Chereads / Buy My Husband / Chapter 20 - Heartbeat

Chapter 20 - Heartbeat

My breath caught in my throat as I laid eyes on my ex-husband's face. How had he found me here? His brows furrowed as he approached me. He turned to the nurse and coldly stated, "I'm with her."

The nurse nodded in acknowledgment and continued leading us towards the ultrasound room.

Curiosity brimming in his voice, Andrew turned to the doctor and asked, "What is that sound?"

The doctor smiled and replied, "That is your baby's heartbeat."

A flicker of excitement danced in Andrew's eyes, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of indescribable emotions within me as we listened to the rhythmic sound. This is our baby, a precious creation born from the love we once shared.

No, it is important to acknowledge that this baby was created out of Andrew's responsibilities, and he did play his part in this journey. Nevertheless, it serves as a reminder to myself not to set my expectations too high, understanding that his involvement may be limited to his responsibilities.

Yet, as I reflect on the circumstances, I can't help but recognize that this little life is ultimately a testament to my love alone.

As we walked out of the room, I expressed my gratitude to Andrew for accompanying me despite his busy schedule. 

"Thank you for accompanying me," I said to him sincerely. With a slight nod, I continued, "You may go now. I'll have to go to the pharmacy to pick up this prescription." Turning my back to him, I prepared to head towards the pharmacy, appreciating his presence but also wanting to handle the next task on my own.

To my surprise, he reached out and gently held my arm, his voice calm as he said, "I'll go. Wait in the car."

A smile formed on my lips as I watched him walk away, his steps disappearing into the distance. It was moments like these that reminded me that beneath Andrew's often cold exterior, there lay a warm heart.

A memory from high school suddenly flashed through my mind. I recalled an incident involving Oliver, a school bully at the time.

Oliver had placed his hands on my shoulders, locking eyes with me as he uttered condescendingly, "Don't worry, I have a soft spot for people like you."

Confused, I questioned, "People like me? What do you mean?"

He sneered sarcastically, "Yeah, poor people like you who want to catch the attention of every rich guy. Isn't that why you're so persistent in pursuing Andrew? Because his family owns a multinational company?"

Anger and disbelief surged within me upon hearing his words. Without hesitation, I swiftly removed his hands from my shoulders and retaliated by delivering a swift kick to his leg. He groaned in pain, attempting to retaliate, but I skillfully countered with a shoulder throw, leaving him on the ground, writhing in agony.

The following day, a group of bullies from another school awaited me outside the school gate.

"Is it you?" one of the bullies queried, approaching two female students who had just exited the gate. The girls shook their heads and hastily fled.

Another bully confronted a male student, placing his hand against the student's shoulder, and asked, "Are you Drew?"

"N-no. No!" the student stammered, quickly removing his hands and disappearing.

The leader of the bullies bellowed at his comrades, dragging his baseball bat along the ground to create a menacing noise. "Find him!"

"Yes, boss!"

Another bully approached Andrew, questioning, "Are you Drew?"

With an irritated expression, Andrew responded, "What if I am?"

"We found him!" the bully declared, signaling the discovery of their target.

He forcefully dragged Andrew into a vacant park situated beside the school.

Irritated, Andrew rolled his eyes, his patience wearing thin. "What do you want?" he asked, his voice laced with annoyance.

The leader of the group sneered, "Huh? Don't you understand what's happening here? It's you against the seven of us." He let out a mocking laugh. "How dare you show such boredom?"

Crossing his arms, Andrew replied, irritation evident in his tone. "Why are you looking for me?"

The leader's expression turned serious as he exclaimed, "Our dear friend, Oliver, is still recovering because of the beating he received from you yesterday!"

"I don't know what you're-" Andrew began to say, but then a realization slowly dawned upon him. His voice trailed off. It must have been Andrea's doing. 

"Now it makes sense," he muttered under his breath. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to fit.

Clenching his fist, "We won't let you leave unscathed," the leader declared, his voice filled with malice. "Take him down!" he commanded his companions, preparing for a confrontation.

As students entered the school gate, murmurs of conversation filled the air. "I heard he got beaten yesterday by seven people," one student remarked.

Curiosity piqued, another student inquired, "Why? Did he offend someone?"

The first student shrugged, replying, "I don't know. But I saw the bullies asking who Drew was yesterday."

In that moment, it struck me with a pang of realization. Andrew had been assaulted by Oliver's friends because of me. The weight of guilt settled upon my shoulders, and I couldn't help but feel responsible for the consequences of my actions.

As Andrew opened the car door, he handed me the prescription with a stoic expression. "Here," he said curtly.

"Thank you, Drew," I replied, mustering a smile of gratitude.

Andrew cast an indifferent glance at our driver, Rob, who returned the gaze with a knowing look. Nodding in understanding, Rob reassured, "I will exercise caution on the road, sir."

During our journey back home, Rob playfully remarked while looking at me through the rearview mirror, "Young master didn't disappoint you, did he?" It was evident that he was pleasantly surprised by Andrew's presence at the hospital to accompany me for the prenatal check-up.

