Chereads / Reincarnated as a cursed goddess / Chapter 17 - Burning up

Chapter 17 - Burning up

"Well I am glad that I finally got to meet the new girl," he said and she smiled.

"Where are you from?" he asked and she frowned.

"It's fine you don't have to tell me, but it will be good if you tell the others, you know before they start picking on you," he said and she sighed.

"You are talking about the picky mother and daughter, I can handle them, thanks for the advice though" she replied.

"Uh... Victor can you tell me what you guys know about the mystic mountains?" she asked and he looked at her with curiosity.

What do you want to know?" he asked as he sat down.

"Everything or anything" she responded.

'Well I will tell you what I know" he said.

'Please do" she replied and he smiled.

'Well, it was once said that they held one of the most powerful or the most powerful orb man eve came across, long ago they hid it in one of the safest places in the mountains, didn't mention where exactly though" he said.

"Yeah well that is true, I heard the same" she replied.

"Yeah well lately they are rumors that the chief's heir betrayed him and the entire clan," he said then she folded her cuffs.

"Anything else?" she asked.

"They sent are hunting the chief's child, I think it's a girl" he responded and she sighed.

"Hmm okay," she said.

"They say the orb has been taken by the person, now the person doesn't want to give it up then..... i think you know the rest" he replied and she smiled.

"Yeah I know the rest, thank you," she said.

"You are welcome, eat" he replied with a smile then left.

"I see so now I am wanted, damn it, when I get my hands on Evan, he will wish he was never born," she said to herself as her eyes glowed.

"I see you made another friend," the prince said as he sat down with the girl and she stared at him.

'What can I help you with your highness?" she asked and he smiled.

'What is it going to take for you to trust me?" he asked.

'How about nothing" she responded.

'Eh? I am officially confused' he said.

'Meaning I will never trust you" she replied then he coughed.

'You can be really mean too" he said,

''And you can be too soft for a prince," she said with a smile and he laughed.

"You know people don't talk to me like that" he replied.

"Well I am not everyone," she said and he looked at her sharply.

"I know that" he replied as he took a cookie from her plate and ate it.

"A prince is not supposed to eat from his maid's plate," she said then he smiled.

"Do I look like I care?" he asked.

"Of course you don't" she responded with a sigh.

"You saved my life, I don't see any problem with this," he said and she smiled.

'What is it with this guy?" she asked herself as she stared at him then he looked at her.

'See something you like?" he asked then her face got pink and she turned away from him and closed her eyes when everything that Evan did came flashing back to her and tears came to her eyes.

"Why are you carrying?" he asked as he placed his hand under her chin then forcefully turned her face towards him and she looked at him then gasped after seeing her beautiful sparkling eyes.

"Maybe if you told me what happened to you I will be able to help," he said as he wiped her tears and she swallowed deeply then sighed.

"Th... thank you..." she said then he smiled and kissed her on the cheeks and her eyes widened as he raised up and her cheeks got red.

"You look cute," he said then got up and walked away as she left staring at him.

"Maybe he is not a bad person after all," she said to herself then got up and went back to work.

While doing her chores the girl noticed that her head started to ache just like that and for no reason at all or so she thought so she sat down a little on the couch in the living room.

"My head really hurts," she said to herself as her eyes started glowing then she started to see images of a few men in masks and they were all discussing something but she could hear or see them clearly.

'What the hell is going on with me?" she asked herself as she started to see double then fell unconscious on the couch.

'Julia" one of the maids called out as she rushed to the girl.

"Julia" the maid kept calling out as she tapped the girl on her face then felt that the girl was boiling up and she gasped.

'Oh no she is having a really bad fever" the girl said as she rushed out of the castle to go find the prince for she knew he was the one that brought her to the castle.

"Your highness" she called out as she arrived at the arena where the prince was meeting with some of his friends.

"What's wrong?" he asked the young lady.

'J... Julia she, her body is overheating and she fell unconscious" she responded.

'Oh man..." he said then rushed off and with the maid and his friends followed him back to the castle.

Where is she?" he asked.

'Living room" the girl responded then he went there and saw the girl on the couch.

"Get me a bowl of ice water and a small towel," he said as he lifted the girl up in his arm and took her to his room then placed her gently on his bed.

'You are boiling up Julia" he said to himself as she started to remember what Evan did then grabbed onto the prince's hand and he looked at her in pity.