Chereads / The Devil Emperor From A Bloody Nobody / Chapter 39 - Shadows and Schemes: Chapter 39 History

Chapter 39 - Shadows and Schemes: Chapter 39 History

"Boy, I think it's time I told you some things," the girl said as she walked back to the giant wolf and gracefully sat down. At that moment, the wolf also opened its golden eyes, intently staring at Idiot.

idiot didn't understand what the girl intended to do. Although she had healed him, he had never seen anyone treat a wound like that. The people in the pharmacies and hospitals certainly never did it that way. 

Thinking about the unknown secrets of the girl, his just lowered alert went up again. He held the baby girl tightly in his arms and looked straight at the young girl.

The gentle smile under the white cloak disappeared, replaced by a voice that was serious and authoritative. The girl picked up a handful of sand and raised her hand about five centimeters above the ground, then let go. The grains of sand fell, but to the surprise, they did not return to the ground. Instead, they coalesced into a monster with the tail of a scorpion, the legs of a spider, and the head of a snake.

"This creature may seem like an illusion, but it does exist. And It is as big as a small mountain. Eight hundred years ago, sorts of monsters like that swept across half of The Continent of Sorrow.

, causing the greatest disaster since the destruction of the last epoch."

Idiot silently watched the menacing creature, unsure of what the girl was trying to convey.

"This monster was so powerful that the people of The Continent of Sorrow took a long time and paid a great price to eradicate it. As a result, fifty-three countries were destroyed, and tens of millions died. Even decades after the monster was killed, many countries failed to recover due to destruction, famine, and poverty after the war."

"It's a very tragic history, but more unfortunately, there were many of these monsters."

The girl grabbed another handful of sand and dust, and scattered it into the air. The falling sand and dust formed many illusions of strange creatures that roamed the cave.

"Based on the standards of humans, these magical beasts are roughly divided into ten levels. From the lowest level beasts to the highest, the legendary magical beasts, their numbers are arranged in a pyramid shape. But what I want to say is that during the second Era, right up to its end, there was never a situation where so many powerful magical beasts born and roamed like now."

"The last battle of the second Era was indescribable. The ferocity of the fight and the heavy casualties can't even be imagined."

At this point, the girl's cloak fluttered slightly, and her gaze seemed to glance at Idiot's right arm.

"Although humanity emerged victorious from that battle, some powers that should not have existed in this world slipped out of control as the enemy's commander was sealed, spilling out from another dimension, corroding this world. "

"Many creatures were infected and subsequently mutated. Even after more than a thousand years, although the mass appearance of legendary magical beasts is no often, even ordinary beasts continuously turn to magical beast and become a threat to human existence."

Idiot looked down, wondering why the girl felt the need to tell him all this.

"Child, do you know why I am telling you these things?"

With a release of her hand, the dust creatures disappeared, settling back to the ground quietly as dust.

"Because you are totally like a wild beast."

"In my eyes, you are no different from a beast wandering alone in the cold wilderness, looking for prey. It is precise because a beast has no pride, no sense of morality, everything is only for survival, thus it craves power and cannot resist the temptation of those 'powers that should not exist.'"

The gaze from under the cloak was now uncompromising, staring at Idiot's right arm as if sensing something, and the bloody pupil of the sword opened widely in response to the young girl.

"But people are not, and shouldn't be, beasts. I truly hope you don't follow in the footsteps of your 'predecessors.' I do not wish to see you lose yourself one day and become something more difficult to deal with than a legendary magical beast."

With a snort, an echo of a cold laugh followed loudly: "Endless bullshit (In the unknown ancient language) ."

The gaze under the cloak was as deep as the starry sky: " … I do not want to seal you again. Not for you, but to save the child you've contracted with (In the unknown ancient language)."

The evil voice laughed coldly again and fell silent.

The girl lifted her head, and as her gaze shifted from the sword to the boy, her expression turned from cold to gentle once more.

"But child, you also have the right to choose, don't you?"
