Chereads / You Found Me, Mr. Billionaire / Chapter 31 - The Love Between Us

Chapter 31 - The Love Between Us

"Yes, our child will one day be the heir to this company. I hope they will be ready for it," Adrian told Avians.

Avians realized that she was married to a wealthy CEO, a billionaire who needed an heir and she had to be ready to carry and look after the child so that he could be like his father.

The chair she was sitting in suddenly swiveled, facing her with Adrian. The man brought his face closer while supporting his body on the two handles of the chair.

"So Avi, are you ready to carry my child someday? Not just to have an heir to my company, but to complete our family," Adrian said in a serious tone.

His face was so close and his gaze did show that Adrian was not playing around with his words.

Having a child with the man she loved?

Of course it was a woman's dream, especially Avians. Only with Adrian would she want to do it and have it.

The woman's head nodded with a smile. "Yes, I want to. I want to... Carry your child someday," she replied.

Her hands reached for her husband's face in front of hers and stroked his cheeks gently with her thumbs. "Therefore... Please let me be the mother of your children," Avians continued.

A smile appeared on Adrian's face, he took one of Avians' hands touching his cheek.

"Of course, that's why I'm asking you," he said and kissed his wife on the lips.

It felt like Adrian couldn't help looking at Avians' sweet face at that moment. Her pleading face, her innocent eyes and her soft voice.

Avians kissed Adrian back, though she still couldn't keep up with her husband's movements. She let Adrian take over their kiss, letting his tongue wander into her mouth before he finally broke the kiss.

Avians face was flushed from the kiss, making the man even more excited, but he realized they were in company and not home. So Adrian only briefly kissed his wife's forehead.

"You're so cute, Avi," he whispered.


It felt like there were butterflies in her stomach, Avians had never felt so happy before meeting Adrian. Adrian's little compliments always made her feel happy and think there was someone who really loved her all this time.

Adrian asked his wife to stand up and then he would sit in his chair, he pulled Avians to sit on his lap. She leaned against Adrian's shoulder and felt so comfortable there.

"Ian, what if someone sees it?" asked Avians confused, considering they were in the company.

"See me making out with my own wife? Why would I worry about that?" Adrian asked his wife back.

"I'm just worried that it will... embarrass you."

The man chuckled and said he didn't care as long as he did it with his wife and no one else. Avians who heard this were happy.

Because Adrian himself rarely got close to other women, even though he seemed friendly to them, he had never seen another woman with really serious feelings.

"But I wonder, why do they doubt our relationship? Saying that everything we do is just a game," she said confused.

He was silent for a moment with his wife's words, suddenly his gaze was blank as if there was something he was covering up. Something he couldn't tell Avians and kept to himself, before finally answering her.

"I don't know, just let them think what they want. Only you and I know the truth," Adrian replied as he kissed Avians forehead then gently rubbed her head.

"Yes, you're right. They never know what's behind someone's true heart. Including what about our relationship."

She was confused, why would they think that just because Sarah did not approve of Adrian's relationship with her?

Shouldn't they think that it meant she and Adrian loved each other enough to not care about Sarah's blessing on them?

Or... had the Avians been thinking the wrong way about all this?

Could it be that all this time...

"You don't have to think about it, as long as you still feel the love I give you, it's enough for me."

As the two of them were making out, a man walked into Adrian's room to give his report. It was Rhino, Adrian's secretary whom they had met at the door.

"Mr. Adrian, the report before today's meeting--"

He gasped at the sight of Avians sitting on her husband's lap, both of them looking like they had just made out when they had not.

Avians was also startled and intended to stand up, but Adrian's left hand wrapped around her waist, restraining her body.

"Alright, bring it here so I can see it," Adrian said.

Rhino walked over and placed the document on Adrian's desk, while Avians buried her face in her husband's neck to cover her flushed face.

Adrian chuckled and read the report in his hand. Avians slowly glanced at the paper the man was holding. There were so many charts and writings that she didn't understand what they meant.

Since Adrian had a meeting coming up, he told the Avians to go home by themselves since meetings could sometimes last two hours.

"Alright, I'll go home first. Keep up the good work," Avians kissed Adrian's cheek and walked out of the CEO's office.

Together with her two personal female bodyguards, Avians entered the car to go home. She was very happy after traveling around that day.

When the car had just left the company, it suddenly stopped. She thought there might be someone crossing the road or something.

However, when she saw the driver of Adrian's car open the window and have a short chat with someone, she had a feeling that something was up.

The car made a U-turn and went in the opposite direction of Adrian's house.

"Mr. Dombu, where are we going?" she asked worriedly.

But the man didn't answer and continued driving the car to a place. At the side of the road when the car stopped, two women opened the car door and forcibly pulled Avians out of the car.

Scared, Avians followed them and they took her to a café there. Avians was pulled inside until finally at one of the seats he saw a ginger-haired woman waiting for her.

"No need to be afraid, I'm not here to do anything bad to you. Have a seat," she said.

Avians was hesitant to be there, let alone sit with the woman. Considering Adrian had forbidden her from seeing the woman, especially when he wasn't there.

But since she was guarded by two of the woman's subordinates, Avians had no choice but to obey what the woman told her.

She sat down and stared uncertainly.

"Yes, mother-in-law."