Chereads / Buy My Husband / Chapter 8 - New Strategy

Chapter 8 - New Strategy

"How to Make a Man Fall for Me," Ella laughed as she read the content on my phone. "I didn't know that M s. Hart would see this as a problem."

We were on a break, and she stood behind me. "Well, I'm also human. I have things that bother me too."

She grabbed the chair across from me. "Stop reading that stupid blog. You can ask me in person. I have solid experience when it comes to love, Ms. Hart!" she boasted.

"You can call me Andrea," I smiled, wanting to ask for her advice.

"So, what's the story?" she raised her eyebrow and leaned over. "Don't tell me this story comes from a friend of yours." She teased me.

Feeling shy, I joined her. "Yes, this is a story about my friend," I laughed. "She wants to win over a guy who likes another girl. She's been chasing him for years, but to no avail."

"Hmm... interesting story," Ella smiled. "Well, here's what you need to do: Ignore him."

"What?" I choked as I sipped on my juice.

"You've been chasing him for years, so he's gotten used to it. This time, ignore him. Do not show him love. Find another guy and use him to make him jealous."

"I don't know," I said, contemplating the effectiveness of her advice.

"This is the most effective way to get his attention," she assured me.

As I drove past a familiar area, a sense of curiosity pulled me towards a familiar destination. I looked for a parking spot, and I got out of the car. I found myself walking along a stone path in the park. Memories flooded back as I strolled, and the gentle breeze carried the smell of fresh grass.

This park held a special meaning for me, as it was a place where I had many unforgettable moments. But the story of my parents added complexity to this already nostalgic place. My mom, Alice, came from a rich family and wasn't used to living a simple life. She fell in love with my dad, Nicholas, who came from an ordinary family. Her family didn't approve of their relationship, so they disowned her.

My dad had been working at an insurance company and was thriving in his career when they decided to tie the knot. However, his desire to provide a better life for my mother led him down a treacherous path. Temptation got the better of him, and he became involved in insurance fraud, resulting in his dismissal from the job he once excelled in. With no stable income, he turned to gambling in a desperate attempt to make ends meet.

We lived in a poor area next to the park. The park boasted a magnificent pond, a vibrant playground, and a meticulously maintained garden adorned with an array of colorful flowers. The centerpiece was a majestic fountain, its cascading water providing a soothing soundtrack to the park's serene atmosphere. The walking path, lined with lush green grass, invited families to spread out their picnic blankets and revel in the beauty of nature.

As I continued my stroll through the park, a flood of memories washed over me, including a fond recollection of a friendship from my younger days. I had made a special friend here, and we had made a promise to meet again. However, life got in the way, and I was unable to fulfill that promise. I couldn't help but wonder where my friend might be now.

"What a coincidence!" Chester exclaimed, coming to a sudden stop as soon as he caught sight of me. His athletic figure, with a lean build and defined muscles, showcased his dedication to fitness. His dark hair was neatly combed, and his bright smile lit up his face as he recognized me. It was a delightful surprise to see him in the park, and we couldn't help but marvel at the serendipity of our reunion.

"What are you doing here?" Chester asked, his curiosity evident in his tone.

"I just missed this place," I replied, a touch of nostalgia in my voice.

Curiosity piqued, Chester took my hand and led me to a nearby bench. We sat down, and I found myself swaying my feet with a smile as I reminisced. "I used to live near this area when I was a kid," I shared.

"Really?" Chester took a sip from his water bottle, his eyes filled with intrigue. "I live in this area too. How come I've never met you here before?" he wondered aloud.

"Perhaps it's because it was such a long time ago," I explained, gesturing towards the towering condominium that now occupies the land where my childhood home once stood. "We used to live here, but someone took over our land, so we had to move elsewhere. Who knows? Maybe we crossed paths before, but we simply didn't recognize each other's faces." I chuckled, the possibility of crossing our paths in the past bringing a sense of amusement.

He smiled back at me, his expression filled with warmth and affection. But then, his face suddenly changed, a hint of sadness creeping into his eyes. "How are you doing, Drew?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"I'm okay," I replied, forcing a laugh to mask the sensitivity of the situation.

He tenderly placed his hands on my head, gently brushing through my hair. "Andrew has always been blind," he whispered softly. "He never saw how incredible of a person you are."

