Chereads / G-ystery / Chapter 34 - Need your help!

Chapter 34 - Need your help!

"I got it… I got it already so forget it," Cynthia exhaled and stopped him from touching Eric.

A gleeful smile appeared on his face. He couldn't careless and rushed his hand back and kept it calmly on Cynthia hand.

Upon her gaze drawn by her furrowed brows, she glanced at his stingy palm clinging to her hand but relented from shoving it away.

Forget it…

He is just a child while I am an adult mentally and after all I have lived for about 40 years already, so let's treat him as a younger brother and forgive his impudent hands swarming over mine without permission.

It was irksome that he kept touching and feeling her, but she can't ignore the fact that she was also the one to hurt him with her words.

She scratched her neck with her other hand and asked clearly, "So, what's the real reason to meet me?".

It's not like she didn't know the reason but since there were many, she wanted to hear the real motive through their own mouth.

"I need your help," Ed replied looking at her with his pitiful face.

That's just so amazing!

Cynthia sighed scoffing at his word.


"Please marry me and help me feel how it feels to have others warmth," he said it and amazingly his face turned serious.

Are you kidding me! This expression appeared on her face with a frown.

This dude was really annoying from the moment she met him and she can't help but feel annoying.

Whereas Ed sharp mind was thinking differently.

If not for Cynthia to be related to this illegal project just like him, he would have never let her found his weakness while trying his best to make things in such way that she would have ended right in his palm no matter what her decision was.

But right now, the situation was different and so was the person.

This woman was the perfect creation of science and nature, it would be difficult to fight with her no matter how much money he did have.

"I know you won't marry me and I can't do anything about it. It's wrong to force others, so please help my body get better".

"Since you are the perfect human created by science, you must know how to help other experimented victim by doing another experiment on them," with his hopeful eyes he said almost to the point of begging.

Cynthia had some thoughts over it. She studied privately on experiments of genes but until now she could only feel that science would be failure no matter how hard she tried.

Her face sunk on those words.

Though she herself was perfectly created, but she still had no idea on how to help other victims live their life normally.

Hesitation drew over her face and she said, "I don't know. I did have studied biology and other subjects on my own and also test subjects under the illegal researchers but experimenting again over other victims can harm them more. There is no perfect technique".

She didn't wish to give false hope so, she made it clear and when she saw how sad he looked, she couldn't help but fell in his trap deeper.

"But its ok. I can give it a try for you and if still nothing changes…".

She stopped seeing their sunk face. Her lips twitched in the worrisome thought of hurting these kids.

"Then just take responsibility of me," Ed said and took out a file.

But Cynthia hesitated.

Why should she be responsible for him? It's not like they even knew each other for a long time.

Her brows become furrowed and she was about to reject his words when Wayne said with sorrow, "Won't you take responsibility for him? He has been living his life abnormally. Without knowing how it feels to touch others, his life has become abnormal".

Wayne threw some words at Cynthia making her feel more guilty without any reason.

She was now confused. For one second, she felt as if this was none of her business but the moment, her eyes were stopped at theirs she felt hard to resist their pitiful and puppy like gazes asking for help.

So, why does she have to help them?

She asked herself a question before making a certain decision.

But she was, too, confused to think clearly. Her head was muddled by those constant pathetic stares and she gave up.

Letting out a sigh, she made up her mind.

I feel bad for him and helping him is not that bad and it's not like the experiment will fail for sure so, I shouldn't be that worried.

She nodded to herself and pulled her gaze up before giving them a nod.

It was a trouble she brought upon herself without realizing the moment she gave a nod!