Chereads / Buy My Husband / Chapter 25 - I Do

Chapter 25 - I Do

As she walked down the aisle, the view before her was nothing short of breathtaking. The church was adorned with elegant floral arrangements, casting a soft and romantic ambiance. The sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the wooden pews. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement, as friends and family eagerly awaited the union of two souls.

Her gown was a vision of pure elegance and grace. The flowing white fabric falls down in a gentle cascade, adorned with delicate lace and intricate beadwork. The bodice hugged her figure perfectly, accentuating her curves, while the skirt was filled with layers of ethereal tulle. The veil floated behind her, adding an elegant touch to her ensemble. Every detail, from the intricate embroidery to the shimmering embellishments, spoke of timeless beauty and sophistication.

As she made her way towards the altar, all eyes were on her. The guests couldn't help but be captivated by her ethereal beauty. The tears of joy welled up in her eyes, but she fought to hold them back, not wanting to smudge her carefully applied makeup. Her gaze shifted to her father, who looked at her with immense pride and love, his smile radiating warmth and support. Her mother, overcome with emotion, couldn't hold back her tears as her daughter drew closer to the altar. This was the day she had been eagerly anticipating, and it was finally here.

The atmosphere was filled with a mix of awe, admiration, and envy. People couldn't help but be envious of her, as she was about to marry the man who was adored by many. The room was filled with whispered compliments and gasps of admiration as she continued her slow and graceful walk, each step bringing her closer to her dreams becoming a reality.

As she reached the altar, her soon-to-be husband stood before her in a dashing suit, gazing at her with a deep and unmistakable love. A single tear escaped from his eye, which he swiftly wiped away, trying to hide his nerves behind a smile. He had envisioned this moment countless times, but the reality surpassed all his expectations. 

The priest stood before the couple, his voice resonating through the sacred space of the church. His words carried a sense of solemnity and reverence as he began the script of the church wedding ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of God and these witnesses to join together Andrew Collins and Kelly Levine in holy matrimony. Marriage is a sacred bond, a union of two souls, a commitment to love, honor, and cherish one another for all the days of their lives."

He continued with the traditional vows, guiding Andrew and Kelly through their promises of love and devotion. The priest's voice held a gentle authority, his words carrying the weight of tradition and the blessings of the divine.

"Do you, Andrew Collins, take Kelly Levine to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?"

Andrew, his voice filled with emotion, responded, "I do."

The priest then turned to Kelly, asking, "Do you, Kelly Levine, take Andrew Collins to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?"

With tears of joy in her eyes, Kelly answered, "I do."

The priest's voice carried a sense of blessing and solemnity as he pronounced, "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now seal your vows with a kiss."

And as Andrew and Kelly shared their first kiss as husband and wife, the church filled with applause and joyous celebration, witnessing the union of their souls embarking on a lifelong journey of love and commitment.

"Andrea!" Aunt Rosemary's scream pierced through the air, her hands trembling as they covered her mouth in shock. 

In an instant, Kelly's dream world shattered like fragile glass, reality crashing back into focus at the sound of Aunt Rosemary's cry. Her heart raced as she looked upon the devastating scene before her. Andrea, lay motionless on the ground, blood staining the once pristine surface.

Her eyes widened in sheer terror as the weight of the situation crashed down upon her. "I didn't mean to push her!" Kelly's voice trembled with fear and disbelief, her words filled with remorse.

"Help! Someone, please call a doctor!" Aunt Rosemary's voice pleaded desperately, tears streaming down her face as she grappled with the overwhelming shock of the accident.

Kelly's knees gave way beneath her, and she collapsed to the floor, her body trembling with a mixture of fear, guilt, and confusion. Unconsciously, she bit down on her finger, the pain serving as a stark reminder of the gravity of the situation. She felt a whirlwind of emotions swirling within her, anger mingling with regret. She had only wanted to vent her frustrations and hurt Andrea, but she never intended for it to escalate to a point where it would endanger her life and that of her unborn child.

As Kelly sat on the floor, her mind raced with a flood of thoughts and emotions. She was consumed by a deep sense of remorse and regret, her heart heavy with the weight of the consequences of her actions. She had allowed her anger to blind her, never realizing the potential harm it could cause.

Aunt Rosemary, overcome with anguish, knelt beside Andrea's motionless body, her hands trembling as she gently cradled her head. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered prayers for her well-being, the weight of guilt and sorrow pressing upon her.

Time seemed to stand still as they waited for help to arrive. Kelly's thoughts were a jumble of confusion and disbelief. How had everything spiraled out of control so quickly? She never wanted this outcome, never intended for it to come to this. She felt a profound sense of loss and a deep longing for a chance to turn back time and undo the irreversible damage.

Her foot tapped anxiously on the floor, a nervous rhythm echoing her racing thoughts. Kelly knew she needed to find a way out of this situation, or Andrew would surely hold her responsible. With a surge of desperation, she quickly rose to her feet, releasing crocodile tears that streamed down her face.

