Chereads / D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad / Chapter 31 - Chapter 31 I Believe I can Glide

Chapter 31 - Chapter 31 I Believe I can Glide

Kat's legs left the ground and she hung in the air for a brief moment before unfurling her wings to their full height. Her wings strained under the weight, forcing Kat to clench her teeth and do everything she could to simply glide. *My wings are not happy with this arrangement. I'm not sure how long I can keep this up, but I certainly can't fly while holding Minor.*

"Minor, where do I need to go, I can't fly like this if I even can by myself. I'm not sure how long I can last gliding either" Kat yelled to be heard over the rushing wind

"Just a little bit left" Minor yelled back. Kat tried to bank gently to the left but found herself going into a spiral. Kat's instincts quickly righted her again but now she was even more lost

"Ok, that, was horrible" said Kat.

*System why did that happen? I'm using my wings for their intended purpose I think so why my instincts are so thrown off.*

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