Chereads / The RISE Of NATHALIA CARTER / Chapter 38 - Chapter 38: We Don’t Want You To Get Hurt

Chapter 38 - Chapter 38: We Don’t Want You To Get Hurt

With Spencer Davidson having her back, I will not be able to control her as quickly as before. If it is Evette that he likes, then it's perfect. Frank thought.

Anne supported Frank and said gently, "Your dad is right, Nathalia. Don't fall into Spencer Davison's trap. He's not serious, but just fooling you. You know men are just sweet talkers." She acted like she was genuinely concerned about Nathalia.

Nathalia looked innocently bewildered and replied, "How come? Dad is a good man. He's not just a sweet talker. He's been loyal and true to you." Huh, you still think I can't see through you? What a joke!

Anne was taken aback, and it took her a good few seconds to find her tongue. "Well, your dad is an exception. The only one. Spencer Davidson's difference. Everyone knows how many girls he's dated before. We are worried about you. We don't want you to get hurt."

Nathalia listened but refused to take their "suggestions" and pouted her lips, "But I love him, very much."

She acted like a girl deep in love and would not be persuaded.

Evette's eyes reddened with rage. If Frank had not stopped her, she would have thrown a punch at Nathalia. "Disgusting!" She yelled at her. "Shame on you!"

Nathalia put on a confused look and questioned, "But, Evette, I remember you were asking Spencer to choose you to be his girlfriend in public. Don't you think that's more shameful?"

Now you are angry. Great. The angrier you are, the happier I am.

And surely your loving parents aren't happy either.

"Nathalia," her eyes, her face, and her neck all turned red, like a violently erupting volcano, Evette spluttered.

Frank's heart ached for Evette. He could not bear seeing his daughter in pain.

"Nathalia, Evette is your younger sister. How can you hurt your sister just for a guy?" He blamed Nathalia.

Anne was furious, but she remained calm and went on persuading Nathalia, "You see, even if Spencer Davidson is a good guy, still he's not like a family member like us."

Nathalia looked puzzled and answered, "I don't understand. We are dating. We are not doing anything shady or shameful. Why are you so against it?"

Anne wondered if Nathalia was doing it on purpose to upset them.

But, she continued, "It's because we care about you. He's a playboy. We don't want you to get hurt."

Nathalia smiled and said calmly and clearly, "Even if I get hurt in the end, I will not regret it. Love when you are in love and stop thinking too much, right? Dad, mum, I know you care about me, but love is the best thing in the world, isn't it? I mean, take you two as an example. Mum, you knew that dad was married and had a child, but you still stayed with him and had two children with him even though you had to hide and be a mistress, just for the sake of love. And you, dad, you didn't care how others would think of you and insisted on marrying mum. You did it for love, right? It must be such great love you feel about each other. I'm learning from you, not to be afraid to love."

Frank and Anne stared at Nathalia and looked at each other, dumbfounded, anger swelling up their chests to their throats, and they had to swallow it back.

It was a mean and sharp comeback said in a clever way. The couple was left speechless.

Nathalia was delighted to see their tormented faces. "I shall go to school now. Oh, by the way, I'm having dinner with Spencer tonight, so I'll be back a bit late. Bye." She smiled and left cheerfully.

What a lovely start for the day! She thought.

The three were left infuriated, especially Evette, seething with rage. She threw the toast in her

hand onto the table and demanded, "Dad, mum, you have to help me get Spencer! He is mine!"

If she wanted someone, but she couldn't have them, she would rather get rid of them than let anyone else have them.

Frank smiled wryly, thinking It's Spencer Davidson from the Davidson Group. There's nothing I can do to help.

"Evette, there are many good men out there and" He was about to talk Evette out of the thought, but Evette cut in sharply.

"No! I don't care about other men. It's Spencer, I want! Whatever Nathalia has, I will take it from her.

Spencer belongs to me and me only!"

She was screaming like a madwoman, jealousy, and anger flaring inside her, her face red like a blaze.

Anne was frightened. She instantly grabbed Evette's arms, cuddled her, and tried to calm her down. "Hush. Hush. There. There. I promise you we will help for sure. I promise."

Anne had never rejected any of her children's requests. Even if Evette wanted the impossible, she would find any possible way to get it for her.

Spencer Davidson is good-looking, wealthy, talented. That's the sort of guy that's good enough for my daughter—Nathalia's nobody. Anne thought.

Evette slowly calmed down, and after having Anne promise her again, she cheered up.

Frank sighed with a headache. It's not something one can promise. You can't force someone to fall in love with you. And it's Spencer Davidson. What the hell can I do?

However, seeing his daughter's pleading look and his wife's imploring eyes, he could not say no to them.

A navy blue Porsche was parked outside the school. Passing students couldn't help stopping to take a better look. What got their attention more was the charming man leaning on the car, clad in a dark grey suit, awaiting.

A smart-looking man with an expensive car was surely an eye-catching scene in the territory of young students. Yet, as usual, he paid no attention to their gaze. He stood with his right hand in the pocket and his left-hand tapping on the car, waiting patiently.

Then he caught sight of his target, smiled, his eyes sparkled, and took out a bunch of flowers from the car.

"Here, beautiful flowers for my beautiful girl." He grinned.

Nathalia was surprised to see him. She didn't expect that he would have time to pick her up. She accepted the roses, gave them a gentle sniff, and smiled happily "Thank you. But what brought you here?"

He put his arm around her shoulder, looked her into her eyes, and said, "I miss you."

Nathalia felt the goosebumps on her arms, and she chuckled and said quietly, "Ewww. You can be an actor. Hahaha"

She had again put Spencer into a speechless state.

She thinks I'm acting. Cheeky thing. He thought.

It was then when the passersby realized it was Spencer Davidson and thought of the rumors that everyone was talking about.

Girls exclaimed with excitement and jealousy. Those nosier ones took out their phones and took plenty of pictures.

Evette heard about the commotion and rushed to see the couple cuddling. Furious, she dashed right in front of them and pushed Nathalia, "Nathalia, mum is not feeling well today. We should go home to see her now." She demanded.