulnerable."

Turning her attention to Reed, who was watching the events unfold with wide-eyed fascination, she inquired, "Mr. Richards, what happens when two unstoppable forces meet?" She didn't divert her gaze from Thanos, who was charging an attack, the fake Power Stone pulsating with vast amounts of energy.

"Well," Reed replied, pushing his glasses up his nose, his brow furrowed in concentration, "in theory, if two forces of equal, immense power were to clash, the resulting energy release would be... astronomical."

"Aptly put," Lydia responded, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Thanos, in his unrestrained fury, was about to experience that astronomical release first hand.

As Thanos hurled his energy strike, Lydia mirrored his motion, sending forth an identical beam of raw, cosmic power. The two energies collided in mid-air with a deafening roar, giving birth to a monumental shockwave that rippled through the surrounding atmosphere.

As the ground beneath them shivered and the air around them crackled with residual energy, Lydia casually asked, "And what about when the forces aren't equal, Mr. Richards? What if one... outweighs the other?"

"Then..." Reed started, glancing at the epicenter of the shockwave where Lydia and Thanos' energies were still locked in a titanic struggle. "Then the stronger force would overcome the weaker one. It would push through, essentially overpowering and, in effect, annihilating it."

"Annihilating," Lydia repeated, a slight nod of approval accompanying the word. Her gaze never leaving the spectacle before them, a smile played at the corner of her lips. In her hands, the cosmic energy she wielded began to intensify, ready to demonstrate the consequences of an unequal clash of forces.

With an almost dismissive flick of her wrist, Lydia channeled an added fraction of her cosmic power into the energy beam she had forged. The resultant surge was both immediate and breathtaking, as her radiant beam suddenly erupted with a staggering increase in intensity.

"Oh, my," Reed murmured under his breath, his wide eyes focused on the spectacle, utterly captivated by the display of raw power.

The brilliant flare of Lydia's energy quickly devoured Thanos' attack, rendering it obsolete against her superior might. The abrupt change saw Thanos' strike essentially swallowed whole, its existence swiftly snuffed out as though it had never been.

Lydia's beam did not halt there. Instead, it pushed forward, a relentless force of cosmic energy that collided violently with Thanos' outstretched arm. The sound of the collision echoed like a harsh, resonant tolling bell.

His gauntlet-clad arm, once a beacon of his might, disintegrated in the face of Lydia's superior power, turning to dust under the onslaught of her energy beam. Thanos recoiled, a sharp cry of pain echoing from his lips as he cradled the stump that remained.

"I've always found," Lydia began, her tone measured and controlled, "that actions tend to speak louder than words, Thanos. You'll find, in your future endeavors, that power does not automatically equate to victory. It's the proper application of that power that truly makes a difference."

Her gaze remained on the Mad Titan, the remnants of her energy still crackling menacingly around her hands. The display was a stark reminder to all present – this woman, this Empress, held power beyond comprehension, yet she wielded it with a restraint and control that made it all the more fearsome.

Lydia's gaze turned from the defeated Mad Titan to the sprawling army and the looming ship that threatened the skyline of Earth. Her eyes, orbs of cosmic energy, glittered with quiet determination.

"You can't be serious," Thanos gritted out, his voice a grating growl of anger and frustration. But Lydia paid him no mind. Her focus was solely on the remaining threats to her planet.

"Dr. Richards," she called without breaking her gaze, her voice echoing around them. "Pay close attention."

Reed, who had been quietly observing, nodded in response. His eyes sparkled with anticipation as he readied the recording instruments, his hand steady despite the awe-inspiring display of power he was witnessing.

Lydia's lips moved, the sound barely a whisper, the cosmic energy around her pulsing in response. "Begone," she commanded, her words soft yet ironclad, an undeniable command that reverberated through the atmosphere.

The effect was immediate. Thanos' remaining army, countless soldiers who had been ready to descend upon Earth, disintegrated in an instant. Their physical forms collapsed into a rain of dust, spiraling away in the wind, disappearing as if they had never existed.

The massive ship, the Sanctuary II, which had loomed ominously in the sky, started to shudder and vibrate, each tremor growing in intensity. With a sound that echoed like a death knell, the vessel broke apart, fragments crumbling and turning to dust, caught in the same fate as the army it had carried.

Below them, Earth's heroes watched in stunned silence, their eyes wide with disbelief at the spectacle unfolding before them. They had just been granted a front-row seat to a demonstration of cosmic power unlike anything they had ever witnessed.

"Power," Lydia mused, turning her gaze back to Thanos, "is nothing without control, without the will to use it wisely. And you, Thanos, are severely lacking in both."

Thanos, the Mad Titan who had threatened the universe, who had basked in his perceived invincibility, began to disintegrate. "Impossible," he rasped, the word clawing its way out from his lips as his form fragmented.

His skin, once a grotesque shade of purple, paled to an ash-like gray as it started to crumble, the transformation creeping up from his feet to his head. It was like an invisible force was pulling him apart, piece by piece, until he was nothing but particles drifting on the wind.

Around them, the battlefield held its breath. The remaining heroes of Earth watched, their expressions a mix of shock, relief, and awe. They bore witness to the fall of a titan, his demise orchestrated by a power so great, so impossibly immense that it bordered on the divine.

As Thanos' body disintegrated, his eyes, burning with resentment and disbelief, locked with Lydia's. In them, she saw a desperate plea for understanding, a demand for an explanation to the ungraspable. How could she, one being, possess such power?

A memory stirred within Lydia at his silent question. She remembered the time when she had first met Hela, shortly after Odin's death. The Goddess of Death had scoffed, making a comment about the perceived limitations of power.

Lydia's lips curved into a wry smile, her voice floating on the silent battlefield, responding to both Thanos and the memory of Hela. "Darling, you have no idea what's possible." And with that, the last of Thanos dissolved into nothingness, his final gaze of bewilderment etched into the minds of all present.

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