Smiling at Rob's comment, I replied, "It must be Aunt Rosemary who told him." I assumed that Aunt Rosemary had reached out to Andrew and informed him about the appointment, prompting him to join me.

"It must have been Aunt Rosemary who told him," I assumed, grateful for her wisdom and guidance in ensuring the well-being of our baby.

Nodding in agreement, Rob chimed in, "She must have emphasized how a mother's mood can impact the well-being of the baby."

I smiled back at Rob, but deep down, a twinge of guilt tugged at my conscience.

"Come out!" The voice belonged to Kelly, and I couldn't help but wonder what I had done wrong. I had been peacefully seated on my bedside, engrossed in a book. Setting it aside on the side table, I approached the door and opened it.

"Is something the matter?" I inquired, my voice laced with confusion.

"Clean my room," she commanded, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.

My brows furrowed, taken aback by her request. "I can ask one of the servants to take care of it for you," I suggested, hoping to find a compromise.

"No! I want you to clean my room," she insisted, her determination unwavering.

"Why does it have to be me?" I questioned, my confusion deepening.

Mockingly, she smirked and retorted, "Who do you think you are? Do you still believe yourself to be the young madam of the Collins family? Do you think you can idly spend your days here?" Her laughter filled the air. "You're living and eating here for free. Have you no shame?"

Rather than engaging in a futile argument, I decided against further provoking her. Instead, I chose to comply with her command. After all, it was merely a matter of cleaning.

As I cautiously pushed open the door to the master's bedroom, my eyes widened in astonishment. The room was in a state of disarray, as if a whirlwind had swept through. Clothes were strewn across the bed, couch, and scattered haphazardly on the floor. The closet doors hung open, revealing a chaotic scene as if a burglar had ransacked it. Shoes, accessories, and makeup items were scattered about, creating a minefield of clutter. 

To my dismay, I noticed that the books from the shelves had been carelessly taken out and dumped onto Andrew's table. These were his cherished favorites, untouched by anyone else until now. The sight pained me, knowing that their once pristine order had been disrupted so callously.

Curiosity led me to venture into the bathroom, only to find it in a state of neglect. Hair and dirt covered the surfaces, evidence of deliberate negligence. It was clear that Kelly had intended to make this task as challenging as possible, leaving no corner untouched by her mischief.

A mix of frustration and determination welled up within me. Despite her attempt to make it difficult, I resolved to tackle the mess with patience and diligence. It was a test of my resilience and ability to rise above the petty provocations. With a deep breath, I steeled myself for the task at hand, ready to restore order to the chaos that lay before me.

As the evening approached, I finally completed the arduous task of cleaning their room. Exhaustion washed over me, accompanied by the persistent grumbling of my stomach. Feeling lightheaded and in need of sustenance, I made my way to the kitchen, hoping to find Aunt Rosemary, who usually prepares meals at this time. However, my calls for her went unanswered. The kitchen was dimly lit, with only a few lights flickering in the distance.

Puzzled by the absence of any signs of activity, I wandered through the house, my footsteps echoing in the emptiness. Eventually, I reached the gate and approached the security guard, seeking answers. I inquired about the unusual silence that enveloped the house. 

With a knowing look, the security guard informed me that Kelly had taken all of the servants out for a meal. It seemed that I had been left behind, unaware of their plans. 

Disappointed and feeling a pang of hunger, I returned to the kitchen, hoping to find something to satiate my growling stomach. It was then that my eyes fell upon a cup of instant noodles. It wasn't the most satisfying meal, but it would have to suffice for the day. 

As I prepared the noodles, I made a silent promise to myself. Tomorrow, I vowed, I would treat myself to something truly delicious. 

"Look for a green mango, and make sure it's sour," Aunt Rosemary commanded the group of servants, her voice filled with determination. She was adamant about fulfilling my craving for something sour on this sunny afternoon.

Curious about the commotion, Andrew, who was resting on the pergola, asked Aunt Rosemary what was happening. Aunt Rosemary took a moment to explain the situation to him, detailing my intense desire for a specific taste.

Expressing his frustration, Andrew exclaimed, "How could she be such a bother!"

In response, Aunt Rosemary politely intervened, offering an explanation. "Young master, pregnant women often have cravings. It's important not to restrain them," she said calmly, trying to ease his concerns. "Don't worry, we are working on it. We will not disturb you." With those words, she excused herself from the conversation.

Andrew's frustration persisted, and he raised his voice with a mix of confusion and annoyance. "What food does she want?"

After a couple of hours, I found myself resting in bed when I heard a gentle knock on my door. As the door opened, my eyes met Andrew's, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in my heart. In his hands, he held a plastic bag containing unripe green mangoes. My eyes lit up at the sight of it, and I couldn't contain my excitement. My eyes lit up at the sight of it, and I couldn't contain my excitement.

Andrew's usual cold demeanor seemed to melt away as a small, tender smile formed at the corner of his lips. I couldn't help but be captivated by the genuine sincerity in his eyes.

With gratitude overflowing in my voice, I looked deeply into his eyes and said, "I appreciate it." The words carried a depth of sincerity, conveying my heartfelt appreciation for his thoughtful gesture. In that moment, I felt a profound connection between us, a romantic spark that brought us closer together.

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