Blushing, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness, and I looked away. "Did you see her?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"Yeah," he said, removing his hand from my head with a heavy sigh. "She looks exactly like you."

I let out a quiet "hmmm" in agreement, my heart sinking a little further.

"He constantly rejected you back then, but he ended up falling in love with a girl who bears a striking resemblance to you," he said, his disappointment evident.

"Maybe he was waiting for her all along," I whispered, a bittersweet smile forming on my lips. "That's why he was always so irritated by my presence, because I looked exactly like her." Tears welled up in my eyes, and I couldn't hold them back any longer. "I'm just a substitute," I sobbed, the pain of the realization overwhelming me. The tears flowed freely, and I couldn't control my emotions any longer.

Chester, understanding my heartache, wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace. I could feel his sincerity as he held me tighter, offering me solace in that moment of vulnerability. I cried and cried, allowing myself to pour out all the hurt and sadness that had been building up inside me.

"Why don't you accept her?" Chester asked Andrew, their voices echoing across the school field as they practiced soccer for their upcoming match. "She's smart, athletic, talented, and attractive. She has it all!"

Andrew, focused on their passing drills, replied nonchalantly, "If you like her, you can date her." He continued with the drills, seemingly unfazed.

Seeking confirmation, Chester locked eyes with his best friend. "Can I?" he asked, hoping for a clear answer.

Andrew paused briefly, contemplating his response. "It's up to you, bro. I don't see why I should care."

Chester couldn't help but smile at his friend's casual reply. "Don't regret it," he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

"I'm sorry! I got carried away," I apologized to Chester, my voice shaky as I realized I had been crying into his arms. His shirt was now damp with my tears.

"Don't worry, I'm used to it!" he teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Chester had always been a pillar of support for me. He was there through every heartache, apologizing on behalf of Andrew whenever he hurt me. He was more than just a classmate and a friend. He had seen every side of me, the good and the bad.

"I hope your girlfriend won't be mad if she sees us like this," I playfully teased him, attempting to divert the conversation.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't have a girlfriend. I'm still waiting for you," he said, his smile genuine.

My heart skipped a beat, caught off guard by his response. I wasn't sure if he was joking or being serious, but one thing was certain: he was someone I could rely on, someone I could be completely honest with. I felt incredibly fortunate to have met him.

As we made our way to the parking lot, I noticed a group of kids practicing karate nearby. "Kids are so adorable," Chester remarked, his eyes filled with fondness.

A wave of memories washed over me. Growing up in poverty, I was no stranger to facing adversity and getting into fights with other kids. From a young age, I learned to defend myself through firsthand experience. I didn't want to be bullied; I wanted to protect myself and the people I cared about.

There was one incident that stood out in my mind. I had come across a little boy who was being cornered by bigger kids in the park. Without hesitation, I stepped in to defend him, but in the process, I ended up getting hit and bruised. When I returned home, our neighbor Rocco, who worked at a judo club called Warrior's Way, noticed my injuries. He looked at me with a hint of judgment and asked, "What will you be when you grow up?"

I stared back at him defiantly, silently conveying that his assumption was wrong.

"Kid, do you want to be stronger?" Rocco's tone softened, and his gaze held a glimmer of hope. "Come here tomorrow."

In the years that followed, Rocco became my mentor, teaching me the art of judo. He didn't ask for payment for his lessons. Instead, recognizing my talent and dedication, he asked me to pass on my knowledge by teaching other kids in the park.

A nostalgic smile played on my lips as I remembered that moment. Chester looked at me with curiosity, his eyes filled with warmth. "Did something funny come to mind?" he asked, intrigued by the expression on my face.

I laughed. "Do you remember that incident near the school gate?"

His eyes lit up at the memory of our high school days.

I befriended the drama club president and asked for their help with a plan. On my way home from class, I told them to act like they were bullying me. The idea was that when Andrew walked by, he would come to my rescue like a hero. 

But things didn't go as planned. The actors were ready to take action, grabbing my hands, and I started screaming for help. Andrew and Chester, who had just left the school, turned to look at me. Chester rushed to help, leaving Andrew confused.

Suddenly, a black van screeched to a halt. Two masked men tried to kidnap Andrew. The cast observed the scene, their minds filled with uncertainty, questioning, "Is this all part of the plan?" My brows furrowed as I ceased my screams, perplexed by the unexpected turn of events.