"Oh no! Andrea!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with feigned anguish as she hurriedly descended the stairs. "Why?" her voice cracked with a mixture of grief and accusation, directed towards the lifeless figure on the ground. The servants, responding to Aunt Rosemary's pleas for help, looked on in shock at Kelly's emotional outburst.

"Why did you do this?" she cried out, her voice trembling with a mix of sorrow and anger. "Why did you purposely throw yourself down the stairs just to place the blame on me?"

The servants exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of disbelief and confusion. Kelly's words hung in the air, casting a shadow of doubt over the tragic scene.

"Why did you have to hurt your baby?" Kelly continued to sob, her voice filled with heartbreak. "How could this have happened?"

Reacting swiftly, one of the servants reached for the phone, urgently dialing for an ambulance. Meanwhile, Aunt Rosemary remained by Andrea's side, cradling her head with trembling hands, desperately trying to provide comfort and support in the midst of the chaos.

The wailing sirens of the ambulance reverberated through the surroundings, capturing the attention of the lifeless reporters who had been ready to call it a day. Suddenly energized, they quickly gathered their equipment and rushed towards the scene. The security guard swiftly opened the gate, allowing the ambulance to pass through.

Aunt Rosemary called over one of the servants, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself. "Lina, I will go with Andrea to the hospital. Make sure that no one says a word about what happened here. We cannot add more stress to our master's already troubled situation."

Lina nodded, fully understanding the gravity of the situation. The villa had been in a state of chaos ever since the scandal broke, and the last thing they needed was further complications.

"The police may come to investigate," Aunt Rosemary continued, her voice firm. "Do not let anyone tamper with the scene. Preserve everything as it is."

Upon hearing these instructions, Kelly's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with a mix of fear and desperation. How would she navigate the accusations that were bound to come, especially from the media waiting eagerly outside? The weight of the impending scrutiny felt suffocating.

As the paramedics entered the villa, Kelly followed closely behind, her tears still streaming down her face. She watched anxiously as they swiftly attended to Andrea, who remained unconscious. Determined to divert attention away from herself, Kelly made a split-second decision. As the paramedics lifted Andrea into the ambulance, she intentionally let her body go limp, acting as if she had fainted. The paramedic tapped her face forcefully, but she remained committed to her act, hoping it would shield her from further suspicion.

"How is she?" Chester rushed down the hallway, his heart pounding in his chest as he approached Alyssa, who was unable to control her tears.

"She's still inside," Alyssa replied, wiping away her tears and gesturing towards the closed door of the operating room. They all stood outside, anxiously waiting for any news, desperately hoping for a positive outcome.

Alice, furrowing her brows, looked at Chester with confusion. "Who is this guy?" she asked, her tone filled with curiosity.

"That's your daughter's high school ex-boyfriend," Grandma Beatrice answered, her annoyance evident in her voice. She was growing tired of his presence and the complications it seemed to bring.

"What?" Alice exclaimed, rising from her seat in surprise and disbelief.

"Mom, please calm down," Alyssa intervened, walking over to her and gently guiding her back to her seat. "He's just a friend of Andrea's. He's also Andrew's best friend."

Chester's eyes filled with confusion as he tried to comprehend how they knew about his past relationship with Andrea. It had been years since they broke up, and he couldn't fathom why it would become an issue now, in such a critical moment.

Just then, a figure slowly rose from the cold floor. It was Andrew. Chester rushed towards him, wanting to ask if he was okay, but before he could utter a word, Andrew looked at him with a sense of betrayal in his eyes.

"Why did I not know about this?" Andrew questioned, his gaze filled with bewilderment.

"Bro, I can explain. I can tell you everything," Chester pleaded, gripping Andrew's arm. "But right now, this isn't the right time for that. We need to focus on Andrea and your baby's well-being." 

Andrew's hands slowly released their grip on Chester's, sliding away from his grasp. The weight of the betrayal settled heavily upon him, disbelief etched across his face. Best friends were supposed to share everything, and yet Chester had kept this secret from him. Despite his own past rejection of Andrea during their high school days, Andrew believed he deserved to be informed when Chester made a move on her.

As the doctor emerged from the operating room, time seemed to stretch out in agonizing slowness. All heads turned towards him, their collective breaths held in anticipation. They walked towards him, their footsteps heavy with fear, waiting for his announcement that would determine Andrea's fate.

"We did our best. I'm sorry," the doctor's voice echoed, his head shaking with regret.

The sound of his words became muffled in Andrew's ears as a wave of emotions washed over him. Alyssa's hands flew to cover her mouth, tears streaming down her face in a torrent of despair. Chester ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, his face etched with helplessness. Grandma Beatrice held her head as if it might fall, the weight of the situation pressing down upon her. Alice, fueled with anger, took a step forward, but her husband Nicholas quickly moved to stop her, his hand gently restraining her.

And in that suspended moment, the fate of Andrea hung in the balance, leaving everyone in hope and despair. Andrew's world crumbled around him. The weight of the news settled upon him like a heavy fog, leaving him walking on the edge of an emotional abyss.

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