Chereads / The Secret Switch / Chapter 20 - Holding On

Chapter 20 - Holding On

All that can now be heard in the room is the dripping coming from the two guys but when I suddenly hear gunshots, I slowly close my eyes in gratefulness. That has to be them... I open my eyes and prepare myself in case someone tries to come in here and move the women.

But if I had to be honest, I didn't know if I had another round in me. Killing those two nearly drained me dry but to me, it was worth it. More gunshots and yelling can be heard causing me to clench my fists.

After several more gunshots and yelling, things begin to calm down. The women in the corner behind me start to whimper. Whether it was from fear or hope, I wasn't sure. Maybe a mixture of the two.

Several more minutes pass before the lock on the door slides open. The women flinch behind me as the door swings open. Titus and Thane's faces hold fear, hope, and other things but when our eyes lock, relief can be seen before Thane runs into the room and kneels before me.

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