The two masked men tightly gripped Andrew, forcefully guiding him towards the waiting van. "Who are you? Where are you taking me?" he demanded, his voice filled with defiance as he fought against their hold.

Without a second thought, I raced towards Andrew, my determination propelling me forward. With a swift kick, I struck the first assailant's leg, causing him to stumble and lose his balance. Chester followed me and swiftly delivered a powerful punch to the face of the other kidnapper. 

"Did you get hurt?" I asked Andrew, my voice filled with worry. Before he could respond, a third assailant emerged from the van, their intentions clear. They aimed to grab me and push me aside, attempting to get hold of Andrew. 

But Andrew saw the danger approaching. With remarkable reflexes, he raised his hands in the air, using his left hand to deflect the assailant's attack and delivering a powerful punch to their stomach with his right hand.

The driver of the van, sensing the situation turning against them, shouted to the assailants, commanding them to depart. Ready to make their escape, they hastily obeyed. The students who witnessed the commotion stood in awe, marveling at our bravery and courage.

"What were you thinking?" Andrew yelled at me, leaving me speechless and bewildered by the unexpected turn of events.

My plan to act like a damsel in distress had been completely upended. I had hoped to appear cute and helpless, but fate had other ideas. Through my bravery and Chester's unwavering support, I gained recognition at school and was even invited to join martial arts clubs. Despite these accomplishments, Andrew still saw me as a cunning person, and our relationship remained strained.

"Drew, can you drop me in the office?" he asked me. "I didn't bring my car."

"Sure, it's on my way." I replied.

As we arrived at the entrance of Vanguard Holdings, Chester, who worked as the Financial Director in the company, directed me to wait for him in the nearby coffee shop. "Wait for me in the coffee shop," he said, pointing to the shop beside the building. "My treat," he added with a bright smile.

"It should be my treat," I insisted, feeling embarrassed for interrupting his jog earlier. He went inside the building, and I prepared to drive away when I heard a familiar voice.

"Oh, look who's here?" It was Penelope Voss, the woman who wants to 'buy' my husband.

"I've heard the rumors, darling," she said, looking at me with a mocking smile. She leaned on the car, scanning my face, clearly aiming to embarrass me. "What happened to the so-called mutual love you've been boasting about?"

"I don't have time for you," I replied dismissively, determined not to let her get under my skin.

She laughed loudly and continued to taunt me. "If you had accepted my offer, you wouldn't be feeling regret right now."

"I am still married, and as I've said before, no one can take my man," I said firmly, reaffirming my commitment to my marriage. I was determined not to give up on our relationship, convincing myself that there was still hope.

We heard a car honking from behind, signaling for me to move out of the way. I left Penelope with a poker face, trying to show that her taunts had no effect on me. Deep down, though, I couldn't deny the sting of her words.

"Sorry for the wait," Chester apologized as he took a seat in the chair across from me. He had changed into a suit with a crisp white shirt underneath, looking quite attractive. I sipped my latte, gazing out of the glass window at the people passing by. Chester raised his hand, catching the attention of the waiter to place his order.

"Thank you for accompanying me today," I expressed my gratitude to him for consoling me earlier.

"What's your plan?" he asked, hinting at the topic of my divorce.

"Just keep moving forward, I suppose," I replied, still contemplating Ella's advice about making my husband jealous. I took a bite of the chocolate cake in front of me, lost in thought.

"Do you need my help?" Chester inquired, his concern evident in his voice.

I put on a smile, trying to mask the weight of my emotions. "I don't want to burden you," I replied, my gaze still fixed on the outside world passing by.

"Thank you," Chester said to the waiter as he placed his coffee on the table.

Suddenly, I pressed his hand, causing him to startle. "I think I might actually need your help!" I exclaimed.

He raised an eyebrow, curious about my sudden change in demeanor. "What do you need me to do?" he asked.

"Quickly, hold my face and smile at me!" I commanded, a mischievous glint in my eyes.

Without hesitation, Chester followed my lead. "Look at me lovingly in the eyes," I continued, my smile growing wider. I held his hand tightly, maintaining eye contact with him. "Talk to me while you smile."

I wondered how he would react. Would he come into the coffee shop to confront me? Or would he pretend not to see me? The seconds felt like an eternity as Andrew's gaze lingered on us. The world around us seemed to fade away, leaving only the three of us in that moment of uncertainty and possibility.

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